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Yatee P.O.V.
Next morning :

I woke up early today. It wasn't dawn yet. Yesternight, Sripad Bhauji, Narayan Bhauji and soldiers arrived at Giripur. We were going to leave for Chandanpur today at late hour of morning. I didn't wanted to skip my daily practice. I took a small bath and got ready to leave. Most of my weapons, like bow and arrow, spear, sword (given by Swami) were packed safely yesternight into the cases. The only two things left to lack were my dear Dandpatta and my original sword along with the shield. I took these things and left for the jungle on my horse.

I reached the jungle pretty slowly today so as to not to wake up anyone. As per the routine, I started with some warm-up exercises like stretching my limbs, doing sun salutations and some basic yoga. Then I did a small session of Dandpatta fighting. I took a short break and was sitting in the temple premises when I heard someone approaching me in the bushes.

"Who's there?" I asked.

"Are it's me, Mohini."

"What are you doing here, that too, so early ? It isn't even dawn yet. And you slept so late yesternight. And how you came upto here ?"

"Just stop the parade of your questions, okay. I didn't sleep yesternight. I saw you leaving the house and I decided to come with you. I was bored." She answered calmly.

"Ohkay... But as you are here, let's have a talk. We haven't had a casual talk since ages."

"Alright ! You freshen up a lil'. I'll be in the temple. Cone soon ha."

"Yes. I'll be there soon." Saying so, I went near the falls for my bath.

"Okay so tell me what did you wanted to talk to me ?" Mohini questioned after I went into the temple after the bath.

"I... Umm... Actually... I..." I was falling short of words. This never happened usually but this topic wasn't that easy.

"Don't fumble Yatee. I know you never fumble. Dso come out clear. What is the point which is troubling my dear friend ?"

"Okay. I'm coming clear. You remember that two weeks ago when our kingdom overtook Chandanpur. At that time, as I informed you, I met Swami. It is about that."

I share everything with Mohini. She is my friend, philosopher, guide and sometimes, a mother too.

"Yes ! Raje visited you thinking that you were someone else. What about that ?" She recalled.

I was about to speak when we heard some whispers in the bushes. Suddenly, Yashomaan Bhauji and Sripad Bhauji came out from there.

"मुजरा स्विकारावा राणीसाहेब. (Accept our salutes, Queen.)" Both of them bowed in front of me.

"What are you both doing here ?" Mohini enquired.

"It's about dawn now. We were here to to give message from Appa Saheb. He was calling you, Mohini vahini. And he has also asked Rani Saheb to finish her practice and come back soon." Yashomaan Bhauji explained their arrival.

"You all head ahead. I'll be there soon." I asked them to leave.

They three left the place. Not three actually. Yashomaan Bhauji was waiting for me at the temple. For my security he was there as they can't trust the enemies.

We were about to leave when suddenly, Radha akka arrived.

"Listen you little black girl. I want to speak to you something urgent. Come near the temple, fast. I don't have much time for you."

"What happened, Akka ?"

"First of all, call me Radha bai. I don't have relations with you. Today, Senapati of Swatantra Bharat, my son in law, Sripad, sent me a letter that he wishes to take Mohini back to Chandanpur. I was at Kolhapur so wasn't able to welcome him. But they are leaving today. I don't want them to know that we have a beggar, black woman as our neighbour. Manibhadra Rao is allowed to visit as he is head of Giripur. But make sure not to come out today. They might feel that we casted an evil spell of the baby. As it is, I feel you practise some tantric magic here in this horrifying temple of Mahadev. So stay away. Okay ?"

I simply nodded as due to mixed emotions, I wasn't able to speak. Tears rolled down my face when suddenly Yashomaan Bhauji spoke -

"Sorry to interrupt, but Radha bai, mind your own business and leave, okay ?" He stood in between myself and Akka.

She left while muttering something. Yashomaan Bhauji was just like a brother for me. He held my weapons and took me back to wada. There, many soldiers were standing outside Mohini's wada and ours. I saw the flag I had made for Swatantra Bharat shining with pride on the top of my house and same was on the royal horse cart.

I stepped inside the house. I was shocked to see Sasubai, Mamanji and Swami sitting in the main hall. Appa said that now, Giripur was under our kingdom - Swatantra Bharat. It was now the new distric of our kingdom. I was so happy today !! But suddenly, Yashomaan Bhauji went near Swami and whispered something in his ears. He have him a smile which ahd some hidden meaning. After that, Yashomaan Bhauji left. I went upstairs to change and take a bath. After I dressed up the Saree sent by Sasubai, someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I allowed to enter as I was alone in the room.

"These are for you." It was Kumud.

I opened the box to find a pair of beautiful earrings made up of pearls.

"I thought this will be the best gift for you as from tomorrow, your reign as an Empress will start. Hope you liked it." She was speaking with such a maturity for a fifteen-year old girl.

"I loved it !! Thank you very much !!" I exclaimed.

Suddenly I heard some noise from the window. I went upto to the window to find Radha akka speaking with Sripad Bhauji. They were speaking something. Forget it. I need to get ready.

I went downstairs once I was ready. My mother and father hugged me with affection and I bowed to Appa. I will be leaving them. One part of my heart was unhappy to leave them but, the other one was happy as I will be living with my Swami forever.

I went outside our wada. A large troupe of soldiers were standing surrounding a big enough Palki which was decorated with different types of decorations. I was standing near it when suddenly Radha akka arrived.

"Is this Palki for my Mohini ? Wow. I'm so glad to have Sripad Rao as my son in law. Come Mohini. Step inside." She looked behind to call Mohini.

"Sorry mother. But this Palki is for our Queen she will arrive any moment. Look, Raje arrived." Saying so, everyone bowed down in front of Swami. Yashomaan Bhauji came ahead with Swami's brilliant white horse - Vajra. I remember seeing him eight years ago. Along with Vajra, I see my horse, Tejas, too. Swami came ahead and I saw him in brilliant light for first time.

He wore a red turban decorated with pearls. He wore a creme coloured silk kurta along with a blue coloured Uparna - a light weight Shawl. He wore a pendant of Sun lord which was held at place with a gold chain. His feet were adorned with a gold Toda - anklet for Royal men. He wore a Kada - a kind of thick bangle which was worn by invincible men of Kshatriya clan. He had a red Tilak on his forehead. He stood in front of me. I was so lost in observing him that I even forgot that he was standing in front of me.

Poor Swami !! Even though I could see him, he couldn't see me. I had covered up in a veil. As per the traditions, Swami can see me when we reach his house, during the mukh - darshan (A ceremony where there in a separation between bride and groom and a huge mirror or sometimes a pot filled with water is placed below the partition for bride and groom to see each other.). I could only observe him in a blurry vision. But the next moment, Radha akka came forward :

"Hail Raje of Swatantra Bharat !! Hail Rani Saheb of Swatantra Bharat !! I would be glad if you two will take up the efforts to come upto my little home."

"Sure ! I would come there as soon as I are done with some work with Manibhadra Rao. But Rani Saheb, you can go if you want." He said this and I could sense something fishy in this meet.

Let's see. Maybe I'll ask him about this later on. I also want to ask him about that man, Sadashiv.


Another update !!

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Next update soon...
Till then, stay safe, take care and lots of love 💕

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