Chapter 18: 5 Stages of Grief

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"Oh Shit!"
Fruity yells as a knife just barley misses his face. We tried to get out of there as anybody. We tried our best to avoid anybody yakuza looking dudes because we knew they were looking for us. We were walking down the hallway that led to the backyard, but then these 2 dudes saw us, recognized us and blocked our path.
They both had black suits and they had the dead eyes. There was a small table at the hallway, on it was a lamp and a beer bottle. I grabbed the lamp and ran towards them and smashed it on one of the guys' faces. Fruity took the beer bottle and smashed it against the table corner to glass him. The dude swung at Fruity and missed. Fruity pinned him to the wall holding the broken glass to his face.

"What do you want from us?", Fruity asked with a kind of shaky voice.
"This doesn't concern you, this is between Fuan and Okawa."
"Fuan?", I yelled. "What does that bitch want from me now.
"She spotted you at the party and promised a reward if we could rough you up".
Damn, this is not good, I wasn't even invited to this. Out of frustration, I moved fruity out the way and banged the dude's head into the wall. I said to Fruity,

"I am very sorry for dragging you into this." Fruity replied
"Don't apologize, I was the one who brought you here, so what do we do know, we're standing over 2 yakuzas not a good look."
We decided to put the suits on and drag their bodies into the bushes outside at the backyard. We tried to leave around the back. We were so close but this guy stopped us.
"Where you guys going? You 2 are suppose to be looking for those 2 kids." He said.

"Oh oh my bad, I just went um, I forgot something at home." Fruity said.
"Yeah yeah that's all.", I said trying to back him up.
"Are you guys serious? Get your asses back inside." We did what he said looking down so he wouldn't know we're not the same guys.
"Wait, something isn't right come back." he said.
"Oh Fuck", Fruity said to himself. He looked at me like he was seizing himself and pointed at my shirt.
"What the hell is this?", he asked while pointing at the blood.
"Oh th-that's just red wine." I told him, I'm holding back tears at this point.
"Oh ok, doing a little bit of drinking, I see. Ok that's fine." He must've been drinking too, there's no other explanation for why he didn't recognize me. We went upstairs to one of the rooms to think of another way out. We stumbled into a walk in closet. The clothes surrounding us all looked incredible, and Fruity sat on the floor next to the jewelry showcase in the middle of the room.

"What if we don't make it out of here, Okawa? I have a past too, man. Shizuka, Mamoru, Kamaye, all of them. I miss them, Okawa. Shizuka's gonna be so pissed off if I die here. But most of all, this means I can't see Koko-
"Look. You have a past, alright? But if you want a future, you either stop being a scared pissy baby or stay behind me."


We went outside and took off the blazer so people would be able to tell us apart from yakuza, it didn't work.
"Hey Tetsuo, Kazuko, so that's where you guys have been the whole time, what are you 2 dumbasses doing in a room with each other?" some guy yelled towards us. Not knowing what to do we just tried to cover our faces.
"Hey, are you guys shit faced or are you just ignoring m-" He makes me turn to him and unlike the last dude, he recognized us. Confused he said,
"What the fuck, you're not, you're the kid we're supposed to-" Fruity punches him in the face and we try make a daring escape.

He tried to tackle me while i was running down the stairs and he missed, tumbling down the stairs. 4 goons blocked our way so we figured we had no choice to fight.
We began pacing around, walking slowly like in a karate flic. There was a katana on the wall and I was in the best position to grab it so I took it.
"Yeah now what, huh?!" I say while swinging the sword blindly.
"Y'Know what you gonna do-"
"YOU, put that down, now." I heard a female voice while a gun pointed to my head. It's none other that Fuan.
"Hey hey, where you going?!" one of the goons say as they catch Fruity trying to leave. They took me to the backyard while another goon took Fruity somewhere else.

"This can't be real. Why are you doing this? Because I left you is that it? Is your ego that fragile that you don't wanna get rejected by people you don't need? You never felt anything towards me, you used me as a bodyguard, you have all this muscle and you're still mad at me. You are such a greedy bitch."
Her grip tightened around the gun,
"Look, I'm sorry you're not a bitch, look let me go and you'll never hear from me again alright. I'll keep my mouth shut. Sigh, there's nothing I could do to change your mind is there." Fuan shook her head no.
"Ok, then do what you got to do."


"What're you gonna do with me, I had nothing to do with any of it, please let me keep my pinky, " Fruity said to the goon.
"I was at the wrong place at the wrong time I was-", The goon interrupted him,
"I believe you".
"Wait what?" Fruity replied.
"I believe you, you won't face any cruel punishment, all you got to do is give back the suit and walk home naked.",
"Are you kidding me, what do you take me for?"
"You won't accept that, cause I'm more willing to knock you over the head and take those clothes by force, either way, you're going home with no clothes."
"Yeah I guess.", Fruity reluctantly accepted.


Punch after lunch, swing after swing, I blocked and dodged.
"JUST. GO. DOWN!" A goon said, as I dodged his left jab.

I threw my fist, as it hit his gut. As he was stunned, I kicked down his knee, as he fell to the ground. Finally, as Fuan began running, I kneed him in the jaw, as he fell to the ground, unconscious.

I got a good look at him, he was huge. He had a burn on his right eye, and a scar on his left cheek. Hm. Doesn't matter now, I gotta get to Fruity.
I hopped a fence and went in through the entrance, as I saw some streaker run past me, naked.
Wait a second, that's Fruity!

"WHERE'S THE BAG WITH MY CLOTHES, I NEED IT." He said, his hair messed up.

After he got dressed, we began walking back. I felt my forehead and realized I was more beat up than I realized.

We arrived at the fountain of Early Love, and me and Fruity sat down. Fruity began cleaning himself up, when I heard someone behind us.

Fruity stood up and hugged one of the girls, I'm guessing that's Shizuka.
"Something tells me from the way they're hugging that you're work isn't done, Yuki." Okawa said, as I stood there confused.

"Wait, how did you kno-"
"Fruity told me about it at the party." I said.

"Wait, party?"
"I'll explain as we walk." I said, as I overheard Fruity and Shizuka talk.

"You've been gone for a while! I've missed you, Shizuka! How's Kamaye been?" He says to her, as she gives him a thumbs up and they laugh while they walk.

Suddenly, someone runs in from the other end of the fountain, panicked and afraid.
"Kokoru and Rhed, their at the Tower of Steel, they're in trouble!"

"Akira?" Fruity asked.

How to be Happy Segment #1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें