Chapter Twenty

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"A HUNDRED SQUATS FOR EVERYONE!" Julia coldly announced as she sat on her chair with her leg up and her arms folded as she stared at the girls. 



"Teacher! You can't do this to us! Today was Sports Day! On top of that, we have 100 squats!?" The Girls said in unison.

"Or- you will beg for forgiveness by apologizing to... the girl... Mimi-san right in front of me tomorrow morning!" Julia ordered the group of six.

Tsuchiya Mina's eyes looked ugly with hate, instead, she said: "I will rather do a hundred squats than apologies!" The girls' eyes wavered as they hesitantly nodded.

'Okay... so much for pride...'

"Right now! Begin!"

Like this, it went on.

"88!" Julia counted.

"My butt! My butt!"

"My backbone, Sensei! I can't die!"

"It's not over yet! Come on! 89!" Julia yelled for the 89th squat.

"Ugh... Call 911! My body! Ah! My body!"

"Oh come on!" Julia snapped at the girls. 'You think I'm stupid or something?'

Like this even went up for the entire evening until all the Girls collapsed."This is your punishment for not apologizing."

"Sensei-! You have to believe us! We were interrogating that wench for what happened in the Locker Room!"

'Huh? Locker Room Incident?'

"Remember Class-2B who came to the Last Place today? That Wench is the dog of that Class and she was the one who stole the Belongings of our classmates so we would lose in Tug-of-War!"

"Yeah! If it weren't for my hu- I mean Nakashima-san, we wouldn't have made it alive to Third Place!" Tsuchiya Mina said coughing.

'Wow... now all of you are telling me this?'

"You mean Class-2B initiated this?" Julia said as she put her hands on her chin in a curious manner. "The Belongings of the Girls still haven't come back yet... so..."

"That Wench-!"

"Mimi-san." Julia clarified.

"Ugh... M-mimi-san- was coming in the Locker Room with a plastic bag in her hand to return the things for our classmates."


"Also her classmates also bumped into Yoshida-san during the Sprint Race, causing him to sprain his ankle-!"

"Are you completely sure on this evidence, girls?" Julia said, "this all could be fake claims..."

"Sensei!" The girls said in unison, "they are obviously scheming to put us down!"

"Well we didn't come to Last place, did we? We came third, so it wasn't bad." Julia said, "what's done, is done."

"We need to get Revenge." Tsuchiya Mina said as she clenched her fists. Her veins looked like they were going to blast. "For everyone who suffered and tried."

Her gang nodded with her, "For Class-2A's revenge!"

'I didn't think they would care for their classmates or our class at all, it's nice to see them cooperative to help each ohter, though it's scary...'

"Let's try to find the Theif and make them apologize, then." Julia said with a smile. "B-but no personal  revenge okay?"

But they didn't seem to listen to her at all. 'High school Girls are scaaary... good thing I'm not in their generation...' 



"Utsumi Hiromi, we need to talk!" Julia walked up to Utsumi Hiromi the next morning after the Homeroom Period was done. The only person who skips most of Julia's classes and sets examples for trouble makers was none other than Utsumi Hiromi. 

The young lady was busy playing on her tablet and then looked up, surprised, to find Julia looking down at her with a glare. 

"Eh? Sensei!" She looked up and quickly hid her tablet under her and said: "Did Sensei come to find me for my secret chocolate?" 

'Huh? Oh yeah... the Class did make me promise that...' 

"No, you aren't getting one." 

"Even though I saved Sensei?" Utsumi smirked at Julia. "It seems that Sensei isn't grateful at all, boohoo* that's very tragic to hear..." She said as she clutched her heart in pain. 

'What a great attitude of acting, keep it up! Keep it up! Let's see how far you can go!' 

Julia clenched her fist and said with a polite smile: "You can get one if you do attend one full day of my lessons. Or else, you'll never get it." 

"EH?! Unfair!" Utsumi said with her eyes widening. 

"Utsumi-san... you can't go on like this... missing all of my classes and failing this year- what are you going to do when you don't graduate?" 

"Isn't it better?" Utsumi said, "Being a Highschooler and repeating that instead of finding a job and going to college with a load of responsibilities... I'd rather be a Highschooler." 

Julia paused and looked at Utsumi with squinting eyes. "I- Is... there any trouble at... home-?" 

"Anyhow! Let's talk about my chocolate!" Utsumi Hiromi said as she interrupted Julia's question. Obviously telling Julia that something definitely must be going on. 'What a silly fool...' 

"No, we need to talk about your Tablet," Julia said pointing at her tablet. 

"W-what? What Tablet?" Utsumi whistled as she quickly hid her tablet. "I never had one." 

'What is she? A five-year-old?' 

"Of course you don't it's my tablet soon." Julia said as she grabbed it from her back and put it in the air, "now you can saw it was never yours." 


"You'll get it back once you go to my Supplementary Lessons after school for one hour. I for one, don't care if you fail Highschool, but you need to attend something."

"..." Utsumi frowned, but then folded her arms as she rolled her eyes and said: "Fine, mom." 

"Good, see you after school." 


"Yes, today," Julia said as she walked away into the Staff Office with the Tablet. 




It was Lunch Break, and when Julia was working on her Class Plan- Nine female students walked into the Staff Room with a deadly aura around them. The other teachers looked horrified as if they had seen something they hadn't seen.

Ah.. the aura of Highschool girls... scaaary...

"Um... Miss Julia, those are your students.... I think." Nagao Misato whispered again. Julia's eyes looked up to see the faces of HER OWN Students glaring at her from above.

Scaaaaaary! Eeeeeek!

Tsuchiya Mina (Villainess's best friend) and her gang were here. With their arms folded in a gangster style, they had entered the classroom with a flawless appeal. 

"Sensei~" They called in a venomously sweet voice together. 

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