❆Second Chance (26)

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~L I L Y~

THE NEXT DAY THE WHOLE GROUP IS BUNDLED UP IN THE MALL. Jack thought it would be amazing for us all to go shopping for our Christmas outfits and though it was a great idea, Jack kept getting all worried everytime I ran to check out cute heels or sandals. The way he worries for me warms my whole being in this cold weather.

"Damnit, Lily, stop running like that, you're worrying me!" Jack growls out, grasping my hand as we continue to window shop. I giggle when he wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Now you can stop running away from me and we can shop like normal couples do!"

Couples. . . I love that word.

And we still hadn't told anyone. Of course we didn't, it's been only a few hours since we started actually dating, why would we break the news already?

Jack drags me into a little store that has many cute girl items but for kids. Maybe I should get Rose something. We go through every little item but everything seems to be either too risky that it will hurt Rose or too mature that it will have her growing up too soon.

We leave the store and make our way around again. I only got myself a dress that I am so excited to wear for Jack. He never saw it yet and the only time he will, is on Christmas.

I just need to find myself some tights and cute boots. I like boots, especially the fluffy ones that go well with literally every outfit. Yeah, you always get those.

Jack stops at a little food court. "What are we doing here?"

Jack glances down at me and grins, "are you not hungry, because I'm starving!"

I giggle and we each order ourselves two green containers of tupperware filled with spicy and steamed tteok noodles and bulgogi.

"I haven't had Korean food before," I mutter, my mouth watering at the sight. "I wonder what it would be like to visit Korea. They seem to be really extraordinary!"

Jack smiles as we take a seat on one of the many open seats. The mall closes in a few days so people aren't really going to be eating out, instead, they would be in their own kitchens, cooking for Christmas.

"I visited Korea once or twice," Jack let's out, looking shy and embarrassed. Why would he be shy and embarrassed to visit that place? It sounds amazing! ". . .over Skype."

My eyes are wide as I stare at him and just like that, we burst out in laughter together. The little people in this food store glance our way, smiling insignificant smiles before returning their gazes back to their partners.

I wipe an imaginary tear from my eye and sigh as I lean back in my seat, "oh God, you're funny! Jack, my poor ribs!"

Jack winces, "shit sorry, I didn't mean to make you laugh. I forgot about your ribs for a second!"

"No no, it's okay. I feel whole and alive again, I'm glad I laughed even though it stung only a tiny bit!" I giggle at Jack's worried expression and start eating at my deliciousness! "Stop worrying, babe."

Jack digs in as well, a huge smirk on his features, "babe, huh?"

"Stop!" I manage to get out as the spiciness of the food has my tongue craving for more. And water. I badly need water. I take a huge gulp of my water and set it back down. "So spicy!"

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