Chapter 1: The meeting that sealed the deal and something more.

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(Lucy POV)

I got the room all clean and tidy for Darian. Now all I have to do is go and greet him in the front. As soon I was about to head to the door, I heard knocking.

*Knock Knock*

What that Darian?! I didn't get to tell him where to go, let alone greeted him.

Lucy- Wha-!? I-i mean hello Mr Darian, its nice to meet you.

Darian- Why, its nice to meet you too Ms.Lucy.

Lucy- Ah come in and make yourself comfortable sir.

Darian- Why thank you.

Darian sat himself in one of the chairs and I think I'm seeing things but do I see a smile on him? That's..odd, but I held my breath when I realized that I have to radio Y/N and John that it's time for their lunch breaks.

Lucy- Mr.Darian, I have to apologize but I must radio two of my employees that its time for their lunch breaks.

Darian- Oh it's no problem at all, but who are those employees?

HUH!? Why would he be curious about two employees but I had to answer if I were to score this deal. 

Lucy- OH it's John and Y/N.

As soon as I said Y/N's name, I saw Darian's face lit up a bit and smiled more. I thought it was extremely weird but I shrugged it off.

Darian- Oh then, go ahead we wouldn't want them to starve since they did such busy work "especially Y/N"~.

Lucy- Thank you sir. 

I clicked on my walkie talkie to talk.


I took care of the last customer from my lane that had a big line a while back. Whooh, that was intense then suddenly I heard my portable walkie talkie go on.

(** means talking in the walkie talkie)

*Y/N, this is Lucy*

Y/N- Yeah Lucy what's up?

*Its time for your lunch break and tell John its his too, don't worry I already got two people covering for you. Enjoy your break.*

Y/N- Thank's boss. Y/N out. 

Man, lunch already? Well, today was busy so it made time go that fast. Well, I walked over to John to ket him know.

Y/N- Hey John, guess what? It's lunch time for us.

John- Well hot damn! Already? Well, I know where to go, hey care to join me?

Y/N- Yeah! Let's go.

John and I walked to the back and took off our vests and head on over to the lot and I agreed to carpool with him.

Y/N- So where we going?

John- Hmmm. How about.....McDonald's?

Y/N- Classic. Let's do it.

So we went to McDonald's to eat over there. Im gonna order my F/O(Favorite/Order) from there. 

Y/N mind- I wonder how Lucy's meeting is doing?

(No POV)

While the two were on their break, the meeting between Lucy and Darian was about to begin but not before Darian starts it out with this.

Lucy- So sir, if you don't mind me asking this but how did you find this room quickly because I never told you any directions, and I was suppose to greet you out in the front.

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