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Gillian arrived at Gabby’s house hoping for a quiet evening, maybe her best friend would be able to help her get some perspective or at least reassure her on Callan’s feelings for her.

Her heart almost jumped clean out her chest when Callan opened the front door.

“Hey gorgeous.” His smile faded. “Are you not happy to see me?”

Gillian’s lips spread into a brilliant smile and she flung herself into his arms.

Her body vibrating with excitement, remembering in that moment how she felt about him, it wasn’t only sexual attraction she was completely and absolutely attracted to him in every way.

How could she have forgotten how he made her feel?

He held her tight against himself, his smile audible. “I missed you too.” He whispered in her ear.

She remained silent as she fought to regain control. He pulled away only enough to look into her eyes his own filled with the emotions she longed to see. “Hi.” She whispered. His smile returning. “You know, I don’t think I have ever seen you speechless Gillian.”

She let out a giggle “why didn’t you tell me you back?” she playfully punched his shoulder. “Because then it wouldn’t have been a surprise.” Her smile faded; “yes but if I’d known I wouldn’t have agreed to the dinner date tomorrow.”

She expected anger or at least jealousy in his eyes, but saw none of that. His arms tightened around her. “Well, well I should have known you wouldn’t sit around waiting for me.”

He grinned. “But I’m glad to see that you still want me, you could always call and cancel you know.” Gillian bit her lip. “I can’t... don’t have his number. I was starting to think you changed your mind about me, you know at least my ex-husband was jealous, why aren’t you?” Callan chuckled.

“And what makes you think I'm not jealous?”  Gillian gave him a small grin. “I was away for three weeks Gillian I didn't expect you to sit around moping. I wish I could have called you every morning and every night. I was aching to hear your voice and the few texts that I should not have sent you was simply because I couldn't get you off my mind and I wanted you to know I was thinking about you. But I know I have no right to be jealous of any man in your life...  Not yet anyway.” Callan's smile grew along with hers.

“I have something for you, but you can only have it if you promise to never ever take it off. Hopefully it will help you to see that I will never change my mind on how I feel about you.” His arms loosened around her as he pulled a shiny object from his pocket.

He pulled her left arm from around his neck, gently wrapped the cold delicate shiny object around her wrist and fastened the small clasp of a beautiful charm bracelet.  As she opened her mouth to respond Gabby's voice called out to them. 

“Are the two of you planning on standing in the doorway all night?”  Callan rolled his eyes before answering her.

“We’ll be there now Gabs give as another minute please.” Callan winked at Gillian and moved her hair that had fallen covering part of her face.

“love what you’ve done with your hair.” Gillian smiled. “thanks, me too.” Gillian looked down at her wrist where her new favourite piece of jewellery shone.

Her heart fluttering again, Callan still held her hand and she felt herself falling even more in love with the man that had been etched into her heart, mind and soul. “I'll tell you what the significance of each charm is on Sunday when we spend the whole day together... Alone.” Gillian felt her smile stretch to its capacity. “I love the sound of that, thank you Callan I promise I won't take it off. Its gorgeous.” she felt his hand under her chin, he whispered 'just like you' before he kissed her gently. Leaving her longing for more…

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