Chapter Seventeen

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THE NEXT MORNING, JULIA WALKED INTO A FIGHT. In her very own classroom. 

Actually, it looked more like a catfight. Humans don't fight like that- animals do. Julia didn't have time to analyze what type of fight it looked like, more importantly, she needed to stop them before the Principal overhears puts her and her students in detention. 

Tsuchiya Mina, the villainess's best friend, was the reason for the fight. The poor, pitiful victim was none other than the unlucky heroine, Yoshihisa Hanna. Of course, this wasn't a normal showdown between just two of them. 

'Uggggghhhhh.... I really don't want to start off the day like this...' Julia groaned inside her head looked at the fight scenes. 

"What is going on, here? Why are you all fighting?" Julia walked in between the beaten-up Yoshihisa Hanna and flustered Tsuchiya Mina and her gang. 

"She ruined our Class's Prestige by showing up in the dirty uniform~" A side mob character announced, pointing at Yoshihisa Hanna. 

'My head is losing reason....' Julia sighed inside her head. 'Give me a better goddamn reason that, SideChick'

Three more girls, who were from Tsuchiya's group were standing up against Yoshihisa Hanna that morning in class. Kanno Aayo, Yoshihisa's best friend, stepped up to protect her best friend.

"Aha~! With such flimsy stupid reasoning, I wonder if you are the one ruining our common sense." Kanno Ayao sneered back as she folded her arms and protected Hanna from the side character. 

"Hah?! Look at her uniform! She is not even being serious about the Sports Athletics Meet!" The Side character sneered. "At least dress in your sports uniform-! Today is the Athletic's Meet, if she disqualifies our class from participating-!"

"With that kind of attitude, you aren't even showing any kind of sportsmanship either!"  Kanno Ayao snickered back. 

'Oh, I'm pretty sure that everyone lost sportsmanship once they entered my class, not that they had manners, to begin with.' 

"BOTH OF YOU! STOP FIGHTING!" Julia broke off between the two people fighting against each other. "We can't waste our day's enthusiasm since we did so much to prepare for today!" 

"..." The Class looked between each other silently. 

"Since Yoshihisa Hanna isn't wearing her Sport's Uniform, only she will be disqualified, but the rest of you can participate right?" Julia solved the problem. 

 Seeing that, Tsuchiya Mina broke into a classroom fight against Hanna. "But she disqualifies our team!" 

"No, she did not." Julia said back. "You all need to calm down, it's a biggie, trust me." 

"But..." Some students looked like they had a problem, but seeing that majority of the problem was solved, they didn't complain or voice out. 

"Now, let's head to the field and smash those other Classes down, eh?" Julia said as she blew on her whistle and energy and joy. 

"..." Nobody looked enthusiastic but they awkwardly applauded their hands.

'Ugh... this is so embarassing.' Julia wanted to die in a hole. 



"WELCOME TO SPORTS ATHLETICS MEET, PARADISE ACADEMY ALUMINAES!" The President announced in enthusiasm. "Aren't we all looking forward to seeing our Classes win this year?" 

The rest of the school auditorium cheered along with the announcement. Even Julia was surprised to see her own 'slum' down class in cloud nine because of the President. Is this the power of the Male lead-? She didn't know whether the Sports Day was fun or hearing the President's voice better. 

Julia looked around her rival classrooms- all of their students looked very fierce and competitive than her downside Class. She felt very uncomfortable now, will she lose face this year if her students don't try..? 

'Of course, they must be trying-! In the novel, it was my class that won!' Julia had faith in her students. Though it was less than 0.1%, she still had faith in them. If they lost, too bad. 

"Remember, if you win us first place, I'll give you special snacks and candy." Julia reminded everyone in her class. 

"...Um... Teacher, are you bribing us?" 

'Good to know that you aren't stupid.'

"Yeah, we aren't like six-year-olds who can't live without candy." 

'Oh yeah, with your manners, you are worse than five-year-olds.'

"Teacher is Bribing with sweets, definitely makes the Headline." 

'With my Candy, I thought you'll get high and at least try winning with your trashy attitude.'

"Wow, I thought this was Sports Day, which was No-Sugar Day, Sensei sure has guts to break that rule." 

'Welp, none of you followed any of my rules in the first place.'

Julia clapped her hands and awkwardly laughed as she said: "Hahaha... since none of you seem... happy today, I thought I'd make you excited..." 

Her students groaned together in displeasure. 'F*CK you then.'

Julia clenched her fists and then said: "Nevermind me, then." Julia gave up on giving her class even one bit of hope. If anyone asked why they should just replace her existence and try living with these students for a day. 

Playing Entertainment so that her students could give her groans, she didn't want that shit at all. 

"What's with everybody in this class?" Finally, the star of the entire Ceremony, the Student Council President- Enomoto Iori, the third male lead of the novel, walked over to inspect the classes. "Why does everyone look so down? Is the event not entertaining?" 

Suddenly her dump* and gloomy classroom's eyes were filled with flowers as if they had seen sunshine. Julia couldn't help but close her eyes to the blinding aura of Enomoto Iori's halo. What is this feeling of having a savior? 

"Enomoto-sama!" All of them cried happily. 

"Is everyone excited to win this year's Sport's Athletic's Meet for Class 2?" He asked.  

"Yes!" They said in unison, completely disregarding the fact that they have been not excited to win at all. 

Ha. Look at this turn of behavior. Julia couldn't help but envy the President. His aura was like that of god. 

"Even Sensei promised to give us candy if we won!" A student yelled. Enomoto's eyes squinted as if he heard a complaint, and finally his eyes went over to Julia. 

What?! Is this brat rattling her out? 

"Candy?" He asked again as his eyes were keen on Julia. Huh? Are you believing this shit? 

"What is the meaning of this, Miss Julia? Candy? Aren't treats and sweets not allowed on the School Grounds until Lunch Period?" The drowned voice of the Principal was heard. 

Oh, no. 


The Principal's glare on her intensified. 

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