Episode 1 The Adventure begins. Part 2

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Third person's POV

As the months flew by, Kong grew bid and strong. But that was kind of a problem. While kong was chasing Lukas around the house, Kong broke now and door and messed up the wall frame.

Everybody froze( That scene is so funny to me). That's when the parents ran over. " Dr.Remy asked panicked " What happened? I--" He was interrupted by Richard's whining. " Kong grew again."

" Sooooo?!?" Manami shouted while coming out of the house. " Don't listen to him, baby." She said while petting Kong's head. 


It was all peaceful, everyone was sleeping until


That was Kong growing again, but this time he can through the floor!! The whole place started to fall, " Everyone, outside! Now! We need to get onto the docks!" Dr. Remy said leading everyone outside.

Lukas asked while running " Is it an earthquake?"    Richard responded to that. "No, it's your overgrown ape!" He said with annoyance as Kong continued to grown. " Ugh! Richard, we don't have time for that!" Manami shouted tiredly and took off running. 

Chatter exclaimed " Bawk! Run for your lives!" And everyone started running onto land, everyone turned around and saw that their home was destroyed, and Kong looking sad. " It's fine Kong! You can't help it." Manami smiled tiredly at him. "Manami are you okay?" Lukas asked Manami while he was walked over to her. 

" Yeah. I'm just trying to figure out how everyone is wide awake, and I'm still tired as heck." Manami said before falling on Lukas. " I'm just grateful no one was hurt. Don't worry, everything will be okay."  Dr.Remy said calmly to everyone while taking Manami from Lukas. 

"Wanna bet?" Richard asked with a nervous face as the police came. " Uh-oh! Big ape! Bawk! Big trouble!" Chatter said with worry. " Oh no. Lukas here!" Dr.Remy said, giving Lukas Manami and running over to the police. Manami started groaned " L-Lukas, what is going on??"  

'She must be so tired', Lukas thought with a sigh. "It's nothing at all, Manami. How about you just try to get more sleep?" asked Richard. Manami groaned again. " Alright..." and she shut her eyes once more. 

But then, helicopters came over and that woke Manami right up. " What the hell?!" She shouted. " Whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy!" Lukas said while putting Manami down. " Kong really blew it this time! The police are gonna put him away, or maybe even destroy him for this." Richard said with an evil smile.

Manami glared at Richard and said " HELL NO." Then she started running to Kong. "Manami, wait!!" Lukas exclaimed while running after. "Kong! Kong over here, buddy!" Shouted Manami, getting Kong's attention.

 " Hold your fire!" Shouted the Chief of police. " Kong, baby, it's okay you know that you can trust me and Lukas right?" Manami said in a soft voice. " She's right Kong, we're here for you."  Kong calmed down and bent down to hug the both of them.

 He then lifted them up on his shoulder and back. Manami giggled, and Lukas laughed and said " Nice move, Kong."      "......He must be tamed and controlled until a judge can decide what should be done with him!" Said the chief of police. "Done with him???" Said Lukas and Manami said at the exact same time.

" We gotta get outta here." Said Lukas as he sends a message to his father through his watch.    "I'm telling Dad, I'm taking you home." Dr.Remy looked at his watch and gave a nod of approval.

" Get ready, Kong." Whispered Manami. " Manami, come here." Called Lukas. Manami cralwed over to Lukas. " Hold on tight." He said as he wrapped his arms around Manami. " You got it." She said then wrapped her arms around Lukas. 

" Now, Go!" Lukas ordered Kong. Kong then leaped off the rubble and started running away from everyone. There were a few people trying to stop the three, but Kong, Lukas, and Manami made it out of the city safely.

Once out, all three looked back at the city worried and sad, but they kept going.


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