Chapter 33

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Sophie pov

It was my birthday today. Though Xander was a really busy man but he made sure to take an entire day off on my birthday. Because he knew that more than money I valued time. I always felt that robbing someone of their time is a bigger sin than robbing them of their wealth. Because money can be earnt again but time never comes back.

I never wanted to do anything special for my birthday but spend the entire day with him. Though he was now a billionaire, our dates did not change. We would still do sweet and simple things like any other couple. Instead of throwing a grand party, walking with heels as tall as burj khalifa and greeting guests that you did not even know first name of, we stayed at our home having romantic dinner followed by intense love making that extended past midnight.

Rather than walking in golf club with so much grace and elegance, we preffered running in the garden chasing each other around. Rather than visiting clubs we watched stars. That was us. Trying to find happiness in simplest things.

Today for my birthday Xander had gifted me a ruby and emerald necklace with diamonds all around. So what was so special about it? He had designed it himself. It was always the emotions that counts behind any gift. And one thing was for sure. Anything he gave me, there was only one emotion behind it. It was love.

Xander was taking me out for pottery painiting. We stayed there for around four hours. And with more paint or our clothes than on our pots we headed home where my husband was going to prepare dinner for me.

Like always he made me sit on the kitchen counter and moving like a chef occassionally giving me a peck he prepared our dinner.

And after having our dinner we walked to our bedroom. And my gift extended way beyond midnight.

When we had each other we didn't need any other person around us. Medical science will kick my ass but it was true. My heart belonged to you.

I had been trying to ignore Xander now. Its just two weeks remaining of our time together and after that we will go our seperate ways. I don't want to get addicted to him. The  withdrawl symptoms are too much for me and I don't think so I will be able to survive it this time. We still have our lunch and dinner together and now I don't even try sleeping on my side. Because every morning I am on top of him and though I know he is awake most of the times but pretends to sleep, I still kiss him on his forehead. At night I just go and snuggle in his arms. Why pretend now when in the morning I know my fate. So I just go and get the best sleep when I can.

I was assigned for a surprise check on a neighbouring town. I knew that staying at home all day long Xander must be going crazy so I decided to ask him. And also it meant more time with Xander.

We reached the town and it was just like I expected. With litter and bottles of alcohol lying all around, without even automobile and factories this town was much more polluted than major cities.

From the corner of my eyes I saw workers working on marble without mask. And even when nobody in my immediate vicinity was smoking, I could still smell cigarettes smoke. Did the doctors here were so careless that they didn't even tell them about emphysema and fibrosis?

The other side had a stagnant lake with mosquitoes breeding. I think I will myself have to bring and throw some gambusia in the water. Because these people out here simply don't care. And if there is an epidemic here, it won't take long to reach my town too.

Xander wrapped his arms around my shoulders which I didn't deny. I wasn't comfortable here and really needed him close to me.

Reaching inside were we shocked! No it would be an understatement. The officials there were harassing a girl. And the most digusting part was the other people sitting there didn't even seem to mind. I was filled with rage. And without even thinking about anything, I headed straight to the man, pulled him by his collar and gave him a tight slap.

Before the man could grab me, Xander puched him in the gut. And he looked so hot. He was wonderful at kickboxing and with his tshirt wet from his sweat, most people think its gross but I found him extremely sexy.

It was when I saw him in a sweaty tshirt I was first attracted to him. We did kicked everyone's butt and then his bodyguards entered but this incident was not even close to being over.

Having a businessman husband did teach me something. And that was persuasion. So with a new found respect from the women of the village and fear from most of the men I went ahead and gave everyone a piece of mind and I did not stop till I did see a guilty expression on almost everyone's face. And those who tried to argue back. Well my dear husband had already arranged a reservation for them in a five star cell.

I arranged self defence classes for them, contacted the social workers near the town working for women's safety and informed them of the situation here. Xander had already contacted the head of the state and after sorting out everything we went back to our home.

Addiction is a psychological attachment to certain effects-such as euphoria and a temporary feeling of well being - associated with drugs, alcohol and people. All them are equally bad and have equally bad withdrawal symptoms too. But I still prefer getting addicted to people then alcohol. Trust me, its relatively less toxic and the withdrawal symptoms a little less bad. So, if you have a choice and so badly want to destroy your life, go for people than drugs. Its a much safer option.

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