Episode 1 The Adventure Begins Part 5

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Third Person's POV

It was all quiet. Manami smiled sweetly at Dr.Remy. " Nice to see you again Leo." Said Manami while giving Dr.Remy a hug. " Good to see you too.", Remy responded. Then, Manami turned to Jonesy " So you're the girl I heard so much about?" Jonesy asked looking at Lukas. Lukas looked away, embarrassed.  " Well, heh, I guess I am. I'm Manami." They shook hands " And my name is Jonesy."

Then, Manami turned to Richard. That's when the owl rose its feathers slightly, white bionic wolf, Lavender, and Georgia walked over to her. Manami took a deep breath, held her hand out, and said " Nice to see that you are alive, Richard. I am very impressed with all the bionics you made." She finished with a smile.

Richard was taken back by her kindness, but smiled a little and shook her hand. " And it's nice to see you taking care of animals and yourself." Said, Richard.  The white bionic wolf went back to the black wolf, the lions, and the cheetahs, and Lavender and Georgia went to meet Dr. Remy, Jonesy, and...Botila( They did not like her). 

Bionic Wolves went to - Richard

Lavender and Georgia went to - Botila

The Cheetahs went to - Jonesy

And the lions went to - Dr. Leo Remy

Then, Manami turned to Lukas, and he did not hesitate to pick her up and hug her. " Aww, did little Bolt miss me?" Manami teased while hugging him back.  Lukas laughed at that and let her go. " It's been so long. I missed you."  Lukas said with a smile.   Manami smiled back  "Me too."  Then, they hugged again. Lukas smiled, happy to see her after all those years. Then she turned away.  " Excuse me for a bit," Manami said as she walked over to greet Kong. 

Kong smiled grew big. " HEY, BUDDY! DID YOU MISS ME?!?!" Manami yelled with a smile. Kong chittered happily and loudly. Kong jumped down and picked Manami up. And tickled her lightly with his finger. Lukas, Lavander, Georgia, Jonesy, and Dr. Remy smiled at the sound of Manami laughing.

" Anyway, I need your help, both of my sons, to fulfill my life-long dream." Said Dr. Remy.  He continued "Thanks to Kong's extraordinary fame, and Manami's brains and technology, I have the governor's blessing, plus all the funding needed, to create the Remy Natural History and Marine Preserve right here on the island!" Dr. Remy finished with pride. " That's great, Dad," said Lukas.

" Heck yeah, it is!" Manami said as she jogged over to them, with the owl still on her shoulder, and, Lavander and Georgia following her. 

" But, you two. there is one major condition. They insist Kong be fitted with a special control collar." Dr. Leo Remy said with sadness. " No, no, no, forget that!" Lukas said disappointed.  " ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Manami shouted with anger and that caused the male lion to sit up and growl. " Thomas, down!" Manami yelled. Thomas reluctantly laid back down.

" You two, it's the only way. Kong wears a collar or they will...put him away." Stated Dr. Remy.          "This is unacceptable," Lavender whispered to Georgia. Manami decided to go back to Kong. Kong grunted nervously at her. " It's alright, baby. I'll make sure that Richard doesn't take things too far and hurt you." Manami said, petting Kong's big nose. He smiled and nuzzled into her touch.

All of a sudden, the voice on the PA went off saying, " Intruder alert! Intruder alert! "  " Our security walls have been breached!" Exclaimed Dr. Remy. Manami turned to Kong and said, " Go find them Big Boy." Kong chittered seriously and took off to search.  

Then, Mamani ran back to her Chopper and ordered the animals and the owl inside. Then, she turned to the bionic wolves and ordered them to stay near the entrance, same for Lavander. " Georgia come with me." ordered Manami as she ran back to the others. " as long as Kong is around, we don't need weapons or Botila," Lukas said with a smirk. "Damn Right" Stated Georgia with a sly smile.

The group looked in the direction and saw that he caught two kids. They all ran over, and Manami was still at the Chopper. Kong had the two kids in his hands and walked over to the dock, where the others went to.

" Who are you and what do you want?" Ordered Dr. Remy.   " Sorry to trespass, but you are a very hard man to reach, Dr. Remy," said the girl. Manami started running over to the group. " I am Dr.Amy Quon and this is my brother, Danny," Amy said pointing at her and then her brother. Manami froze in her tracks. ' Those names sound so familiar."Manami Thought.

She decided to stay on the upper ground,

Until the right time.

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