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“Alright Reyanna, great work today. I feel like at this rate, you’re making such great progress that you won’t even need me anymore.” “I appreciate that. Thanks for your help Dr. Wilcox,” Reyanna said gathering up her stuff. “It’s no problem, I’m glad you came on your own and realized this would be a good first step. I know you’re a brave girl, but everyone needs a little help now and then,” Dr. Wilcox said reassuringly. They walked out of the office and to the main elevator. “Any plans for the summer,” Dr. Wilcox asked. “As a matter of fact, yes! My track team made it to the state finals so we’ll be competing in California!” “Well, that sounds exciting. Best of luck to you Reyanna, and just know that you can still contact me via phone or video conference for our scheduled meetings while you’re out of town. My phone will be on, I promise.” “Thanks again Dr. Wilcox, I appreciate it so much,” Reyanna said with a smile. She stepped on the elevator and made her way to the ground floor where the parking deck was. When she stepped outside, she was met with a bright blue and clear sky and the sun shining on her face bright and warm. There was a light breeze that blew by and carried the smell of fried chicken from a nearby Chik-fil-a. The sound of heavy traffic filled her ears, and for once Reyanna was glad to be back in her hometown of Atlanta. Reyanna’s thoughts were interrupted by the honk of a car horn. She opened her eyes and saw her boyfriend, Michael, leaning out of the car with a big smile as he said, “get in babe, I’m hungry!” She laughed as she shook her head and made her way to the passenger door of the car.

It was officially summer vacation and everyone had gone home for the summer after school let out. Reyanna was just glad that the drama of this past semester was officially over. Denise lost her scholarship and got expelled from Brown, but since neither Reyanna or Michael decided to press charges, she wasn’t facing any jail time and would still be able to apply to another college in the fall…as long as it wasn’t Brown. Randall had to deal with being punished by his father, which involved him being suspended for the remainder of the semester and going to live with his uncle who ran a military school. “So how was your visit with the shrink babe,” Michael said jokingly. “Oh my gosh Michael for the hundredth time she’s not a shrink, she’s a psychiatrist,” she said jokingly pushing his shoulder. “And it went really well thank you very much. She’s even agreed to do remote sessions while I’m in California.” “That’s great babe! I know she’s not a shrink, I just like messing with you, but I am glad that you’re taking your mental health seriously and opening up and talking with someone. With everything you had to go through spring semester, you definitely didn’t need to bottle that up.” “Yeah, I don’t even think I had the capacity to do so. It didn’t really hit me, the gravity of the situation, until I got home and noticed the negative energy in the house. It’s really heavy and I could not deal.” “You still staying at Riley’s house,” Michael asked as he pulled out of the parking lot. “Yeah, just until I go to California. My parents weren’t happy about it at first but I think they finally understood that this was what was best for me and what I needed. I’m just glad momma Jackson was cool with me staying there.” “Why wouldn’t she be, your practically her second daughter.”

Michael turned onto a main road and then merged into the left lane so he could turn. “So, what do you want to eat,” Michael asked? “Hmm, I really want some smothered chicken and collards, but I’m on a strict diet for State.” “So, what I’m hearing is to pick up my food on the way to getting your rabbit food…gotcha.” “It’s not rabbit food! It’s a plant-based super protein bowl!” “Yeah, but when I look at it…it’s rabbit food,” Michael laughed. “Whatever,” Reyanna said, crossing her arms. Michael leaned over really quick to give her a kiss on the cheek as he slowed to a stop at the red light. “You know I love you right,” he said, his white smile and skin glistening in the sun. “Yeah, I know,’ Reyanna said with a smile. A few moments passed while they were in the drive-thru picking up Reyanna’s food before Michael asked, “so wy didn’t you want to stay at my place?” “What do you mean,” Reyanna asked with a forkful of chicken and spinach in her mouth. “I’m saying if you had asked, I’m sure mom would have let you stay at our house for the next couple of weeks until the State Championship.” “I’m sure she would have, but I just didn’t think it was a good idea. We’re dating again now, and I feel like we need to have some boundaries. Out of respect for your family.” “Boundaries? Babe, we’ve already had sex, what other boundaries are there for us to cross,” Michael asked. “Does your mom know this,” Reyanna asked seriously. “Ummm, I mean I didn’t tell her but between Michelle and Jason she probably knows,” he said with a laugh. “And you don’t think that would change the dynamic if I’m living under your parents’ roof as your girlfriend with them knowing that we’re sexually active?  I love your parents, and I respect them, and I just felt like that wouldn’t be the best plan.” “I guess I get that, it’s just…what’s the best way for me to say this without sounding like an insecure simp,” Michael said to himself. “Say what Michael,” Reyanna asked inquisitively. “It’s just, I guess I’m kind of jealous. You’re going to be spending all this time with Riley and then you’re leaving for California. I feel like this will be our first time apart for this long and I don’t even get to spend any time with you before you leave.” There was a moment of silence in the car before Reyanna just bust out laughing, unable to contain it anymore. “Thanks for validating my feelings Rey,” Michael said kind of annoyed. Just then Reyanna pulled Michael in for a passionate slow kiss on the lips. It was soon interrupted by car horn letting them know the light had turned green.

