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Ramya was heart broken, she didn't know with whom she should share this all so, straight away she went to temple and poured her pain. Meanwhile Abhi searched for her worriedly, but she was not found anywhere, she didn't pick any of his calls. He informed the same to Akash and Sowmiya, they were worried and searched for her. But they ensured to not to let the elders of the family aware of all this. Sowmya contacted Ramya's friends and through them she came to know what happened in the college, she realised her sister was hurt. So she guessed she could be in the temple, without telling Abhi or Akash she went there alone to check her sister.

Simultaneously Ramya was broken once again hearing her neighbours taunt for marrying Abhi. All started to insult her for marrying him, they said she excused her sister marriage as a reason, took advantage of the situation and married him for his money. She was shattered to hear all accusation, she is not such girl to marry someone for wealth, she cried vigorously sitting alone at the corner of the temple. Sowmya found her soon and was shocked to see her state. She consoled her and not to take others words to her heart, she tried her best to compose her and brought her home after sometime. Ramya stopped crying but she didn't utter a single word, she was in pain. Meanwhile Sowmiya informed Abhi and Akash that Ramya was in her friends house, and they returned home just now. Silently Sowmi sent Ramya to her room without anyone's knowledge.

Abhi rushed to home after Sowmiya's call, he was desperate to see Ramya but Sowmya stopped him by saying she is not well and sleeping. Abhi perplexed and asked her what happened to her suddenly, she was quite good when he left her in the college. Sowmya became nervous but, she didn't tell whatever happened in college to Abhi. She felt he would be hurt after knowing that all, moreover she didn't want them to face hurdle in their relationship. So she excused herself by giving some lame excuses and asked Abhi to let Ramya take rest for sometime. Abhi obliged her words and went out, he thought Ramya got angry on him just because he failed to pick up her on time. He determined to convince her.

Ramya was in distraught thinking about others taunts and insults she faced about her marriage. She questioned herself what was her fault in all this mishap?? She said to herself, She never loved Rakesh, so she denied his proposal, what was wrong in it??
She married Abhi to save her sister's life, what was the advantage of it?? She never thought about his luxurious life, she didn't marry him for that. Why all are saying unpleasant words?? She cried over and over and felt asleep on the floor.


Sometimes later Sowmi came to Ramya's room to see her. By seeing her sister sleeping on the floor like a small girl, her heart ached. She felt herself responsible for Ramya's pain, she awake Ramya and asked her to get refresh. When Ramya didn't move a little, Sowmi referred their father name to bring her back to senses. Worrying about his father's health, she too obliged her sister's words and went to refresh. Then Sowmi feeded her food and asked her little sister to sleep well, she gave her a medicine then said everything will change soon and left the room.

As Sowmi said Ramya laid down on the bed but she couldn't sleep her eyes were pooled with tears,silently she was crying helplessly.
Without aware of her state Abhi brought her a gift to reduce her anger, he purchased a pair of beautiful silver anklets.

He opened their bedroom door and came inside, he saw Ramya lying on the bed sleeplessly. He moved near to her and said,
"Sorry Ramya... It was my mistake I shouldn't have made you wait for a long time. Actually the car wheel got punctured so it took sometime for me to change it that's why I was late. I'm sorry...for that". Ramya didn't reply a word, she got up from the bed and tried to go out of the room. Abhi held her arms and asked her to talk with him, but she released her hand and walked past him.

He said, " Ramya it's not a big mistake, please leave it and talk with me. You know uncle and my mom was worried about you , that you didn't even come down for dinner". Ramya was agitated hearing his mother's name, she felt his mother was the whole responsible for all her pains, she hate her now. She was feared of bursting out at anytime soon, so she herself controlled her temper and asked him to not to trouble her for sometime and leave her alone.

He felt bad but didn't stop apologising, he said, "I know how to cool down my wife's anger, look at here " with a smiling face he extended his gift to Ramya. Seeing the gift in his hand, she remembered her neighbours taunts of marrying him for his money. There she lost her temper and gets mad at him. She pushed his gift away and pulled his shirt collar angrily.

"What the hell are you thinking about me?? Do you think that I will get mesmerized seeing your gifts and forgot what you had done with me?? " Stormed Ramya. Abhi was beyond the shock at her sudden outrageous behaviour. She left his shirt and pushed him away vigorously. She said angrily,
" Flaunting your money will not change my heart, you will not get anything from me forever, just stay away from me". She cried louder.

Abhi was confused at her act, he asked her,
" Why are you saying all this?? I'm not flaunting my richness. I was just trying to pacify your anger with a small gift ".

She shouted, " You can't pacify my anger, my pain or anything because it was all because of you".

Abhi was speechless, he asked her " What did I do?? Why are you getting so angry?? It was a small mistake that I came to pick up you late, but you are making things really complicated".

Ramya was fuming inside, hearing that he was accusing her behaviour, she lost her sense completely.
She said," For you it's a small mistake but, for me it was a lifetime big mistake. For which I have to suffer throughout my life, I regret doing that ".

He was clueless and asked her, " What are you saying?? What do you regret?? "

" I'm saying, I regret of marrying you. You and your family spoilt my life. Now I'm paying the price of marrying an ugly person like you" she hurt him with her rude words.
He was stunned at her confessions and looked at her with a tearful blurred vision.

To Be Continued...


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Meenakshi Jothi

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