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And so the days passed turning into weeks, the weeks turned into months and before she knew it Gillian was six months pregnant. She felt like her belly had stretched each day, she spoke gently and lovingly to her babies as did Anthony. His face lit up when she let him feel them kick for the first time. He had even arranged for blood tests to be done for her, he had told her ‘I just want to know that everything is okay.’ He was excited with her when she read the test results, ‘twins, its two healthy baby boys.’ Anthony had swung her around in his excitement. He apologised to her and then to her belly, Gillian had only giggled.

No matter how excited Gillian truly was that she would finally become a mother she couldn’t help but cry herself to sleep at night, Anthony always tried to cheer her up but they both knew true happiness would only come if she could be with her Callan.

Gillian sat in the sun, her legs stretched out in front of her as she spoke to her wiggling belly, a small smile playing on her lips. Her blood ran cold as she heard Anthony speak.

“Vivienne, what are you doing here?” instinctively Gillian covered her belly with her arms.

“Well, I just came to see if you and our darling Gillian is be... ha... ving.....” her voice trailed off as she stood above Gillian, staring at her round bump.

“That better not be his.” She screeched as she pointed to Gillian’s stomach, Anthony helped Gillian up and stood between the two women. “Look Vivienne that happens to be a beautiful baby and it happens to be mine so if you even think of doing something stupid, I will not hesitate to set you straight. I’m doing everything you asked me too. He won’t find her here.”

Gillian put her hand on Anthony’s arm and stepped next to him. “Look Vivienne,” the woman glared at her. “I’m only five months pregnant so do the maths it can’t be Callan’s okay just relax.” Vivienne’s shrill laughter echoed through the air.

“Man I wish I could tell him that the woman that he is still pinning for is playing happy family with the man he longs to kill. I knew you were desperate to become a mother but this is too good to be true!” Gillian flinched.

Callan hadn’t given up on her. “How is Callan?” Gillian asked in a small voice. Vivienne glared at her once more. “He refuses to give up on you bitch.” Vivienne yelled, again Gillian felt herself flinch in fear. Vivienne’s eyes grew more evil, Anthony moved Gillian behind him using himself as a human shield. “Vivienne don’t do anything stupid.” Again she let out a shrill, behind his back Anthony handed Gillian his cell phone. Vivienne launched herself at him.

“Run Gillian, hide.” Anthony screamed, as she ran she heard Vivienne curse ‘you fucking liars, its Callan’s isn’t it? I’ll kill you all of you.’

Gillian knew she didn’t stand a chance to out run Vivienne in her pregnant state, she ran for the hiding place that Anthony had made for her just in case she needed it. She had told him he was being silly, what on earth would she ever need a hiding place for he had shrugged and said ‘I like being prepared for everything.’ and right now Gillian could not have been more grateful for it. While she tried to calm her breathing she dialled Callan’s number.

“What.” He bellowed into the phone. Her voice was small and her tears streamed at the sound of his voice. “Callan, my love.” Gillian whispered.

She heard Quinlan’s voice along with others she didn’t know. “Gillian?” Callan asked in utter disbelief, in the back ground she could hear Quinlan shouting orders to trace the call.

“She’s going to kill us.” Gillian whispered into the phone.

“Please Callan, Vivienne is going to kill us.”

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