“Uhh, not that I’m complaining or anything but damn Rey, that was, shoot that was…what was that,” he said with a beaming smile and red in the cheeks. “Michael I love you so much you know that? And I love the fact that you are comfortable with your masculinity to be vulnerable like that with me. It’s actually one of the things that made me fall for you. But even you have to laugh at this one. You, my boyfriend, are jealous of me spending time with my best friend? Think about it, when we got back together I pretty much lived in your room, and was barely home with my girls. Now I’m staying with Riley for two weeks until I got to California for a week and a half, to come back home for a few days before I go back to Brown for the summer to spend it with you while you’re in summer school…do you see where I’m coming from here,” Reyanna said with a sly smile. Michael shook his head in disbelief and laughed at just how inconsiderate he was being. “Babe, you’re right, I’m sorry about that. I was just in my feelings I didn’t even consider yours or Riley’s. I apologize.” “You’re forgiven,” she said kissing him on the cheek. Just then Reyanna got a text message. “This girl must have known we were talking about her,” Reyanna said with a laugh as she showed him Riley’s text message. “Well looks like it’s a party at Ri’s house,” Michael said as he turned into another restaurant. “Give me two seconds to grab my food, and we’ll head right on over,” Michael said, putting the car in park. “You got it babe.”

Michael pulled into Riley’s driveway and parked behind Jason’s Acura. It looked like Austin and Michelle were already here too. “What’s everyone doing here,” Reyanna asked Michael as they got out of the car? “Beats me, you just told me to pull up to Riley’s house. How was I supposed to know everyone else would be here? “Wait isn’t that your parent’s car,” Reyanna said as she stopped noticing Mrs. Turner’s Mercedes. “Yeah, looks like it. Maybe they needed to talk to Riley’s mom about something,” Michael said being somewhat dismissive. “Uh-huh, so your parents, and everyone else just so happened to all pull up to Riley’s house at the same time and…. wait that’s my mom and dad’s car! Alright Michael Turner what do you know? What’s going on here?” “Babe, you’re asking me questions like you didn’t just tell me to stop by Riley’s house 5 minutes ago. Remember I had planned for us to eat lunch at my house and watch movies, so how would I know what’s going on?” “You swear you don’t know what’s going on,” Reyanna asked giving Michael an interrogative look. “How about we go inside and see for ourselves, instead of you trying to examine me on a witness stand,” Michael said playfully. Reyanna side-eyed him for a minute, then decided to let it go. “Fine,” she said as she walked to the door and began to open it. “I don’t know what’s going on her but I bet that…” “SURPRISE!!!!” Reyanna opened the door to find Austin, Michelle, Riley Jason, Mr. and Mrs. Turner, and both of her parents, and even Riley’s mom, Ms. Jackson all standing in the foyer and living room with streamers and confetti flowing through the air, and balloons that said “Congratulations” scattered about. “What…what’s this,” Reyanna asked completely surprised. “You really thought we weren’t about to celebrate best friend,” Michelle said with a big smile as she blew into one of those party favors horns. “Celebrate what,” Reyanna asked still shocked, and stepping into the house. “Come on babe, you really think we wouldn’t find out,” Michael said with a smile as he brought Reyanna into the living room, friends and family following. Riley was standing there holding a big sheet cake that read “To the Fastest Girl @ BU 48.19!”. I know you wanted to keep this on the down low until after the Championships, but well I told mom, mom told your mom and Mrs. Turner, and then Michelle and Michael found out and they told Jason and Austin, and then well, now we’re here,” she said with a laugh. Reyanna was still stuck in shock. She couldn’t believe all this was happening. She had gotten a letter from the school two days after she had gotten home saying she had beat the record for the fastest 400m time in Girls Track & Field, but she didn’t want to say anything until after the State Championships where it would be officially announced at the banquet and recognized by the school. Reyanna looked at the cake, and then looked around at her family and friends that were there with her.
“Uh-oh, is she mad? I think she’s mad guys,” Austin said. “Riley, I told you we shouldn’t have thrown a big party.” “Don’t blame me, it was Michaels’ idea,” Riley said. “Oh no you don’t,” Michael said, “we are in this together, it was both of our ideas to throw the party, I was just responsible for delaying her from coming home after therapy,” Michael said his hands raised up. All of a sudden, Reyanna just started laughing. “Umm, I think we broke her,” Michelle said to Michael. “Sweetheart is everything okay,” Riley’s father said with concern. Riley shook her head laughing as tears came rolling down her cheeks. “I’m not broken Michelle,” she said with a laugh as she started to calm down. “I’m just so overwhelmed and thankful. It’s been a really tough year, and because of that I didn’t even want to celebrate something that I worked so hard to accomplish. With the support of all of you guys though, I realized just how lucky I am to have such a big support system in my life and how lucky I am to have people who truly support and care about me.” Riley walked over to give Reyanna some tissue to dry her face. “Soo, we’re not in trouble,” Austin asked? “No, you’re not in trouble. But you will be if we don’t go ahead and slice this cake up,” she said with a smile. “What about your diet,” Michael joked. “Everyone has a cheat day,” Reyanna shrugged with a smile. Everyone laughed and gathered around for a slice of cake congratulating Reyanna on her accomplishment, catching up and asking the kids how school was going, and just enjoying each other’s company.
“This is really nice. Don’t you think so mom and dad,” Reyanna said looking at her parents. They weren’t standing next to each other, and everyone there already knew what had happened and about the affair. Riley’s mom was the only one who knew about the abortion though. “Yeah, I’m glad everyone was able to come together to celebrate,” Mr. Carter said. “Yeah,” Reyanna said. “I just wanted to let you guys know that when I come back from California, I’m not coming back to the house. I’m going to spend the summer at Brown.” Mr. and Mrs. Carter both looked at Reyanna with a serious look. “What do you mean you’re not coming back,” Mr. Carter asked. “I mean, that when I come back from California, I’ll come back to get the rest of my things from Riley’s house, and then I’m going to drive back to Brown and stay there until the semester starts.” “Well, what if we don’t agree with that,” Mrs. Carter said. “I understand you may not agree with it, but it’s what’s needed. And sometimes the difficult and uncomfortable decisions are the ones we have to make.” Her parents looked at her until she spoke back up. “I know you guys have been going to therapy, just like I have. And I know that you guys aren’t’ really getting anywhere with it except for having more arguments and more uncertainty…I also know that you and dad have already started the process for a divorce.” Mr. and Mrs. Carter looked at Reyanna in shock and embarrassment. “Reyanna, what are you talking about,” Mrs. Carter started. “Your father and I…” “look I know you guys still care for each other. But I can see it, even now, that you two are no longer in the place where you can be married to each other. As much as I don’t want it, I understand it. Even if I understand it though, I don’t want to be around during the court proceedings, and the moving out and all that. I’m just not mentally or emotionally ready and I don’t want to be here for it so I won’t be. I want you both to be happy and I still respect you as my parents. And I need for you all to respect me as your daughter, your adult daughter, and respect my decision in doing what’s best for me.”

Mr. and Mrs. Carter just stayed silent, a little impressed by their daughter’s maturity in the situation, and also a little embarrassed that it took their daughter to go through with the decision they should have already made. “You know I do love you Mark,” Mrs. Carter said, a tear streaming down her face. “I know you do,” he said with a sigh. “I’ll go ahead and contact the lawyer,” he said as he walked off. Mrs. Carter and Reyanna just stood there for a minute until Reyanna turned to give her mom a big hug. “How did I manage to have such a strong and intelligent daughter,” Mrs. Carter said pulling Reyanna back and taking a look at her. “You raised me mom, duh. Plus…” Reyanna looked back at all of her friends who she held close to her heart. Friends that she knew she could rely on, that had her back and she had theirs, and she knew she could get through anything as long as she had them in her corner. “Plus, I have a really great group of friends.”

Reyanna went back over to the group where she saw Jason walking off on his own. “Wonder where he’s going,” she thought to herself. “Hey Jason, the party’s just…” Reyanna began to say, but then she heard what seemed to be a male’s voice coming through the phone. She couldn’t hear what the man was saying on the line, but Jason’s response definitely let her know this wasn’t a friendly conversation. “I swear I’ll break your face in if you come anywhere near them,” he said angrily in a hushed tone. “I’m not going through with that, how did you even get my number?” The male voice on the other end of the phone began to say something. Jason cursed as he let out a sigh. “I’m at a friend’s house right now, so give me some time to get out of here. I’ll meet you at the old spot. No, we’re meeting at the old spot. I don’t want you anywhere near them,” Jason said angrily. The man on the voice said a few more words and then Reyanna heard the call end.

Jason was walking around the corner, his face red, and obviously disturbed. He had to have been lingering on the phone conversation he just had, because he didn’t even notice Reyanna standing there, and he almost walked into her. “Oh, hey Rey, I didn’t see you,” he said barely avoiding knocking her over. “It’s all good,” Reyanna said with a smile, trying to act like she wasn’t privy to his earlier conversation. “The party is just getting started and we’re about to cut the cake. Why don’t you come join us!” “I would love to Rey,” Jason said rubbing the back of his head, “but something just came up, and I gotta head out for a bit.” “But the party just started J,” Reyanna said. “I know, but it’s really important, time sensitive even. If I didn’t have to go you know I would stay.” Reyanna looked at him, wondering what that conversation was about and why he had to hurry to meet somebody on the other side of town. “Want me to grab Michael to go with you,” Reyanna asked? “I appreciate it Rey, but this is something I have to handle on my own. I’ll text you when I get home though,” Jason said. He gave Reyanna a quick hug and congratulated her again.

Reyanna watched as he walked off to say goodbye to everyone in the kitchen. Riley looked at Reyanna confused, but Reyanna just shrugged her shoulders with a smile. She watched Jason walk out the front door, and then headed back to the kitchen. “Jason had to take off so quickly, did he say anything to you Rey,” Riley asked? “Yeah, he said he had to run some errands he forgot about. Said it was time sensitive, and he had to drive to the other side of town, nothing big,” Reyanna said. It wasn’t a complete lie, but Reyanna also knew it wasn’t the full truth. “Whelp his loss. Looks like he’s not getting any cake,” Riley said as she handed Rey a big slice. Reyanna took it and thanked Riley as she looked at the cake. “Friends I can trust,” Reyanna thought to herself as she thought of Jason’s earlier conversation and how he had to lease so quickly. She looked at all of her friends one-by-one, realizing that as much as she trusted them, they all had their own issues and secrets that they kept close to their person. No matter how close they were, there were things that even she didn’t know about. Reyanna began to eat her cake and put the thought out of her mind, choosing to smile and enjoy this moment. "Everyone has their secrets, it’s no big deal,” she thought to herself. “It’s not like these secrets are going to hurt anybody.”

** I hope you all enjoyed the first book in the series Through Thick & Thin! You've heard reyanna's story, and I hope you're as excited to read about, as I am to write, about Michelle, Michael, Riley, Austin, and Jason. Be on the lookout for Jason's story in Book 2 Through Thick & Thin: From Darkness to Light.

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