Chapter 11

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Reyanna got into her car and then drove to her apartment so she could shower and change clothes. She still had plenty of time before she had to go to class, and there were a few phone calls that she needed to make first in order to get things running, so she could put her plan in action. First she needed to see if Courtney was home, and speak with her. If everything was going to work out, she would need her help. Reyanna got to her apartment and bounded up the stairs, knocking on Courtney’s door. It didn’t take long for Courtney to answer because she looked like she was getting ready to walk out the door herself. “Oh, hey Rey, what’s going on? What’s the rush,” Courtney asked? “Sorry if I scared you, I just need a huge favor from you,” Reyanna said as she got a piece of paper and a pencil from her bag and began writing something down. “Uhh sure, what’s up,” Courtney asked, confused and a little thrown aback since she had just opened up her door to see Reyanna in a giant sweatshirt and some basketball shorts, which she knew was not Rey’s style. “Wait, are you and Michael back together?” “Reyanna looked up and just smiled. “Yeah, we patched things up last night,” she said. “Ooooh I bet you two did,” Courtney said with a naughty look. “Court chill alright, Michelle doesn’t know yet, so if you could just refrain from saying anything until I tell her I would appreciate it. Not even to Myles alright,” Reyanna said. “Pinky swear,” said Courtney as she held out her pinky. “You childish,” Reyanna said with a laugh as she gave Courtney her pinky.

“But no seriously, does your roommate still have that “friend” of hers?”

“What frie- ohhh that friend. Yeah I think so? Why are you guys into that stuff now?”

“No I need you to ask her to give this piece of paper to him, and ask him to look into it for me. It’s super urgent, and the sooner he finds out for me the better. My cell is at the bottom so he can get in touch with me. Can you do that for me?”

“Yeah girl sure no problem. Is everything okay?”

“Right now no, but if this lead pans out, then things should be looking up real soon. I appreciate you doing this for me Court.”

“Girl you know I owe you like twenty favors. We’ll just count this as you calling in one,” Courtney said with a laugh. “I’ll go ahead and give this to her now before I got to class and forget.” “Thanks girl I really appreciate it. I’ll talk to you later,” Reyanna said, and then she went across the hall to her own apartment.

Reyanna walked into the apartment and she saw all the lights were off once again. “Hmmm, looks like I’m the only one here,” she thought to herself. She went to her room and dropped her bag on the floor while she went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. When she got out she decided she would wear a V-neck t-shirt and a pair of jeans since the high temperature was going to be 71 degrees today. After she got dressed she made a few phone calls to some people, put some fresh clothes in her duffle bag for practice this afternoon, and then walked out the room. As she walked out of her room she heard noise coming from the kitchen. “Ri is that you,” she asked as she came around the corner, and to her surprise she saw that it was Michelle. “Michelle, what are you doing here,” Reyanna asked as she set her bag down. Maybe she would be able to go ahead and have the conversation she needed to have with her right now. “Umm last time I checked I lived here,” Michelle said. “Well somebody obviously has an attitude this morning,” Reyanna thought to herself. Michelle’s attitude was the last thing she wanted to deal with this morning, but she promised Michael that she would talk with her, so she decided to go ahead and give it a try. Attitude or not, she was still her best friend.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Reyanna said as she moved to the counter, “I meant like, usually you are at the SATF around this time. I just expected that you would already be there and that I was the only one in the house, that’s all.” “Oh, well no I was up all night studying and I was really tired so I called out and decided to catch some sleep before I headed to Micro this afternoon,” Michelle said as she poured herself a cup of orange juice. “Oh alright then,” Reyanna said. She paused for a minute before she continued. “So is Austin here, or did he leave already,” Reyanna asked? She wanted to make sure that he wasn’t still in Michelle’s room and could hear the conversation that was about to take place. “Why does it matter,” Michelle asked placing her cup of juice down on the counter. “You planning to take Austin from me now for when you’re done with Jason? You know, the one you decided to turn to after you broke my other brother’s heart?” she said as she took another sip of orange juice. Her words were cold, and Reyanna could feel the hurt behind those words. She knew Michelle was upset about everything that had transpired between them, but she never realized how much it had hurt her. “Man you really messed up,” Reyanna thought to herself, “This isn't just for Michael anymore, you owe it to Chelle to tell her the truth.”

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