Chapter 13: Skylar

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School ended, and on my way home I picked up Erin so we wouldn't be late to this dumb playdate thing. Once we got home I told Erin to go get ready for the park. Camila told me that she and Shawn would be waiting for us there after school.

I told Maya about the whole situation and she seemed to be pretty adamant about coming with me. But, I told her no. I don't know how Camila would react to an uninvited guest.

I relax on the couch, scrolling through my Instagram feed, as I wait for my little sister to come downstairs.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rings.

I look up from my phone and towards the door.

Who is that? I'm not expecting anyone. I swear to God if Camila shows up here.

I get up to answer the door. Once I open the door, I furrow my eyebrows

What the...

"Maya? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Come on, Sky. I'm not going to let my best friend face her bully all by herself. I'm coming with you." She replies, softly pushing me to the side so she can make her way in.

"No, Mai, you can't come. I'm being se-" I try to reply.

"Nope, decisions made. I'm coming. You're not going to change my mind." Maya replies, laying down on the couch.

I sigh. Once Maya makes a decision it's nearly impossible to get her to change her mind, so I don't see the point in trying anymore.

"Fine, but just don't attack Camila when you see her."

"I'll try my best not to, but no promises," Maya mumbles back.

"Erin, you almost done?!" I yell up the stairs.

"Yeah! I'm coming!" she yells back.

Erin runs down the stairs and towards me. She starts to jump up and down.

"Come on Skylar! Let's go! Let's go!" She shouts, enthusiastically.

I chuckle, "Hmm looks like somebody had a lot of sugar at school."

She blushes, "Only 2 cookies. And, 8 chocolates." She quickly mumbles out the last part.

My eyes widen, "Erin! You're going to get even more cavities!" 

"I can't help it! I have a sweet boot!" Erin replies.

Maya chuckles as she gets up and ruffles Erin's hair, "I think you mean sweet tooth, silly."

Erin turns around to look up at Maya.

She gasps, "Maya!" and jumps into Maya's arms.

"Are you coming to our playdate too?" Erin asks.

"Of course I am! How could you think I would ever miss a playdate with my favorite 6-year-old?" Maya replies, tickling Erin's sides.

"Alright guys, I hate to break this up, but we have to leave now or we're going to be late," I say, opening the front door.

Once we're all buckled in the car, I drive to the park near our house.

As soon as we reach the park, Erin starts screaming, "Look! Look! It's Camila and Shawn!"

"Erin! Stop yelling! We're in the car, you're not outside yet."

"Sorry," she mumbles, "but, look!"

She points to a bench. I look over to see none other than Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes sitting on the bench, talking.

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