Chapter 10: Threats and Blackmail.

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(Ethan's POV)

I was back home doing some other important stuff like setting up Y/N's prime account and all of that stuff then I will send him that information by email and it should be easy to set up when he clicks on the link. Everything is going smoothly as planned, I'm glad that now he is with me and not with Darian anymore, he was gonna waste Y/N's talent so I thought I would do Y/N a favor and switch him over to me. 

Ethan- Now, I-


My phone was ringing and I went to see who was calling me at this hour. It didn't say a name but I answered anyway.

Ethan- Hello?

"Hello, Ethan. so glad you picked up this call."

What the fuck?

Ethan- Wait...Dar-

"That's right Ethan, it's me Darian. I'm glad you remembered me."

Ethan- Ok look, cut the shit, why are you calling me at 11 pm.

Darian- Oh, I noticed that one of MY employees didn't show up for work for the last couple of days, I wonder...if you know anything like that.

WHAT?! How does he know about that? I made sure it was hidden from all sides but how? It's not possible!

Ethan- How in the hell do you know this?!?!

Darian- So it's true employee stealing bastard!! 

Ethan- Well, there's nothing you can do now, the paperwork has been finalized and now you can't do anything to get to him.

Darian- Maybe I can't can.

Ethan- You out of your goddamn mind if you think I'll give him back to you. 

Darian- Oh, I think you will. Take a look at your email.

I went to my computer, opened up my email to see one new message from Darian. I clicked on the email and it had a link to something. I clicked on the link and my heart sank at what I saw.

Ethan- *Heavy Breathing*

Darian- What's wrong Ethan? Not expecting this file again didn't you?

Ethan- do you still have this?

Darian- I kept one copy just in case I need it. And tonight is the night I can use it. *Laughs*

NO NO NO, this isn't happening, he can't let this out in the news, he can't. 


Darian- I'm close to pressing the button Ethan, for the internet to see. 

Ethan- NO! Please! What do you want then to destroy that file for good?!?!

Darian- One thing....Y/N.

Ethan- Y/N?! Why him?!

Darian- That's none of your goddamn business Ethan, now is your answer yes or no? Choose. Wisely.

FUCK FUCK! I don't want to give away my Y/N back to him when I already have him and I spent 5 million dollars for this to happen and now it's all for nothing?! But I can't let that go public either cause if it does, then my life will be in ruins forever and Y/N will hate me for the rest of my life and I don't want that awful thought to come true. I don't want to do this but...

Ethan's mind- Y/N...I'm sorry.

Ethan- Darian, so what's gonna-

Ethan- I'll do it. I'll give you back Y/N.

Our darling employee~(Yandere Various CEO harem x Male worker reader.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang