The End - Dreams comes True

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Abhi gets shocked and stands like a statue. He can't believe what his wife said. He asked her again about the same for the confirmation.

" What are you saying Ramya?? "

Ramya looked at him intensely and asked,

" You heard right Abhi, I want to introduce my husband to my friends. Was it wrong??"

Abhi looked perplexed, he was also hesitant to meet her friends. Ramya keenly observed his actions and said assuringly,

" Don't think too much, my friends want to see you, they asked me about it for such a long time. So this is just a casual meeting you can leave within few minutes"

Abhi was not looked like he was convinced, he said hesitantly looking at her,

" Ramya, I don't want to meet them... they...they... won't be pleased to look at me, what if they hurt or humiliate you?? I can't tolerate seeing you in tears, that too because of me" said Abhi with a ray of pain in his eyes.

Ramya looked at him worried, she went near him, held his palm in her hands and said, " Abhi, nothing is going to change our relationship, I know I did wrong with you last time. But I swear, history won't repeat this time because, now I'm in head love with you. I can't take it, if someone comments badly about you or about our relationship. I will give them a befitting reply, trust me I won't let our love fall down. Moreover I don't think my friends will treat us badly, I hope they will understand us. I want to show them all how lucky I am to get a caring and lovable husband like you" said Ramya with a sparkle in her eyes. Abhi's face lightened instantly hearing her talks.

Ramya took his hand with her and walked inside the college proudly. Abhi was mesmerised witnessing her love for him.

" Hey guys!! He is my husband Abhiroop '' Ramya proudly introduced her husband in front of all. A sudden dead silence appeared there following that, everyone started to gossip among themselves. Abhi felt embarrassed and looked at Ramya worried. She gave him an assurance by holding his hand tightly.

" Hey Guys!! What are you all staring at?? Won't you all talk with my husband?? Come on, let me introduce you all one by one" said Ramya casually.

All her college mates and at her act, but none dared to say anything about Abhi in front of her. They spoke casually with him even though Abhi felt a little relaxed. All the while Ramya didn't leave his arms, she flaunted her love for him in front of all very clearly.

" Ramya, I can't believe you married him. Are you really happy with him?? Don't you feel scared to see his face??" One of her college mates asked Ramya behind Abhi's back.

Ramya looked at her deeply and said,

" Why would I get scared?? He is also a human like us, he was a fire accident victim. So his face got burnt in it, don't be insensitive to him. So many people hurt him like you, but still he is strong enough to face anything. I admire his bravery, kindness and caring nature. Out of all I love him immensely, for me he is the most handsome man in this world" said Ramya firmly. All looked damn shocked and widened their mouths unbelievable.

" Not only my husband, please don't talk ill about any people like him. They too deserve to live a normal life like us. What was their mistake if they became a victim??" Asked Ramya by shutting everyone's mouth with her strong reply.

Some among her classmates criticized her at her back, some praised her thoughts and maturity. Abhi, who witnessed all this on cloud nine about his wife's unconditional love for him. He had happy tears, and almost all his insecurities were wiped away by Ramya.

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