Chapter 32 - Hugs and Kisses

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Daemon POV

Sam finally showed up with the water, multiple bottles actually, bursting through the door with wide, wild eyes. Her gaze immediately snapped to me, and a smile spread across her face.

"Holy fuck, Daemon!" She rushed towards me and dropped all the bottles on Matias, who dropped all but one with a strangled noise. I couldn't help the laugh that bubbled up my throat, but immediately got stuck in the dryness of it. I coughed, which hurt my throat even more. I heard Sam curse, before yelling at Matias to give her a water bottle. She uncapped it, shoving it into my face with a very enthusiastic, "Drink!" I gladly took the bottle, closing my eyes as cool relief poured down my throat. I was never taking water for granted again. I finished the whole bottle, opening my eyes when it was gone to see both Sam and Matias staring at me with big smiles on their faces. I gave a small one back, the burning sensation in my throat slowly fading.

I looked away from the two siblings, who were currently quietly shouting at each other. Sam at Matias for not telling her right away that I was awake, and Matias at Sam for throwing all the water bottles at him. I looked down at Jamie, who was peacefully sleeping on my chest, oblivious to the things around him. I studied him, his head had turned so his cheek was pressed against my chest now, his lips squished and open slightly.

His hair was a little longer now, but still just as curly. Long eyelashes lay still, faint little freckles splattered across his nose and cheeks. His cheeks were flushed slightly, the rim of his eyes red and a little puffy. I hated that I had put him through this. I wish he didn't have to be scared to lose someone again. With the strength slowly coming back to my body, I raised my hand and brushed some of the curls out of his face, leaning forward slightly to place a small kiss on his forehead.

"Daemon," Matias whispered, and I turned my head to look at him. Sam still stood there, watching me and Jamie with a smile. I hummed, acknowledging my mate, and thankfully it didn't hurt my throat too bad.

"Do you need some food?" Matias asked, stepping towards me. I hadn't really thought about it, but I was a little hungry, so I hummed again and nodded, looking back down at the little boy on my chest. I gently brushed my fingers through his hair, rubbing small circles on his back with my other hand. I heard Matias chuckle, coming a little closer and settling himself on the edge of the bed.

"I'll go get something," Sam stated, before rushing from the room. I snorted at her eagerness, before looking back up to my mate. He was watching me with kind eyes, and a soft smile that conveyed nothing but love. I smiled at him when our eyes met, and his widened, a hand coming down to cup my cheek.

"Do you want to sit up?" He asked, and I looked down at Jamie, who was the reason I couldn't. Matias chuckled a little, before gently moving the small boy off my chest and onto my side. The second he was moved and settled again, he curled into me, subconsciously grabbing one of my arms and holding on for dear life. I didn't mind.

I looked back to Matias, who was patiently waiting. I nodded, and he helped me shift myself up so I leaned against the headboard. It only burned the muscles in my back a little bit, but nothing I wasn't really used to. Matias's hands lingered on my shoulders before he pulled away.

"Do you need anything else?" He asked, and I smiled. Opening my mouth, I spoke softly,

"You." Matias's eyes widened in surprise before a grin overtook his face. He practically launched himself on me, holding me tight and burying his face in my neck. I laughed, wrapping the arm that wasn't held hostage by Jamie, around him. I dipped my head down into his hair, breathing in his scent with a smile. His arms squeezed me tighter as a placed a small kiss on my neck, before pulling away. One arm stayed though, his hand placed gently on the side of my head. His thumb was drawing circles on my cheek, his other fingers gently scratching my scalp. If I were a cat, I'd probably be purring right now. I brought my free hand up and placed it over his hand, leaning into his touch with a smile as I looked at him. His own features were soft and content, a smile graces his lips and eyes that looked at me with pure, adoring, love.

And I looked back at him the exact same way.

Our moment was broken when the door banged open, causing both me and Matias to jump, both of our hands falling from my face. Jamie startled too, looking up with a sleepy glare at our disturbed. Once he realized who it was though, his head immediately fell back onto the bed, and he snuggled into my arm even more.

"Sam," Matias hissed, rolling his eyes at the loudness of his sister. She only smiled, walking into the room with three plates full of food. Reaching the bed, she gently placed one on my lap, handed another on to Matias, and then plopped right down on the ground next to the bed with the last plate. I snorted at her actions, and the look Matias was giving her that screamed, "leave us alone". I rolled my eyes, before looking back down at the plate of food sitting on my lap. A brat covered most of the plate, slathered generously in ketchup and mustard. Watermelon and cantaloupe lay cut up on the rest of the plate, and a small portion of the plate held a spoonful of corn. I looked back up to Matias, who was currently in a glaring match with his sister. I cleared my throat, with only a twinge of pain coming from the action, and both siblings eyes immediately snapped to me. I smiled, shaking my head at the innocent look that graced their faces, like they weren't just fighting over the mind link about Goddess knows what.

"Did you bring napkins?" I whispered, and according to the wide eyes look on Sam's face, she hadn't. I was not about to try and eat this brat with the amount of sauce dripping off of it. Sam scrambled to her feet and rushed out of the room again, and Matias and I just laughed quietly. Carefully, I reached a hand out to touch his arm, and he immediately grabbed my hand and threaded our fingers together.

"Do you need anything else, love?" He asked me as his thumb rubbed circles on the back of my hand. I shook my head no, watching our hands. He squeezed softly, and I looked back up at him. I barely had a second to process before his face was directly in front of mine, lips almost touching. I could feel his breath, and my gaze dipped down to his lips.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, voice low and quiet.

"Yes, please." I smiled, and in a second his lips were over mine, gentle and warm and familiar. He pulled away too soon, smiling as he sat back up.

"I would love to continue, but Sam is on her way back up, we both have plates of food on our laps, and I don't think Jamie would appreciate it either." He stated, and we both started laughing. Sam walked in right at that moment too, holding a stack of way too many napkins. I only laughed harder at the confused look on her face, trying to keep quiet because of a sleeping Jamie. Matias covered his hand with his mouth, also trying to stifle his laughter.

"What? What did I miss?" Sam questioned, walking up to us and setting two napkins on my lap. Matias and I only continued to laugh as quietly as possible.

We weren't even really laughing at anything in particular. What had happened really wasn't even that funny. But to us, for some weird reason, it was. I didn't mind at all, either. Because this felt normal, this was normal.

Things were finally alright again, I was finally back home and happy again.

Kind of a short(rushed-ish) chapter, sorry. :'(

I don't think there are going to be too many more chapters left, maybe one or two then an epilogue. Just letting you guys know.

Thank you so much for reading! Hope you're enjoying it.


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