14| I Found Her

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"You did realise she was lying, didn't you?"

I asked as I took in my father's stoic face, who had been sitting in the chair in front of me looking deep in thoughts, ever since we came back from closing a deal.

Today has been really a busy day, but running a powerful Mafia and a multibillion-dollar corporation doesn't really leave much leisure time to throw around.

It's finally now that I have got a chance to take a break. Dad, Elijah and Matthew were also sitting in my office.

While Dad was busy glaring in front of him with a finger over his lips, my two younger brothers were busy being a bunch of dumb kids.

Matthew was throwing paper balls at Elijah, who was responding with a flurry of colourful words as he made a failed attempt to read a copy of the contact papers of the deal we were about to sign.

And people are terrified of these idiots—

Right when I stated the predicament that I've been in the whole damn day, everyone's attention was drawn to me, and the mood quickly turned serious.

"I had a hunch." Elijah muttered and Matthew gave a firm nod of agreement.

"She's a compulsive liar." Dad muttered out as a look of understanding fell over me.

"What exactly do you mean?" Elijah asked as Dad gave me a nod to explain.

"She lied straight through her teeth, if you haven't noticed, her usual demeanour screams nervousness at the same time she has a bubble of vigilance surrounding her, her tone is always very guarded and eyes are always cautious of her surroundings. But when she lied, her face went completely blank, her eyes held no emotions, no alertness in her tone, it was all confidence, if you ask me, she was far too confident for someone who uses sarcasm to hide how uneasy she feels. It was as if lying was her natural defence, something she had grown accustomed to over years, and the way she lied, a person who hasn't had a degree in psychology like myself, or someone who hasn't been studying people their entire life like dad, would believe her right away." I finished and now both my brothers look deep in thoughts as if revisiting the incident of the morning to re-judge Bella's actions.

"That makes sense, but what I fail to understand is why she is so withdrawn and extremely guarded." Elijah muttered, and the room fell into complete silence once more.

"Let's just hope we can warm her heart over the next two months." Dad said, causing me to sigh.

I still can't believe that Arabella flat out refused to come home with Dad.

She's definitely my sister—

I honestly wouldn't go along with a person I'd never knew before,

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