Abhi Returned???

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A week later....

Sowmiya, Akash and Janaki left a week ago. Ramya felt mentally sick, half heartedly as she was doing her exams. Her mind was struck about that incident with Abhi, she couldn't overcome it. She was very much disturbed and guilt stricken for her misbehaviour. She wondered why Abhi didn't tell anyone about it??

After he left for Chennai he called her father thrice and conveyed his regards to him but, he didn't talk with her, she felt bad about his negligence. Even she herself called him once, for that too he didn't pick up the call or call back her number. After that incident she did not dare to call him, she was literally scared about his reaction.

Her exams are going to be completed within a couple of days, she was studying for her last exam. At that time her sister Sowmi called her,
" Hey Ramya.... How are you?? How is Appa?? " Sowmya asked.

Ramya was happy to hear her sister's voice, she too felt happy and said, "Yeah... Sowmi... We both are well. How are you all??"

" All are fine, so when will your exams get over?? I'm waiting to see you" said Sowmya.

" Day after tomorrow will be my last exam, so I shall plan to come there by next week," said Ramya.

"Oh....ok...ok... Wait a moment our mil wants to talk with you. I will pass the mobile to her" said Sowmya. Ramya was embarrassed to talk with her.

"Ramya... How are you?? How about your exams?? " Asked her mother in law..

Ramya first time after her marriage, Ramya politely replied to her mother in law, she answered all her questions and finally asked about her health. Janaki was on cloud nine when her daughter in law asked about her health and spoke with her normally. Then Akash also had a few words with her, finally he passed a call to Abhi ,who was passing that living area.

" Abhi.. An important call for you. Speak up" said Akash by thrusting the mobile in his hand. Abhi had no idea about who was in the call, he casually said " Hello... Who is this??".

At another end Ramya became nervous hearing his voice, she identified him when he said hello. She became speechless at that moment, and felt a chill spread in her spine.

Once again Abhi said " Hello... Hello...can you hear me??"

This time Ramya tried to speak with difficulty, she raised her voice but she felt something struck in her throat. Slowly she murmured gaining her strength,
" Hello...." . Abhi found out it was her, he felt something in him after hearing her voice. Both Ramya and Abhi didn't speak a word after that, he looked happy to hear her voice almost after a week, suddenly his heart started to rethink her words about him and their marriage, he felt sad.

Simultaneously Ramya was embarrassed to talk with him thinking about her rude behaviour, but she felt happy at least she got a chance to talk with him. Whole family started to tease him for getting shy to talk with his own wife. Abhi smiled and moved far from them, he pretended like they were normal couples.

" I....m... I...m..." Ramya tried to say her apology to him but she was interrupted by Abhi's words.

" All the best for your exams, If you want you can talk with others " said Abhi and disconnected the call. Ramya's eyes filled up in tears, the first time she felt the pain of rejection. She blamed herself for everything that happened between them.

After a while Sowmya called back and teased her about Abhi, she added he looked worried nowadays, maybe he missed her a lot. Ramya couldn't say the truth to her, that he was worried because she rebuked him badly. Silently she shed tears thinking about him.


Two Days Later....

Ramya was packing her stuff to goto her in-law's house for the first time after her marriage. Her exams were completed,she collected all her certificates so, there was no reason for her to stay back in her parents house. She was feeling bad for leaving her father alone and going to another family, she composed herself thinking that at least Sowmi was there. More than leaving her own house, she felt bad that Abhi refused to come here and take her home indicating his work commitments. She knew well he was giving excuses to not come here, she thought that it meant he didn't want to see me. Of course, why would he wish to see me, after what I did?? Something pricked in her heart, she couldn't identify it.

Abhi called her father and said that he will send Akash to pick up Ramya. She was worried the most, she thought that he was angry with her, she was very much worried. She is determined to get his forgiveness once she goes there.

She kept her luggage and went to talk with her father for some time before leaving. He looked happy at sending his daughter to her in law's house. She didn't share her problem with him so as not to make him worried. They shared some good moments and he advised her not to hurt anyone there. Ramya looked down feeling bad.

Her father caressed her head and said,
"Ramya.... as you think, they are not all bad people, everything happened due to the situation, stop getting annoyed with them". She was silent and fiddled with her dupatta.

Her father continued to say, "Do you know something?? really I'm very happy that you were married to Abhi, even though this was my wish before ". Ramya looked up in surprise, her father assured he was telling the truth.

"He is a very mature and kind person. I met him a few times before your marriage, really I was totally impressed with his behaviour. Even I wished to get a son in law like him, but I never thought that he would be my son in law. I'm so happy now" said her father proudly. Ramya looked on.

"Ramya...he suffered a lot in these years so you should not make him suffer with your kiddish behaviour. He is a very soft  person, so try to understand him without hurting him. As I told you before I'm very sure you will also get impressed with his attitude and find him the best man" said her father. She nodded her head, she decided to not to hurt him hereafter like she did before.

Later she asked her father not to worry about her life, she will be happy there. She asked him to take care of his health and follow the medicines on time. Her father smiled and said ok, he asked her to get ready soon, within a few hours Akash will come to pick her up.

She finished all her work and took a bath to get ready. She wore a simple cotton yellow colour top with pink designed bottom and shawl. While changing her dress, her father knocked on the door and asked her to come soon.

" Ramya... Ramya... Come fast. Mapillai (Son in law) arrived. He is waiting for you"

" Ok ...Appa. I'm getting ready, I will come soon " said Ramya, annoyed. She felt bad that Abhi didn't come to take her home so, she was not rushing to go out, she took her time to get ready. Once again her father called her name and asked her to hurry up.

After half an hour she went out of her room, with the great difficulty of carrying her luggages. Due to the heavy weight of the luggage she stumbled a few times but didn't fall down. Suddenly someone stopped her from behind and took her luggage from her hands.

She thought it was Akash, so turned back and said, " It's ok Akash Mama...I will..." She stopped talking when she saw his face, her eyes widened in surprise.

It was " Abhi..."

She muttered surprisingly, " You...??"

To Be Continued...


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