Chapter 15

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  Reyanna, pulled up to the ice-cream parlor and walked in, seeing her friends already at a booth in the corner. She went to the counter to place her order and pay, and then went over to the table where everyone was sitting. Michael got out so that she could slide in and sit next to Riley, where he placed a kiss on her cheek and then placed his arm over her shoulder. “So Reyanna what’s up,” Riley said as she was working on a root beer float. “What is it you had to tell us?” “Oh right,” Reyanna said sitting up. “Well Michael and Michelle already know about it because I had to sort of key them in on the plan but as you know, a lot of stuff has been going on with me over the past month and a half, and I think it’s about time I tell you guys what’s been going on.” Reyanna started from the beginning and went on to tell them about the blackmail from Denise and Randall and how they had tried to get her kicked out of Brown. How she had distanced herself from everyone as a means to try and protect them, and how Randall had tried to extort money from her. She told them about the problems with her parents and how her mom had had an affair, but she decided to leave out the part about the abortion because she didn’t want them to look at her mom any differently, especially Riley. She also told them about how she had hatched up a plan to catch Denise and Randall, and how she was able to clear Michael’s name, and avoid from being kicked off the team and out of school herself.

“Damn Rey, we had no idea,” Jason said. “I can’t believe you held all that in for so long. Why didn’t you think you could trust us though? I would have bashed that Randall punk’s brains in if I had known.” “And that’s exactly why I didn’t tell you Jason,” Reyanna said. “Do you know the trouble you would have faced being on scholarship with the football team assaulting the Director’s son? Not to mention if Randall had found out that Michelle was your sister, he would have tried to ruin her life too with her working as an athletic trainer. It was too risky and I didn’t want to drag you all into it.” “Still though I can’t believe none of us even knew,” Riley said. “And especially me. I mean I think of you as a sister, and this whole time I thought you were just letting the whole student athlete lifestyle get to you and go to your head. I should have known better Rey, and I’m sorry.” “It wasn’t your fault Ri,” Reyanna said. “I wanted you all to think that so you would have a reason to keep your distance. I knew the further away you all wanted to be from me, the further away you would be from Randall and this whole situation I was in, and none of you would be effected.”

Just then a waitress brought Reyanna’s brownie fudge sundae to the table. She took a few bites and continued on. “Honestly I’m just glad it’s all behind me now. Holding all of that in, keeping that secret, it wasn’t healthy. It’s not healthy to keep secrets like that,” Reyanna said directing the last comment towards Jason. Jason just averted his eyes and sipped on his smoothie. “But honestly I feel like this whole endeavor was actually good for us all. I mean honestly, when’s the last time that we all hung together like this?. We’ve all been so focused and wrapped up in our own lives that we haven’t once taken into appreciation what we have right here right now. For instance, at first I thought this was the worst thing ever, but in going through this hardship I was able to take all of that hurt, pain and anger, and focus it into track. Now I’m this close to beating the school record.” “Hey that’s awesome! Congratulations Rey,” Austin said reaching across the table to give her a high five. “Thanks Austin, I I have a pretty good feeling about the season this year. What about you? The Homecoming Game is what,4, 5 months away? How are you feeling about the season?”

“Oh you know we’re going to kill it like always Rey,” Austin said. “With us on the field, and the new plays Coach has created, we’re unstoppable. Isn’t that right Thing 1?” “You got it Thing 2,” Jason said, giving Austin a fist bump. “By the way is everything okay with your classes bro? You’ll still be able to play in the game on Saturday right,” Austin asked taking another sip of his smoothie. “What do you mean,” Jason asked? “Isn’t that why you were late to practice yesterday? You had to meet with your professor to talk about grades or something.” “Oh right, that, uh yeah I’m good, it was a computer error that’s all. It input my grade wrong,” Jason said, knowing he was lying. He had heard what Reyanna said, but he wasn’t quite ready to spill his secrets yet. Besides, his problems were nothing in comparison to what Reyanna had going on. “Well I’m glad it all worked out man. Oh and you missed it, Sanchez thought he could beat me in a race yesterday, and we made this bet that if he lost, he would have to wear a dress when we come out the tunnel at the pep rally,” Austin said. “Needless to say, he’s going to be the prettiest football player on the team.”

“Wow Austin really? That’s pretty messed up, what if he holds that against you or something,” Michelle said. “Aww relax babe it’s all fun. He knows it’s all a joke, I don’t mean anything by it. Besides a deal is a deal, so he’s gotta do it,” Austin said. Michelle just rolled her eyes, “I have to go to the bathroom,” Michelle said removing Austin’s arm from around her. “I really wish you would grow up Austin,” Michelle said as she walked away towards the ladies’ room. “It was just a joke,” Austin called after her, but Michelle didn’t want to hear it. “Uh-oh, trouble in paradise,” Michael asked? “Nah we’re good,” Austin said taking another sip of his smoothie. “She’s just stressed is all.” Austin wished that was all that it was, but he knew it was something deeper than that. Ever since the conversation they had last night, he and Michelle hadn’t been seeing eye to eye about things, but he didn’t want everyone all in his business, no matter how close they were.

At that moment Jason’s phone began to buzz. “Hey man everything alright,” Michael asked? Jason looked at the screen and his face dropped. “Not now,” he thought to himself. “Yeah man everything’s good. I uh, I have to take this phone call, but I’ll catch you all later. It’s been real, thanks for the invite, we should all do this again some time,” he said as he got up from the booth, walking right past Michelle, and out the door. “Is everything alright with Jason? Where’s he running off to,” asked Michelle sitting back in the booth? “Who knows anymore Michelle,” Michael said in annoyance, “and frankly, I don’t care anymore. Sorry guys, but I’ve suddenly lost my celebratory mood. I’ll see you all later.” Michael got out the booth, bent down to give Reyanna a kiss, and then walked out the door. “Yo what’s their problem,” Austin said finishing the last of his smoothie. “I bet I know what it is, my man Jason is just stressed. He probably just needs to get laid.”

Michelle shot him a nasty look and said, “God Austin seriously?! Is that all that’s on your mind? Did it ever occur to you that maybe something else is going on? I swear you’re impossible sometimes,” she said, and she too got out the booth and stormed out the door. Riley and Reyanna both looked at Austin in confusion as he started to get up and go after Michelle. He looked as confused as they did as he shrugged his shoulders and said, “Hormones I guess,” and then headed out the door. “What is everybody’s deal Rey? What’s up with all this tension,” Riley asked? “I have no idea Riley,” Reyanna said, “but I have a feeling I’m not the only one who was hiding something. And something tells me we’re about to find out real soon.”

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