46| Someone poisoned my grandpa?

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Have you ever felt like your life was stuck in an endless loop of suffering, in a tremendous pain, like anytime you get an ounce of happiness, there was the universe waiting to claw it away from you and tear you down to the endless pit of misery?

I have–

And that was how I was feeling at the moment, and it was a god awful feeling which was breaking my heart in every way imaginable.

Right after my call with Mason, I didn't spare a single second and dashed out of the house towards the parked car where my brothers were impatiently waiting for me.

I could hear footsteps behind me but a constant sound of screeching noise in my ear was drowning out any other voice.

I was scared,

Terrified for my grandpa–

Just as I sat down in the car, Mason pressed on the pedal not even giving me the chance to close the door, but I didn't complain.

All I wanted was to reach the hospital as soon as possible.

The entire journey to the hospital was filled with dread and silence. Only the sound of our loud and frantic breathings could be heard in the solitude of car.

Nobody said anything.

All of our faces were frightful, scared of what awaited us in the hospital.

I felt like my lungs weren't getting me enough oxygen, and like my heart didn't seem to be working. An anxious feeling was building up inside my chest making me sick.

Mason was driving like a maniac, and I lost count of how many times we were about to be hit, but that was the least of my concerns.

All I could do was hope and pray that my Grandpa was safe.

When we reached the hospital, Mason parked the car right in front of the entrance.

All of us quickly stepped out immediately greeted by the sounds of ambulances and paramedics yelling around us.

We ran through the big hospital doors and into the lobby, where a man approached us and nodded at Mason, before turning to walk in an empty corridor on our right.

Just as Mason followed him, we all rushed after him.

We soon came to the waiting room where all my family was present. I looked at all of them, taking in their sight with my own teary eyes.

Everyone was in a state of panic, constantly checking the door for any sign of a doctor's arrival, and I can see some holes being punched in the dull cream coloured walls.

All of them looked desperate and defenceless, and angry tears were brimming in their eyes, in all the sight of my vulnerable family pained me.

My father and uncles were looking at the closed doors of the operating room, standing at the back door of the waiting room frozen in their place, their eyes were puffy and bloodshot.

Panic was written all over their usual expressionless faces.

I wasn't even shocked to see my older brothers and cousins openly showing their teary eyes, which I bet they haven't done in their entire lives.

They all seemed so disheveled, with a look of hopelessness on their faces, as if for the first time in their life they had no idea what was going on.

One common expression on everyone's faces was Fear.

I turned my gaze towards grandma who was kneeling down on the floor, hard tears streaming down her wrinkled face. Her hands were clasped together, eyes shut closed as she kept mumbling prayers.

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