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The cold night air woke her.

Anthony had her in his arms as he walked through the dark. “I can walk.” She spat out. Anthony ignored her, he simply smiled. “Go back to sleep babe.”

She squirmed in his arms, his grip only tightened. “Babe, keep still. The cabin is far and in those heels in the dark you’ll break an ankle. So just accept that I’m carrying you until we get to the front door. In fact you can help by putting your arms around my neck.” Gillian glared at him, did he really think she wanted to put her arms around him. He stopped dead and looked into her eyes there was such violence there.

Reluctantly Gillian slid her arms around him she got the very real sense that to tempt him was not in her best interest. “That’s better.” He continued walking through the cold, dark, eerily quiet night.

“Why don’t you tell me what you were dreaming babe? It’ll help the time pass.” Gillian shook her head, she didn’t want to tell this man about her dream it had nothing to do with him. Anthony gave a snort. “You do realise I can make a guess on my own! You were dreaming about lover boy... and from what I was hearing it was an absolutely scrumptious dream, got me all excited.” Gillian felt like she’d be sick.

“What do you mean you heard?” again he chuckled his spine chilling chuckle. “You moaned his name, several times in fact. Is he any good in the sack?” Gillian wanted to scratch his eyes out, her voice filled with hatred she spat out. “That is less then none of your business!” Anthony shrugged “maybe not, but you want my opinion?” she shook her head in response.

“Well I’ll give it to you anyway. You see I don’t think you know. I don’t think that lover boy has got you in the sack yet! And I’d bet anything that you babe are real fun to play with. John seems quite adamant to continue enjoying you, little greedy I think when he has the blond to play with. But hey that’s just some of what I’ve observed. ”

Gillian fought the vomit that threatened to find its way out her mouth. “Please can you put me down for a second, I need to pee.” Again Anthony stopped and glared at her.

“What? Is the cabin still far?” he gave a nod.

“well then please put me down so that I can pee, I’m not about to try running anywhere and like you pointed out in these heels, in the dark, in a place that I don’t know I will end up breaking something. And I happen to really like these heels I’m not about to do anything to them that will damage them.” Anthony studied her shoes, his eyes trailed up her legs he stopped momentarily at her breasts and then looked into her eyes.

His eyes still had uncertainty in them. “Look Anthony, either you put me down to pee or I pee in your arms. You pick.” Anthony laughed as he gently put her down. “Like I said feisty, you and I can really have a lot of fun babe. A feisty lady turns me on beyond belief.” Gillian rolled her eyes at him.

“yeah that’s not happening. I’m going to pee behind that tree over there I will talk the whole time so you know I’m still there. Okay?” Anthony gave a nod. “Okay fine.”

While Gillian made her wee behind the tree she spoke about photos that she had taken a few weeks ago after the sun was setting, they had been a fabulous success. She heard him relieving himself on the other side of the tree. “Sorry, turns out I was full too. So it was basically silhouettes?” Gillian smirked, Anthony was clearly not a nice person but he was at least decent and had manners.

“It’s okay. Yep they turned out better than I could ever have hoped for. That’s some of the photos on my phone that I really don’t want to lose, didn’t have a camera with me that day.” Gillian pulled up her panties hearing him zip his pants she stepped out from behind the tree. He gave her a smile and held out his arms “sorry can’t wash my hands out here, but you can jump I’ll catch.” She shook her head. “I’ll try walking, I’m sure your arms could use a rest.”

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