Chapter Five

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"WHY DO WE HAVE TO CLEAN UP THIS STUPID CAFETERIA?" The Mobs from the Villainess' entourage cried as they dropped the broom. "That little wretch angered us first!" They talked about the heroine. 

Julia was happily strolling down the classrooms, and then came to a stop when she heard voices on the cafeteria door. 

'Aww! Are you kidding me? Are you going to stir up trouble again?! For me and my backbone?' 

Julia's back hurt after doing a straight ninety-degree bow in front of the Principal. She didn't want to go to another roundabout trip to the Principal's office once he found out the girls from her class were causing more trouble again. 

"Let's go find that little wretch! I'm going to make her do all the work! What's her name again-?" 

"Good idea! I think it was something-something Hanna."

Trouble for the heroine too? Poor Yoshihisa Hanna, always a victim to their troubles. For that poor heroine- Julia will help out! She opened the door to the cafeteria and walked in saying: 

"Hand Hanna what work? Are you ditching your responsibilities, girls?" 

"E-eh? Sensei!" Both of them seemed surprised when they saw Julia walking towards them with a frown on her face. 

"Don't be ridiculous, if you ditch your responsibilities and someone reports your absence- you can be stuck cleaning this up for a month right?" Julia warned.

The mobs flushed and then looked at the floor and said: "It's not our fault! That wretch Hanna girl started the food fight!" 

'Huh? Come again?' 

"Yeah! It was that Yoshihisa (heroine/Hanna) girl who started all of this mess! If she hadn't spilled milk on Tsuchiya-san's (The Villainess's best friend) clothes, none of this would have happened!"

'The Heroine did whaaaaaat?' Julia couldn't believe her ears. The heroine, Hanna, could do something this awful? That kind but the unruly girl could be this two-faced?! Julia didn't want to believe it. 

"Eh?" Julia said, her mouth hanging. 

It was most likely an accident. Especially from Yoshihisa Hanna, who was a really clumsy and unruly girl. 

"So, it's not really our fault! We were the victims!" The mobs complained. 

"But you two fought back, correct? Fighting fire with fire isn't good. Reflect! Reflect!" Julia concluded as she left the cafeteria. And the villainess mob girls huffed and puffed in anger. 

'Tsk... such horrible evil hearts...' 


After hearing the villainess' mob friend's claims, Julia went to pay a visit to Yoshihisa Hanna. As soon as she entered, Julia's jaw dropped. 

Yoshihisa Hanna in the novel was supposed to be really messy, clumsy, and trippy.

 But, when Julia entered the second cafeteria upstairs to the villainess's mob's cafeteria- it was clean, tidy, and spotless! How in the name of heavens?! Julia rubbed her eyes not once but thrice. 

There wasn't a single speck of dust left on the floor as Yoshihisa Hanna rubbed the cafeteria floor diligently with soap and water. Even the janitor isn't this perfect! The Principal might even recruit you, Hanna! 

"Oh, hello Sensei." Hanna respectfully bowed. "I'm cleaning the floor right now, kindly step away because the floor is wet and you might trip." 

'Huh? I might trip? Then what about you, the clumsiest girl on the planet?' 

"Wow, that's pretty good, Yoshihisa-san." Julia was sparked by the heroine's hard work. Are you sure you didn't have someone else clean for you, Hanna?! 

"Thank you, Sensei." Hanna bowed ninety degrees, "sorry for bringing you trouble last time." 

Look at this girl! Perfect with manners~ if only the mob characters downstairs would learn from them! Hmph! 

Could Yoshihisa Hanna be her savior this year? Are you an angel, Hanna? 

"Oh, Yoshihisa-san, can you tell me how the food fight in the cafeteria took place?" Julia asked curiously.

"The food fight?" Yoshihisa tilted her head curiously as she put her finger to her chin, and recollected her memories, "well, from my point of view, I was looking for a seat in the cafeteria. So when I found one, I happened to bump into this shiny black-haired girl and spill my milk over her. Next second, a pizza came flying at my face." 

See, it was an accident. No way in hell it wasn't. The shiny black-haired girl turned out to be Tsuchiya Mina, the villainess's hot-headed friend, who always bullied the heroine along with the villainess. 

Tsk. Tsk. Such bad luck. 

"Well, good to know, you are free to go now from the next classroom exit. Have a nice day." Julia warned Hanna as she left. 

"Thanks, Sensei."


Julia was about to leave the campus of the Academy until a very shady dark car approached her. 

'Huh? Is this what happens in the movies?' 

Julia thought it was impossible, so she was about to take a turn somewhere else, but the shady dark black limousine still followed. As Julia kept placing one feet over another, the shady car still followed. When Julia stopped, the car stopped. 

'This is sus. Sus. Sus. Am I going to become kidnapped from the shady car?!' 

'They aren't going to kidnap me in bright daylight are they?!'

Just when Julia was about to make a run for it, the door to the car opened and a charming man stepped out of it in a suit with a smile on his face. 

"You must be Miss Okano Julia, nice to meet you." The man said. "I am your student's, Mr. Yoshida's personal assistant." 



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