59| Aaron Marino

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'How to make a good impression on a girl's family?'

I'll give you an answer to that— the Internet is trash. I've been freaking out for the past two hours, searching for articles that might give me some insight, but everything that I came across is rubbish, there isn't a single web page out there that has actually helped me prepare for tonight.

Tonight is 'the big dinner,' with the family of the girl I've had a crush on since the first time I saw her. And that's not it, she happens to be the sister of the most notorious boys in the school who wouldn't think twice of kicking my ass.

That's a problem for another day!

My parents, on the other hand, are pretty thrilled, they just happen to know her family, which I don't know is a good thing or bad.

Valeri was being Valeri— she and Daniel had been ridiculing me ever since our parents told us about the dinner, teasing me and bringing it every other second— not that they don't use Arabella's name to tease me but the dinner just ignited the fire.

Daniel has also decided to join us because he doesn't want to miss any opportunity of me embarrassing myself in front of Arabella— his words not mine.

He's a jerk, but he's like a brother to me, whom I'm seconds away from killing but eh! He can be annoying, but he's a good friend and we've been best friends since kindergarten.

Anyway, my nerves have been skyrocketing ever since my parents dropped the bomb on the news of dinner.

I mean it shouldn't bother me that much, it's just a family dinner where my parents were going to meet some people from their past, but everything changes when Arabella comes into picture.

Arabella— the most beautiful girl I have laid my eyes on.

She's not only stunning, but she's also incredible in every way. She's a beauty on the inside and out and had me captivated even with the smallest things about her.

Her innocent blue eyes covered by her long eyelashes, her warm and sweet smile that would just brighten the day, the way her eyes sparkle when she giggles or laughs, the way she scrunches up her nose to express her dislike, her joyous and refreshing personality, her golden brown hair, her plum lips–

Fuck..!! I'm starting to sound like a fucking creep.

I've admired her since the first time she ran into me in school. I couldn't think of anyone else but her the entire day, and then we ran into each other again in the food court— I guess running into each other is our thing.

Thinking about the day in the mall filled me with dread and anger. I was with Arabella when a guy shot a gun in the air. That moment I saw dread and angst, I quickly pulled Arabella to safety because something inside of me screamed to keep her safe— it was a want.

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