🌼Simple care🌼

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🌼A Purt is the word for the strange growling like noise Laven makes and a kilop area is basically the word for a pets privates🌼

I stared at my pet, she was sweating as Zen rubbed the cold cloth over her. He gave me a small smile, I feel my stomach knotting in concern, why does she look worse?!

"It's ok Laven, the Markeop told us that she'll get worse before she gets better. She must be sweating out all the toxins, let's just carry her to the bath, her hip seems to be bothering her worse though" hummed Zen, nodding to me and nuzzling me reassuringly.

I feel like I'm watching my new pet die though, I only recently captured her.

I had immediately been drawn to her fearful behaviour, she was just so adorable as she shook, I wanted to hold her and protect her. My Minnie.

"Are you ok?" Asked Zen softly, helping me back to the moment, I looked to the bathroom, resisting the urge to wash my hands for the hundredth time.

"Can we wash her now?" I asked, I wonder if baths scare her? Have I been that bad of an owner, that I never really considered it? By the Markeop telling me how fragile she...

"Laven, honey, as sweet as it that you're worried, I don't want to strain her to much, let's be quick washing off some of this sweat" spoke up Zen, he looks concerned for me. I nodded my head, following him through the hall.

People sat around watching tv, taking some well deserved rest. We took her to the pet bath area, she made the smallest and cutest whimper as Zen began rinsing her body. Her breathing fast and wheezy.

He gently rubbed a cloth over her body, whining in a soft, and worried way.

"I hate seeing her so sick" he told me. I frowned, seeing him so worried made me smile, loving what a wonderful person he is. I moved over, pulling him into me, gently resting my hand on top of his as we wiped her down.

Just like the Markeop said, our saundel seemed to begin improving drastically the next two days. Lifting her hands to Zen's as he held the bottle to her lips. Tears fell down her cheeks, I wonder why she's crying? The Markeop said saundels cry for many reasons.

He pulled the bottle away, examining her, my heart felt full. He's such an amazing person, I can never fully express just how much I love him.

He touched near her hip, she gasped and shoved his hand, stopping and looking up at him wide eyed, trembling a little. I pushed aside the brief annoyance at the behaviour, I understand she's hurting, she's not a bad girl.

"I'm sorry Minnie, I know it hurts little cutie, it's ok, you're not in trouble, it's ok to be sore" murmured Zen, he glanced at me.

"Good little Gedar baby" he added, giving me a cheeky look, I shook my head, holding back a laugh. He knows how to make me feel better.

I stepped closer, cuddling him from behind, grooming his neck and shoulders, they seem tense from worrying. I could feel him relaxing beneath my grooming and purring.

"She's so easily frightened, Minnie, you're precious... Laven, no matter what, I know the defensive instincts are hard to resist, but please relax more, I think she's to afraid to relax sometimes" he hummed, gently he laid her in his lap, stroking a hand over her rising and falling gut.

The Markeop said the same thing, I feel like a horrible owner. Saundels are fragile, scared animals, when they're not the aggressive and bad blooded type. Telling me that I have to try and not scold normal behaviour to much, or else it'll be to scared to do anything.

I flinched hearing her wail, glancing over his shoulder as he very carefully touched the sore hip, softly whining, trying to reassure her as he checked it, she flailed slightly, pushing his arm. She stopped again, he pulled his hand away, she trembled, seeming so scared.

"Good girl, I know that hurts, it's going to be sensitive for a little bit longer while it heals from the infection" he told her.

"She can't understand you, she's an animal" I chuckled, teasing him to help him feel a little better.

"Animals like being talked to, whether they understand or not" he mumbled softly, turning his head, his soft tongue stroking over my head, making me relax into him.

I closed my eyes partly, leaning into his back, purring and enjoying the attention, it's so calm and homely being groomed.

He dabbed a cold cloth over the sore hip, her whimper sounded so small and sad. She really is a very sad Saundel, the other pet saundel here is a lot more curious, though still nervous.

"Do you think it'll be ok if I groomed her? I just really need... To show her that she'll be ok" I mumbled, I don't want to stress her though with grooming.

"I think it should be fine sweetheart, just remember, she may react in pain, do your best to not get defensive" he told me, we shuffled about, laying in bed, her little weak body trembling still.

I gently moved over her, careful not to put any weight down.

I began grooming her face, the salty tears being wiped away. Grooming her more gently then usual, she had her eyes closed, trembling as I purred, I hope I'm not stressing her, but I need to do this. I need to comfort her.

Her soft skin much easier to groom then her hair. She still tasted salty, an odd taste from the earthy taste of Zen. I gently moved past her throat, she seems to get nervous about that spot, the slight rise of breath showing her stress.

I pulled away for a moment, it felt wrong to leave someone I love not fully groomed, but I looked to Zen for support. He nodded, encouraging me to continue.

I did so, purring, feeling the tension in her shoulders slowly loosen as I groomed them. Over her arms and hands, over the chest, she wasn't shaking anymore, my confidence rising.

She gasped, pushing me slightly, I took a deep breath catching myself before I could Purt out a scolding. Her shaking returned, her breaths more frantic, I'm glad I stopped myself, she looks so scared.

Zen whined grooming her by nibbling and licking her hair, moving to her neck to continue reassuring her with groomings.

I must have gotten to close to the sore area, I moved my grooming further away. I groomed over her kilop area, and down her legs, I was going to flip her over, to groom her back, but decided against it. To much movement for her delicate hip.

I moved up beside her, watching Zen lovingly as his teeth gently groomed against her, he's so wonderful, I couldn't ask for a better love.

"Please never leave me, I would be nothing without you" I murmured softly, he looked up from his grooming.

"I could never, you're the love of my life" he told me gently.

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