Chapter 2: The phone call and packing up.

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(Timeskip, 3 hours later)

(No POV)

It was nighttime now and Y/N is still on the couch sleeping. Then his phone rang suddenly waking him up and having a groggy feeling.

Y/N- *moan* who can be calling at this time?

He checked the phone ID and it didn't say a name or anything but he decided to answer anyways in case it was an important call.

*Call started*

Y/N- *clear throat* Hello?

????- Hello is this Mr Y/N L/N i'm speaking to?

Y/N- Yes it is....who am I speaking to?

????- I am a representative for the W.C program and I'm calling you today to inform that you have been selected and chosen to participate in the program this year. You have been referred to by the CEO of Walmart: Darian Cordell.

Y/N- Oh really?! Darian himself?

????- Yes sir, he believed that you would make a good choice to participate and you know that our CEO'S know exactly what their doing.

Y/N mind- Yeah I think so too.

????- Anyways, in a few minutes after this call, you will receive a email containing information about what steps to take and an all-paid plane ticket to first class business seating to the state where the Walmart executive building is and meet the CEO himself to discuss your next steps. 

Y/N- O-oh boy, this is going a lot faster than I expected.

????- We get that a lot from previous participants Mr.Y/N, this program is not an easy one to get in to and those who have are the ones who show skilled laboring traits and other qualities like that and you sir are one of the those skilled workers.

Y/N- T-this is amazing.

????- Im glad you think so sir, now I must hang up with you now so you get started in your W.C program journey. I wish you the best of luck Mr.Y/N and hope to see you succeed.

Y/N- Thank you and have yourself a great day Mr...

????- Greg, you can call me Greg.

Y/N- Ok Greg, well have yourself a good day and goodbye.

Greg- Goodbye Mr,Y/N

*Call ended*

Y/N just stood there in complete shock on what just he just heard, then he couldn't help like there was no tomorrow. But he stopped....because he realized that he needs to pack up.

(Y/N's POV)

After I danced for a full minute, I stopped to catch my breath and I just realized that I need to pack up. Oh my god oh my god I cant believe that the W.C chose me to participate, huh I never I thought I would get such an opportunity its here and I cant screw it up now. 


Then I got an email notifications that had documents and instructions on it. It's just like Greg said I would get when we hung up. While I was packing up my clothing, I read the instructions document and said that first, I need to get to the IAH airport and go to the terminal 46 that said on the ticket which was a digital ticket where the attendant would scan and lead me to the first class section. I'm very excited to ride an airplane as I never went on one before and probably because I was afraid of heights when I was little but now I can somewhat tolerate it but i'm still scared on looking down of heights. Well, I packed everything I need: Clothes, books to read, headphones, wallet with my savings money, and a bunch of other stuff I need for the trip. I was ready and so I made sure everything was off, checked to see if all my windows are locked, yada yada yada and done. I went out the front door and locked up very closely and begin to go to the car and drive to the airport. 

Our darling employee~(Yandere Various CEO harem x Male worker reader.)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें