❆Second Chance (11)

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~L I L Y~

I PUSH HARDER AND GLIDE ON MY SKATES. My left leg is slightly bent and my right is stretched out behind. Then I kick my right leg up in front of me so the right knee goes up in the air. I roll down the ice on the outside edge, watching out for people. I eventually, extend my right leg behind, again, and glide backward.

I jump high in the air.

When I land, I wantonly look like an angel-without the halo of course. I spin around, keeping my right foot straight and body free. I turn in an anti-clockwise direction, holding my chest out, head back, and left knee in the air.

The whole round, I could feel a distinct pair of eyes on me but I didn't fuss about it because well, it's been too long. In this cold, the Earth is so very pretty in her crystal-white gown.

"I didn't know you are such a ballerina?" Jackson pokes fun at once he gets to my viewpoint.

We skate concurrently, and surprisingly, in sync. "Yeah, well, that was years ago." I flush, chuckling to myself.

When I was younger, I was so nosy in ballet that I'd nag Mia to search up ballet videos on her iPad. It was something I've come familiarized with and while daddy dearest was never home to spend time with us; I would always run to Mia's iPad and practice my ballet, letting that keep me company.

I learned how to drive a bicycle by my mom before she left us when I was eight years old. We spent the rest of our teen livelihood in a house where father was nonexistent. He would send two of his bodyguards and his assistant to watch over us. Mia and I got close to them and somewhat deemed them as more of a family than our actual dad.

There isn't one thing I miss about my dad because he was and is still virtually a stranger to us. To me, mostly. My dad was only existing in Mia's first four years of her life before he became the most successful billionaire in Canada. Though I don't see him as a father, I will always love him as the guy who used to make my mom happy.

"If I had a time traveler, I'd go check that out!" He winks, grabbing ahold of my hand before binding them.

Staring down at them, I can't help how the butterflies in my stomach start going restless. Smiling back at up at him, I snicker with a minor blush.

"Well too bad that doesn't exist."

Chuckling, I watch as he stares ahead, his profile making my stomach do a backflip. In all my years of high school, I had never considered getting to know the popular crew and I think that maybe that was an indication. An indication that if you avoid them as much as probable, they would change, maybe even just for you.

I push harder as I glide on my red and blue skates. Jack raises an eyebrow and glances at our tied hands. I don't want to think about it but it just catches up with everything. Our hands are stretched out as our stride slows down. Jack's hand on mine tightens as he-with all his power-pulls me toward him.

My chest collides with his and the stance seems so romantic. Too romantic. Both our hands are now linked and our chests are pressed together. If you could see it like that. He's pretty tall.

Staring up at his beautiful brown eyes that hold so many things I'm still trying to figure out. Jack's face is now as serious as it can get and I can't help but marvel at his handsomeness. No matter how many times I refuted Jack in high school, I would never withhold how undeniably handsome he is. With a perfect chiseled jaw, I would want to touch again, his perfect grin that shows off his beautiful straight teeth.

This man is handsome and he knows it.

Immediately, I'm sexy and I know it comes to mind and I mentally shake it away. This is no time to be thinking about a song that will definitely remind me of Jack now. Of course, only I will let my mind wander at such a romantic juncture. The thought has a smile swelling on my face and I can't seem to remove it, no matter what I think about.

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