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Yatee P.O.V.

"Swami, you here ?" I asked.

"Yes. Umm... I wanted to talk to you." He replied, but hesitantly.

"Why do you sound so nervous? Is anything bothering you ?" I wanted to know the reason of his sudden arrival.

"Umm... Yes... Umm... Actually... I wanted to talk to you."

"Ohh... Okay... But before that, had Sadashiv, the one whom you sent to me as my bodyguard, was here somewhere ? I felt like I heard him nearby."

"I wanted to speak in that context only."

This time I could sense uncomfortable tone of Swami. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. It was from Swami's chamber. He went to attend the door and asked me to have a seat there.

The balcony was pretty huge. It had few chairs to sit, a table where probably Swami worked, few plants, a bed where one could have an absolute view of dark nights and glittering stars and cream coloured curtains were attached at the entrance. One could get a fine view of every nook of the city from this balcony. I could even see the palace of Pankaj Kumar, which was about few miles away from our palace. Soon Swami came back and sat in front of me by pulling a chair.

"So, umm... I wanted to talk to you about why was Sadashiv there with you. Actually, I didn't wanted to risk your life after death of Pankaj Kumar. So I thought that you must be along with a bodyguard. So Sadashiv came into picture. But the fact is that no one named Sadashiv lives here. I couldn't trust anyone for your safety. So..."

"Means someone, not from our Kingdom, was there along with me for for three days ?" I questioned him with a fear. A fear of hearing something horrible.

"No... No... No... Sadashiv was someone from our kingdom only." He was fidgeting with his fingers while speaking.

"Please come directly to the point na... I could sense your uncomfortable tone." I went clear to him.

He took a deep breath and said something which shook me up to the core:

"I was... Umm... I was there with you as...as... Sadashiv." He took few deep breaths while speaking.

"What ??" I wasn't able to digest his words.

"You were there as Sadashiv. Why won't you tell me earlier about it? Ohh God... So it was you... Whom I fired, whom I slapped, whom I scolded... Why didn't you tell me that you are Sadashiv?... And how couldn't I recognise you ? So dumb me..." I was so tensed with everything that happened in those three days.

"It wasn't your fault. I wanted to be with you so that I could know what all you face and what all Radha akka taunts you with... I was personally upset after hearing what all she speaks to you. I wanted to show her that no one can be treated by her based on their colour. Afterall, I wanted to punish her accordingly. You proved that you are more better than me. You are the real owner of this palace, this Kingdom and finally, this family of yours." He was caressing my back while speaking. He was behaving as if I'm a toddler.

"But why didn't you told me? So many things had happened in those three days... Appa insulted you, Mohini spoke rudely to you... I literally fired you and tried to lose the job... This isn't the way a king or MY HUSBAND MUST BE TREATED..."

Chandrashekhar P.O.V.

She cried her heart out after her sentence was over. I felt a lil' proud after hearing that she considers me as HER HUSBAND ! Like I was in the seventh heaven... But right now, she was my priority. Tomorrow is a big day for her. She needs a good sleep and now, I must help her drift to deep sleep.

But I'm really happy for her view about me. Now I understand, why Baba forced me to marry her eight years ago. Really, we need someone, who is ours. Who is there for me and I'm there for her. Now, along with this kingdom, I will take care of my sweet dear Yatee.

Yatee P.O.V.

He was caressing my back while I was crying. I hugged him lightly. He pulled his chair closer to mine and took me in his strong, caring arms. After few minutes he broke the silence :

"I didn't wanted to hurt you... But trust me... This is the last time I will hide something from you... But please, don't cry my dear." He was wiping my tears while speaking.

This was the first time I felt that yes, in this world there is someone, who is completely mine. Now I understood, why Aai used to say that we need to marry. Because we need someone who is completely mine. Whenever I will be in stress, he is there for me.

I hugged him tightly and smiled a little at him. Even he returned the sweetest and most caring smile of his. We got up from those small chairs and sat on the bed which was in the centre of the balcony. It was a pleasant place of the whole balcony. Cool breeze was felt around me. I held his hand and lightly placed my head over his shoulder. He lifted me slightly and adjusted me in a reclining position. I placed my head in his lap and he patted my head lightly. He gently, with his somewhat rough hands, took my hair to one side and braided them nicely. I felt like my father was there around me. He was currently my everything - my Friend, my Philosopher, my Guide, my Fatherly figure and now, my EVERYTHING !! I didn't even knew when I drifted off to deep sleep.

I woke up pretty early before the dawn. How did I came upto my bed from the gallery ? I don't remember anything after Swami took my head in his lap. The sun was yet to rise but his dominant rays we're creating their room in the dark sky. I saw a smiling face of Kumud in my room.

"Good morning Vahini Saheb !" She wished me with a sweet smile.

"Good morning !"

"It's nice you've waked up early. Now you get ready. After that we will perform Puja and then we will shift you things in your official room." She said while removing my saree from my closet.


Another update !!

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Next update soon...

Till then, stay safe, take care and lots of love 💕

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