Chapter 35

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Sophie pov

It was my last day as town head. The people wanted me to resume the position for the next tenure but I wasn't very keen on taking this responsibility again. The youth here could do a lot better than me, I was sure of that. But I was restless. Because my last day as a town head meant last day with Xander. I stopped ignoring him after our visit to the neighbouring town. I didn't want to do things that I regret later. I wanted to be happy. Even if it was for a short span.

When I am stressed out I eat. And that it what I have been doing since morning. I had already finished half of my fully stocked fridge and was now busy devouring Xander's favourite cookies.

"Sophie, we need to talk."

And I want to run.

"Yes, I am listening."

I replied ignoring his eyes and putting my full attention back to cookies. I was busy counting the number of choco chip in my cookies when he interrupted me again.

"Sophie, this is about our divorce."

I knew this was coming. This conversation was long overdue. I kept the cookies aside and sat straight. Go on captain, you have my full attention now.

"The reason for the divorce."

And I listened to him. I heard everything he had to say. I could relate with what he was feeling at that moment. But the more I listened the more I realised something. Everything could have been prevented if we just had this talk that night. If he would have just laid his concerns in front of me we wouldn't be divorced now. And this realisation made me understand. It made my heart understand.

There is no going back. We are long over.

"It wasn't Shelly's fault, Xander. When both of us are in our relationship we can't blame a third person for our breakup. It just means our realtionship wasn't strong enough. I don't blame you for your suspicion. You were right. Maybe if I was at your place I would have felt the same. But instead of outrightly demanding divorce I would have trusted you. Given you the benifit of doubt. We were together for twelve years Xander. Did you not know me enough to call me a slut, whore and a gold digger?"

And the night came back to me again.

He didn't trust me before. So what is the guarantee that the same episode will not repeat itself. We will have coutless Shelly in our life. Will he keep breaking my heart and demand my forgiveness? He did promise me before that he will never hurt me. And in seconds he broke it. So how can I be sure that he will not break his promise again.

Sometimes no amount of love is enough. The damage goes so deep that nothing can heal it. Its just 26 letters but the words you form using them can either make someone or break them.

As a doctor I have learnt something hard way. Earlier I always believed in second chances. But then I realised that one silly mistake can cost someone their life.

It needs a stronger will to let go then hold on.

And I finally let go.

Finally she has given up on Xander. You may hold on to person for a very long time, but there comes a stage when your heart is tired and finally gives up. And after that there is no going back.

~Trust Me ~ Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora