❆Second Chance (06)

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~J A C K S O N~

YOU KNOW WHAT THE MOST ANNOYING THING IS ABOUT BEING A GROWN UP? Sometimes, you just lose a bond with your parents and it's hard to get through something like that. I lost my father and I'm this close to losing my mother if I don't fix this.

I asked Austin to take Theo to the bookstore and let Linda look after him all while maintaining the bookstore. I knew it was much to ask but she insisted and said that it was okay, and that I look after myself before arriving to work and scaring the customers off.

I knew that the only thing that would really get me calmed is reading my fantasy romance books. But that didn't help at all. My heart feels so heavy and light at the same time but I'm not sure if it's a good thing.

My dad certainly wouldn't be proud of this argument my mom and I had because well, he was a very harmless peaceful guy. He always tried to form a family like in those romance books he reads and it has been like that since forever. I really think my dad's death has something to do with my mother acting out.

I have never seen her or heard her talk with so much anger that it reverberated from her features. It hurt to know that it was my fault. I'm afraid of losing ties with my mother because she is the only family I have left. Not including my relatives and of course, Theo.

If there is one thing I know about my mother, it is that she is very persistent and urgent. But she's just like my dad. She is such a bright woman and loves a lot. She trusts you almost immediately. She is loved by many and hated by probably under twenty people, at most.


That is what she would call it when people would talk behind her back and she would find out by a few of her co-workers. Jealousy is the only word my mom would call them and she hoped that one day, people wouldn't see her as a threat just because they see her as and I quote 'gold-digger for Gregory's high achieved bookstore'.

I love my mom and whatever it takes for her to look at me as her son again, I will take it but just not selling the watch-clock. That's not happening because my dad left the bookstore and this watch for me. Though my mom still checks in twice a month to see if the bookstore is still running smoothly, I now own the bookstore.

"You say I'm crazy, 'cause you don't think I know what you've done. . ."

Sam Smith's voice vibrates through my room and I grab my phone, checking the caller ID. Austin. Why would he be calling me right now, is he not busy with a case or something? I answer the call with a low grumble;


I hear a high pitched squeal from the other line as I wait for Austin to speak. Wait, squeal? When he does, he doesn't sound too enthusiastic like he usually does. He sounds panicked; "I need your help man!"


"What is it that you are needing the help of a helpless man right now, Austin?" I groan into the phone, shutting my eyes.

Austin growls, annoyed. "I left my file on the coffee table this morning, please bring it. This is my last case before everyone's going to their families and spending the holidays away. I need to ace it and if I don't, I'm in for a really bad holiday man, please do me this one favour!"

"How did you forget the file if this case is important to you?" I raise my brow, though he can't see me.

"I had to take Theodore to the store and still arrive on time to work!" He whisper yells at me and I already feel the phone being squeezed to death. Poor phone, it did absolutely nothing to him. "Just bring the file and get your ass to work, I can't have you grieving around the house or whatever you're doing right now!"

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