Chapter 40 - Party Crasher, But Not the Good Kind

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Daemon POV

We couldn't have one good night.

Everything was fine, we were laughing away about random things as we talked with other people, the food was phenomenal, everyone was lovely. It was amazing. But of course, I couldn't have this one welcoming party to myself, where nothing would go wrong and everyone would go to bed happy. Nope. 

One second I was happily chatting with a group of people, and then the next Matias was excusing us from the conversation with a grim look on his face. I could feel the anger through our link, and I shot him a confused look. We wove through the crowd, and at some point, Sam was next to us. She also looked grim, not happy like I had seen her a few minutes ago, wildly dancing through the crowd. 

"What's wrong?" I whispered, pulling on Matias's hand. He loosed a harsh breath, before coming to a stop on the porch. There weren't any people on it, everyone out in the field still partying. Sam stood next to her brother, looking out over the crowd and into the woods. 

"Border patrol caught someone trying to sneak in," he started, closing his eyes and rubbing in between them with two fingers. Sam stiffened.

"Should we evacuate?" Sam asked, crossing her arms. Matias shook his head with another sigh.

"No. They have her in containment, and didn't see anyone else." He replied, and I cocked my head, questions buzzing through me.

"Do they know who it is?" I asked, looking behind me at the crowd. It wouldn't be this big of a deal if it was just some random. Matiassighed again, his jaw set and a cold look forming in his eyes. I reached out and grabbed his hand, gently rubbing circles onto the back of it.

"Who is it?" I asked, my voice soft and barely there. I was concerned. This couldn't be a good person if he was that worried about it. But border patrol caught them, so why did we have to worry.

"I don't want to ruin your night, and I would prefer not to tell you right now, but I believe you deserve to know," He started, squeezing my hand. "She claimed to be...your mother.

I froze, my entire body going stiff. 

I opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn't force any words out. Sam froze too, looking at Matias with a questioning gaze. I just stared straight at his chest, not able to look him in the eyes or even think properly.

Why was she here? Why would she try and sneak in? It had been nearly four years now, what could she possibly want? Why did she even care? There were so many questions flying through my head it confused me. I don't know when I zoned out, but  Matias was the one shaking me back to the present, his hands on my shoulders as he softly said my name.

"It's going to be fine. If you don't want to see her, you don't need to. We'll contact her pack's Alpha and send her away. You won't have to do a thing, ok?" He whispered, pulling me into a hug. My face was buried in his chest, and I couldn't bring myself to wrap my ars around him, still too numb and in shock to process it. 

Why is she here? What could she possibly want? Did she miss her punching back, her only child that she used as a stress reliever? 

"Daemon," Matias now had his hands cupping my face, and I stared up into dark eyes, shining with so much love and promise. "It is going to be alright, ok? Say it for me," He whispered, his thumb starting to stroke my cheek. I didn't know when it had started, but there were tears rolling down my face, my breathing ragged as I tried to repeat his words and not think about my...mother somewhere anywhere near me. 

"I...It..." I tried, but I couldn't get it out. Instead, I collapsed into Matias's chest, tightly wrapping my arms around him as I tried to hold in my sobs. He immediately was holding me back, whispering sweet words into my ear as his hands gently roamed my back with soothing touches. 

"We're going to get you inside ok? We're going to go up to our room and lay down, and not think about this right now? Alright?" He whispered, one hand coming up to tangle into my hair, the other coming to a still at my waist. He moved his head away from my ear, but I kept my face planted firmly into his chest. I heard him whisper something to Sam but didn't hear what because the thoughts still racing through my head were louder than whatever he said. I did hear her walk away though, probably going back to the party. 

"Sam is going to keep the party going, alright? We don't want anyone to worry. She is contained and can't hurt you, or anyone else, love." Matias whispered in my ear again, and I couldn't stop the small sob that escaped my lips, my body shaking as he pulled me tighter. 

"It's going to be alright. You're not going to see her, and she's going to be gone before you know it, ok?" He picked me up, and my legs immediately wrapped around his waist, my face planting itself in the crook of his neck. He started walking back into the house, and I didn't bother to look up the whole way. I didn't move my head from his shoulder until we were in our room, and he had sat down on the bed. 

My legs released his waist as I took a shaky breath in, removing my face from his neck. I was straddling him, my arms now limp at my sides while his hands were on my waist, gently rubbing little patterns into my skin through my shirt. I met his eyes with a sniffle, trying to hold back the tears when I saw all the emotions swimming through them.

Worry was there, along with anger for my mother, but the one I could see the most of? Love. There was so much love in his gaze, so much devotion and care. I couldn't help the few tears that slipped from my eyes and cascaded down my cheeks, a small whimper escaping my lips and I pressed forward against him, once again burying my face in his neck. His hands removed themselves from my waist, wrapping around me and pulling me as tight to him as I could get.

"It's going to be alright, love. Let it out," He whispered, and I did. I couldn't hold back anyone as all the memories came rushing back, the pain and humiliation at not being able to stop any of it. I let it all seep from me in the form of tears and sobs, and Matias held me the entire time. At some point we moved from our position on the bed, laying on our sides, but he still held me to him as I wet his shirt with my tears. 

He held me the entire time, whispering how strong I was in my ear, how much he loved me, and how glad he was that I was his mate. He whispered sweet words to me the whole night until I was finally too exhausted to keep my eyes open anymore. 

I fell asleep to his words, and the warmth of his hold, and I couldn't help but feel so much better about all this now. Now that I had finally had the opportunity to let it all out, all those years of abuse and anger, all the scars and tears she had inflicted. I felt better, knowing that I had Matias now. I had our pack now. 


Guys, I think my "m" key is breaking...

Anywho, enjoy! Thanks for reading!

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