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Another month had passed, and Evelyn knew her time on Lady Death was coming to an end and her hope for escape slowly faded. She kept with her "duties" however spent less time with the men who surrounded her. Hawkins noticed her behavior and wanted to question her but knew what it had to be about. Trying to keep her smile, as her laughter brightened his days, by telling her more stories and tales but it didn't always work, and her smile faded with every passing day. Evelyn had cried herself to sleep some nights thinking of her parents and if they were searching for her. If her father had asked his Naval friends to search the seven seas. What pain they must endure. It was the only thing that kept her going, but for how long?

Silver had also been strange, serene almost, as if he waited for something which left his crew nervous. He had thought about the intensions of the old man. He had no idea if it was a man or a woman, so it was most likely not for pleasure. There had to be another reason, but he didn't know what. Perhaps unresolved anger towards the King of Blue Cliff Kingdom, but how did he know about the sapphire neckless? It bothered him but he had to wait and see, but slowly his mind was not set on the money but the woman who roamed his ship.

Helping where she could throughout the day Evelyn stood in the kitchen preparing dinner for the men. It was a simple dish, bread and a small piece of meat. Of course, they complained about it but what were they to do if the feast had taken most of their resources. Handing them their plates most of them looked at it in disgust and others glared at her, as if Evelyn had something to do with it. Afterwords she was left to clean the dishes as Hawkins went hunting for some of the plates that were missing. Minding her own business Evelyn had not realised one of the crew stood behind her, furious and hungry. Grabbing her arm Evelyn released a yelp trying to pull away, "Let go of me!" She demanded which made him more upset and held her arm above her, restricting her blood flow. "The men need more meat! Give it up, nymph!" "There isn't any!" Not pleased with her answer he pulled her to the other wall, slamming her back against the cold wooden planked wall. Fear ingulfed her and she couldn't see how she was going to get away. "No... please stop!" Smacking her through the face to silence her tears weld up in her icy orbs. "Maybe me's should taste ye to satisfy me needs." With a sinister chuckle he pressed his lips to her neck and Evelyn screamed. A harsh yank pulled the man from her, throwing him across the room. Hawkins punched and kicked the man as she stood in shock at the scene before her. Turning to face her she flinched at the blood on his fists and blood lust in his eyes which softened at her frightened expression.

"Lass?" Without a word Evelyn rushed away, not sure where she was going, it was already dark on the ship, only a few lanterns burned. 'Don't be soft, ye won't last long if ye are.' Hawkins' words echoed in her head. Making her way to the helm she was nobody was there, only ropes held the wheel in place. Standing near the railing she looked down into the dark water, tears fell from her cheeks and had no intention of stopping. Her mind flooded with thoughts of anger, resentment and hurt. She didn't understand what was happening, why it was happening and why it had to be her. Fear was all she knew at that time Hearing footsteps approach her she halfheartedly wiped her tears, only sniffing and soft sobs escaped. "What are ye doin' here, love?" Evelyn couldn't take it anymore, she was tired of being played for a fool. "Stop calling me love!" Turning to face him, anger replaced her hurt expression from before. That was the first time she wasn't afraid, the first time she raised her voice at him, "I hate this ship! I hate pirates! I hate you!" Evelyn pointed an accusing finger at him, her tears had not calmed down. Noticing her bruised arm and cheek Silver scratched his chin in disbelief, glaring at her bruises with such anger she regretted her words, but did not know it wasn't met for her. Stepping closer, she wanted to run but her feet were frozen in fear. "I- I'm sorry!" Shutting her eyes she wanted to escape that nightmare and grabbed her sapphire. Placing her hands in front of her face to block if he wanted to hit her like she was before.

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