To be a pet

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I woke up from the feeling of movement around me, I stayed still and opened my eyes anxiously. I glanced around as best I could without moving my head.

The strangest sensation tickled the back of my neck and I shuddered, the feeling almost like when dogs gently nibble an itch. The sensation stopped and arms pulled me backwards.

I cringed and waited nervously, the demon rolled me onto my back and pinned me down. I stared up at Wolf nervously, a quiet whimper leaving my throat. He let out a soft whine and scooped me up against himself, rolling onto his back and letting me lie on his stomach.

My head lolled slightly over his shoulder and I shivered nervously. Movement caught my attention and I glanced up to see my owner wriggling over, he licked my back, grooming me sleepily before turning his attention back to wolf and cuddling up against the other demon. He was purring while rubbing his head against Wolf's, who gently nibbled at master.

Did... I just confidently call him master? These times have changed me.... I did call him master without confidence before... This felt to natural.

I slowly moved my arms, uncomfortable with how they drooped over Wolf's sides. I could feel him slightly tense as I cuddled his neck, he quickly calmed as my... Master soothed him with some rapid licks along his muzzle.

I whined slightly, feeling my dry throat making each breath scratchy. Wolf pulled my body up from under my arms, I let go of his neck and stared down at his muzzle. His canines ready to.....

A fat pink tongue flopped out and swiped along my face, a surprised squeak coming from me. My owner moved slightly and began grooming me even more, his tongue slowly moving along my shoulders, chest and breasts. Wolf left wet lines of slobber along my face and neck.

I was lowered and my head fell softly against the pillows. Master moved some more and began grooming me with the fervent power of a mother cat. A strange mewl like sound left me, as master swiped over my butt and vagina. Wolf slowly rubbed the back of my head, the feeling pleasurable and calming, I hated how it slowly relaxed my hammering heart.

I never thought I'd hate anyone or thing being super diligent about caring for me, he spent far to long on every inch of my body, as if unwilling to leave a spot untouched. I tried not to flinch or move away at tickly or sensitive spots, as it only encouraged him to attack the spot more.

It was nearly a surprise when he stopped grooming me and moved on to Wolf. They moved me to the side and I watched them curiously. Wolf playfully began nipping at Master, inviting him to respond.

I watched them as they began to wrestle, I'd seen enough fighting of demons to understand it was playful. They wriggled around and the bed bounced, I shuffled as far away as possible as they rolled about. Cringing as they very nearly rolled right over me.

They paused and stroked my curled up form, letting out little chirps and whines. They soon moved away and continued wrestling before making some odd noises. I glanced up and watched them grind up against each other, I blushed and moved under the blankets to escape any whimpering moans I managed to catch.

After far to long for my liking, the movements stopped and I sighed quietly. I waited nervously, they moved about and seemed to walk around, leaving the room.

I peaked my head out from the blanket and looked around, confused on why I'd been left here. With a small burst of confidence, I slowly slid off the bed and stood awkwardly short next to it.

I limped around the mostly bare room, with a few drawers dotted about. I opened each one with a painfully scratchy sound, they were all empty.

My body felt weak as I stood around the room, I had expected to find something to help me. A nightgown would have been enough to make me feel better.

I huddled against the bed and waited, unsure when Master would come back in and let me have something to drink.

The sound of the door opening startled me, and I stared at it with fear, my ankle and face tingling from the shock they received last night. My owner walked in and immediately looked at me, a low intimidating sound came from him and I whimpered, huddling closer to the bed.

He paused and chirped quietly, moving towards me and kneeling down. He slowly rubbed his thumb along the sore part of my face, it probably has some bruising. He lifted me up from under my arms and carried me towards the slowly closing door.

I only grew more nervous, now completely terrified of any and all cat faced demons. He placed me on a hallway table and lifted my leg, I flinched as he touched my slightly swollen ankle. He seemed annoyed at the sight of it and I could only hope it's because he's my owner. Not because I will be useless and limp everywhere for a short time.

He lifted me once more and carried me outside, he placed me besides a bush outside and motioned at me. I looked around and waited nervously, I watched as he pointed to the bush then had one of his claws point far to close to my crotch.

I frowned and finally understood. With a quick glance around I hid my body behind the bush and squatted. He moved around to watch me, his intentions never seemed malicious, yet the lack of privacy he awarded me was beginning to chip away at my self confidence.

I did my business with a red face, not looking away from a single leaf on the bush. I finished and moved away from the spot, glancing around to make sure no other demons had witnessed me going to the toilet.

He lifted me once more and carried my defeated and limp body back inside onto the pet bed. I watched him  leave the room as I drank nearly all of the water.

He came back nearly as soon as he'd left, littering food into a second bowl and taking away the empty water bowl. I quickly began eating the pieces of fruit, the chaos of last night had severely depleted my limited energy supply. He came back with my water and messed up my hair in a gesture far to affectionate, which wasn't hard as I haven't had the chance to brush it.

He left me alone and I bowed my head slightly, now hating being left alone. Who knows when a crowd will walk in and hurt me again.

"Mika! You stay there!" Shouted my mother, I gaped in horror, my cheek sore from being slapped.

"There's not enough room, just try and die quick....".....

I snapped myself out of the memory, wiping the few traitorous tears that threatened to leave my eyes. At least my owner hasn't left me for dead, though he is one of the demons I had been left as a sacrifice for. He's been to soft to hurt me or eat me it's ok...

At least that's what I told myself to trick my mind into trusting him so that betrayal would hurt even more. I'm an affectionate fool it seems.

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