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Chandrashekhar P.O.V.

I was shocked by what all my dear wife was undergoing. Since the time Sripad said that she faces humiliation every day, I was way too upset. So I took a decision in order to know what all exactly Yatee faced there. I decided to stay in Giripur as a part time bodyguard of Yatee. I even took a different name, Sadashiv. After we met in the dawn, I went back to Chandanpur. There, Sripad had taken care of everything. Tauji Kumar had declared me as their new ruling King. We decided to keep coronation ceremony after few months so that we can put our kingdom in proper order. So was more delayed Yatee returning as my wife. But after witness the eagerness in the eyes of Yatee to return, even my heart couldn't stay away from her. So I decided to go as Sadashiv with Sripad the next day. I'd be working half day as Sadashiv and latter half as Chandrashekhar. As Giripur wasn't very far away from Chandanpur, travelling was possible in an hour on my dear horse, Vajra.


When Sripad and Narayan were about to leave for Giripur, I instructed them that a man named Sadashiv will join them. He will be working as Yatee's bodyguard, who was none other than myself. They both agreed. I met them at Giripur as Sadashiv. After they completed formalities, they both left. I was standing there when suddenly Yatee went upstairs. I followed her briskly. She went into her room and read the letter given by me. I could see her eyes beaming with happiness. That smile... That damn smile !! Her smile was my weak point since last eight years. Remembering that smile, I was breathing everyday.

Suddenly, Yatee stood up, collected few things and started to walk towards the forest. Me, being her bodyguard, started to follow her. Her pace was way more fast then I had expected. I called her so that she could slow down a bit.

"Bai Saheb, excuse me, Bai Saheb. (Addressing Yatee)"

"What happened Sadashiv Rao ? And why are you following me ?"

"That's my exact duty to follow you wherever you go."

"Alright. Come along."

Soon both of us were sitting besides the lake. I decided to sit inside the temple giving Yatee some me-time and also observing her from afar.

Time passed very quickly, especially when I was with my Yatee. She was so lost in doing some sketching that she forgot that she hadn't taken lunch. I called her and asked about it. She agreed to have lunch in the forest. Soon I got some bananas and berries from the forest I knew that gooseberries were her favourite. I even brought them from forest. After having fruits, she resumed to her work and I climbed a nearby tree to observe her. She was soon done with her work. She asked me to help her for the same. I carried her sketches. She had drawn some abstract eyes I guess. Or not. No idea. Let the creator explain.

Soon we were on the villages road. There we met Radha akka, Mohini's mother. She stopped Yatee and said something which was definately not polite way to speak to my Swamini.

"What happened Yatee ? Why you are roaming in the village during this hour of late afternoon ?"

"Umm... Nothing much.... Just was out to collect some things... Where are you headed to, Kaki ?"

"Ohh... I was coming to meet you only. You are our dear neighbours, right ?"


I could sense something fishy in her voice. She wasn't definately saying it with pleasure.

Suddenly, Radha akka catched up Yatee by her arm and pulled her to one side of the road, ensuring that no one is watching them.
"Listen you girl. Don't dare to linger around my Mohini. She is pregnant now and I don't want your black shadow over her. It's enough that you have killed your Grandmother, Malatibai, Madhavrao's mother and have your father in law arrested due to your evil fortune. I want my grandchild to be alive. You get it, hun ?"

Yatee : Rise of an EmpressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora