Chapter 7

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Xander pov

Ignoring me again she looked at Thomas and asked the question which I dreaded the most.

"Thomas, where do I sign?"

Thomas once again looked at me but I mantained my cold and blank face.

"Xander, are you sure?"

This time Thomas voiced his thoughts. I looked at Sophie who seemed to be staring at the wall with one hand on her pendant I gave her a long time ago. It wasn't very grand just a simple stone but she never removed it. She said it means much more to her than a mere stone. She had a habit of playing with the pendant whenever she was scared, nervous or sad. But maybe it was all a facade too. Feelings. Does she even know anything about feelings? Does she even know how much she is hurting me? Can't she even look at me once?

Giving her one last glance I took the papers from Thomas and gestured him to tell me where to sign.

Giving me a long look Thomas finally let out a sigh and pointed to my name written on the papers. I quickly signed at two more places and pushed it in front of her.

She took the pen in her hand, for a second it seemed she was a bit hesistant and I could feel hope building inside me but then giving a large smile to Thomas she wiggled her eyebrows and Thomas giving her a sad smile showed her name.

Finally after signing with much more enthusiasm than needed she asked.

"Am I finally single now? There is no going back right?"

"Like you respected a commitment."

I spoke to her but she ignored me again.

"I will scan the documents and send it to the court."

"Thomas, can you please do that asap."

And that boiled my anger. Was she that eager to get rid of me? I had to show her that I was no different.

"Thomas, I need these papers to be finalised in fifteen minutes."

As he went on with completing the formalities me and Sophie sat in complete silence. She kept staring at her hand never once looking at me and I kept staring at her and the file kept on the table which had proof of her infidelity.

I loved her. I still do. And I know I will never be able to move on. Also I was sure about one thing that I will never be able to love anyone other than her.

Even if her love was fake I can live with it. It was enough for me. I don't know how to fall out of love. I can't love that way.

"Its done now. You both are officially divorced."

After a while she spoke again.

"Thomas, what was the reason given for divorce."

Why is she asking him now? What is she plotting now?

Thomas gave her a small smile like he was pained and said the obvious.


And than I finally saw unshed tears in her eyes. Emotions which she hadn't shown since yesterday. Tears that broke my heart. But I knew better. She was a marvellous actress.

"Do you belive it Thommy?"

I heard her voice crack. Her calm demenour was gone now. In this moment she was more like my old Sophie. I almost got up to hug her but held myself back. Thomas stood up from his seat and hugged her tight.

"I don't Sophie. I trust you."

Something stirred inside me. It felt like my heart was being crushed. I just couldn't understand why.

I trust you Xander. No matter what I am there for you.

"I have a request Thomas. Will you do it for me?"

Here comes the cunning fox. She was trying to emotionally blackmail him. I can't really blame him. I fell for her tears, her smile all the time for past twelve years too.

She stood up from her seat and opened the folder all the while not even sparing me a single glance.

"I want you to investigate all these photographs Thommy. I can bet my life on it that these are either morphed or its not me in these photographs."


I just sat there dumbstruck unable to understand anything going around me. Thomas had the same look on his face.

"I want my friends and family to know Thommy that I can never cheat. That I am not the kind of person they are potraying me to be."

And she finally broke down. But I couldn't move a muscle. Is she really telling the truth? What if she is?

I just sat there watching her.

And finally she looked at me with so much hatred, pain and anger that I found myself unable to breathe.

Kissing Thomas on cheeks she took her bag and left.

What do you think about Xander? Was he really wrong or he felt compelled by the wants of his heart, a heart that was too afraid to be broken? Its not just Xander. In protecting our heart we often make such irrational decisions which we regret for the rest of our lives.

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