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The next morning, Evelyn woke up with a dry throat as she had cried herself to sleep, her eyes felt heavy. Hearing the hustle and chatter outside a strange feeling overwhelmed her and Evelyn felt calm and ready for the day. A few loud knocks on her door made her sit up and allow the person to enter, it was Hawkins. "Big day ahead of us, ye better get ready Princess of The Storm." He spoke with urgency but tried hiding it by calling her by her crew given name. However, it did not change how she felt and had worry wash over her as he left, waiting outside the door. Getting ready Evelyn retied her shirt and slipped on her boots, stepping out Hawkins gave her a weak smile she gave him a weaker one. Walking down the stairs Silver stood near the door, looking up as he heard them. Evelyn's body tensed as a flash of the night before entered her mind, his kisses still lingered on her neck. Glancing her up and down she could see Nicolas felt the same. Huffing slightly, he walked out the door and everyone else followed.

The previously busy street felt somber and the world around them - well mostly around Evelyn - felt dark and cold. Even the gloomy sky reflected what she felt - alone, broken... lost. The men around her avoided eye contact, only Hawkins gave her sympathetic glances and Silver didn't even bother to turn around. If she didn't know any better, Evelyn would have thought they all felt guilty. Guilty about kidnapping her, guilty about becoming her friends, guilty about having to give her over. Taking a turn down a quiet, muddy alleyway Silver turned to face her. Looking up at Hawkins who stood behind her, he sighed, "Go ahead. Meet them at the port. I have a bone to pick." Glancing at Hawkins he only nodded and left Evelyn's side, taking the others with him. It was only her and Silver, the two of them face to face, yet they did not make proper eye contact. "I'm sorry." Finally meeting her icy orbs, she looked into his forest ones - riddled with frustration. Confused she became infuriated, his words meant nothing at that moment when only a few months ago he was set on selling her and only then was he sorry?

Turning away from her Silver whispered to himself, "Why?" but it felt directed to both of them. "Why did I have to be infatuated by you?" Knitting her brows she couldn't believe what she was hearing. Conflicted, yet mostly perplexed, what was he saying and what had he meant? "I should have listened to Hawkins... I shouldn't have gotten desperate!" Turning back to her there was a shine to his eyes and Evelyn couldn't find her words. "I don't understand." Her voice was barely over a whisper. Cursing himself he grabbed her arm and without another word dragged her to the port. Arriving at the pier a hand full of people stood along with Silver's people. He rushed Evelyn to an oldish man with a small grey beard and almost grey blue eyes. Silver stood beside her, almost shouting at the stranger. "Here she is, as promised!" Shoving her as he released her arm Evelyn stood with a lump in her throat and fear holding every fiber of her being. Looking at the cloth wrapped around her limps and the bruise on her cheek he glared at Silver who watched him blankly from behind Evelyn.

However, the encounter became even more stranger as the man did not look at her as if she was an object but gave her a kind smile. Furrowing her brows, she stepped away from him, the man realised what he was doing and apologised? "I am sorry young one I didn't mean to frighten you." He spoke with authority and proper manners which baffled her. "Who are you?" Evelyn wasn't in the mood for games and demanded the man who only chuckled lightly, tilting his head at her. "I see., your mother had not mentioned me?" Everyone who surrounded them frowned in various different ways including her, but shock quickly replaced her expression. "What do you mean my mother didn't mention you?! How do you know her old man?" Furious Evelyn became defensive, which shocked the stranger before her. "This is no matter to discuss in front of others." Stepping away from him she didn't care about the people around them. It might have been a private matter, but it didn't matter at that time. "NO!" Glancing behind her the man's once friendly face turned to that of slight annoyance. "It has nothing to do with these, pirate!" "You will say it in front of them." Pointing to Silver who was just as confused as to what was happening, he stepped slightly forward. "Very well." His expression softened, inhaling sharply, "You are my daughter." Evelyn wanted to say something, but her words caught in her throat as surprise froze her. Only able to say a few words, "You're lying?" Looking down at her with sorrow in his old eyes he spoke softly. "You have no idea how desperately I wanted to meet you, but life kept me away from you." Tears suddenly brimmed her dark eyes - she couldn't comprehend what she heard. "How dare you insinuate suck things?! You have no proof!"

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