Author Note

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It's done.

Oy my God it's finally done.

I'm not going to sugarcoat it and say that that story is amazing, it's not. But it is also my first ever actual story, and I am a new writer. I do have plans to rewrite it eventually, but it will be COMPLETELY different from what this one is right now. Some things will stay the same, some won't.

But anyways

THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO SO SO SO FREAAAAAKING MUUUUUUUCH FOR READING. I cannot express my gratitude, my happiness, my love for all of you who have read this far. Seeing the votes, the follows, the adds to some (pretty funky names) reading lists, the comments, the love(and sometimes hate) for my characters, it always made my day. You all are what kept me writing this story, what motivated me to finish it even when I didn't want to.

You all are absolutely amazing, and I can never thank you enough. 

So thank you, and I will never stop saying it, and I hope you'll stick around for more stories to come.

Speaking of, the next story to be released will be a short story, and I am currently working on it. After that, there are a few other story ideas I have, including one I am also currently working on. Also, comment or let me know if you want me to add another chapter to this story about some of those other story ideas. (There is a lot of them, both bxb and gxg)

I hope you stick around to read those, along with (possible) branch off stories about Sam and Jamie. 

Once again, thank you all so much, and I hope you have an amazing rest of your day or night. (An amazing rest of your life) <3


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