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A few months later and they made it to the Italian Ocean. However, nowhere near Blue Cliff Kingdom but all in due time. He knew he was acting on impulse and it was not the best move, he was desperate, but it was his only option. Buying everything they needed from a port not far from the Kingdom he had asked about the rulers which people happily provided. They were a fair kingdom and proper to their subjects, especially the queen. However, the person the old man wanted was going to be hard to find as he found out there were five heirs. The good news was a masquerade ball was to be held for the middle child's coming of age. Buying a mask and matching hat he pickpocketed one of the many guests ticket and slipped in undetected. He wasn't one for social gatherings and preferred spending time alone and/or with his crew. All he had to do was wait in a room full of obnoxious people.

Hearing few of the royal's names called out he faced the stairs to see a man escorting a young woman down the stairs. She was beautiful but what caught his eye was the blue sapphire stone that hung from a silver chain. Throughout the night he had examined her and waited for the right moment to strike. At one point she had disappeared onto the balcony and had emerged in a hurry. Grabbing one of the many females in the ball room he danced with her but made sure to keep an eye on Evelyn. When the other man who jad danced with her disappeared, he quickly made his way to her and "asked" her to dance. The other woman seemed insulted, but it didn't really bother him as his only goal was the princess before him. Her icy orbs locked his forest ones in place, and he couldn't seem to pry them away. After their dance he waited a few minutes longer and saw her walk up the stairs, think it was the perfect time to strike.


In her room Evelyn got undressed, placing the mask neatly on the table, removing the golden belt and slipping into her cream, ankle high nightgown. The neckless she did not put away, a reminder of one of the many things she hald dear. Looking out her window to say goodnight to the ocean, she glanced over the water to see a ship not far from shore. Not sure if it was the king from Germany's ship or a ship heading to port, but she ignored it and slipped into bed. Evelyn could hear the music faintly in the air along with voices and laughter, it was calming. Just as she was about to drift off to sleep a loud bang coming from downstairs, startling her. Chaos quickly ensued as peoples screams echoed through the halls. She quickly jumped out of bed and hid under it laying on her stomack she heard loud footsteps, laughter and screaming pass by. Doors were being smashed open and it was getting closer to hers. Placing a hand over her mouth not to scream as fear swiftly took over. They were in front of her room, "One, Two, Three!" A man yelled and her door cracked open, laying completely still, hoping and praying that they wouldn't find her. Loud steps came in and they began ransacking her room, searching. "There's nothin' here!" A raspy voice shouted, flinching at the sudden voice Evelyn grabbed her neckless for comfort. "Don't stop looking we have to find her!" This time a gruff voice with an Irish accent spoke.

She could see the shadows of the two men walk towards the door, they were leaving. Sighing deeply, soft sobs escaped from pure relief as her heart calmed down, relaxing her muscles. But it went away as a rough hand grabbed her ankle, dragging her out from under the bed. Turning her to face him Evelyn soon realised who they were. Pirates! "There ye are, nymph!" It was the man with the raspy voice. He took out a hatchet holding it over her, and instinct kicked in and she rolled out of the way and the hatchet made a cracking noise as it collided with the floor. The man with the gruff voice grabbed the other and punched him, scolding him. "What are ye doin'?!" This was her chance – jumping up she ran out into the hall, heading for the exit. "Now look what ye done!" Pirates slashing at people, ransacking and chasing maidens as Evelyn ran from her room. Turning to see if they were following, they were. Jumping, ducking and swinging out of the way, trying to reach her father or Philip. Running down the stairs to the ballroom, people laid dead on the floor in pools of blood. She did not see her family, hoping they were not hurt or dead and had escaped. Evelyn was almost at the door when someone grabbed her hair and yanked her back. "Don't be so troublesome, lass." The man with the gruff voice said as he had her in his grasp and there was no way of getting out.

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