Chapter 2

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"And you think you're the side character that helps them."

"The lamp in springs night guiding them to the same road." I smiled.

He rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue. "'re over your crush on Eric?"

My movements froze at those words.


"Hah, what happened to not bringing up dark history" I laughed awkwardly

" are or you aren't?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Of courseeee, I ammm" I said, obviously lying. I've never been a good you can tell.

"So let me get this straight. You Aren't over him, you still like him, but you are routing for him to get together with your best friend."

"Jesus, it's a measly crush. Who doesn't crush on a hot guy for a while."

"Girl, it's been 8 months."

"A measly crush, it's not like I'm in love with him"

"But you like him!" He squealed causing the whole class to look this way.

"Mr Damion and Ms Angelina, stand outside" the teacher commanded

I glared at Daemion while we walked out.

"Thanks a lot." I growled quietly

"Never mind that, seriously, what is wrong with you."

"The universe wants what the universe wants, who am I to go against that." I shrugged

"Argh, again with the universe nonsense." He groaned, which made me laugh is satisfaction.

See, I don't believe in the universe making our destiny, I just say I do to annoy him.


A huge bang sound came from the left that started both Dae and I.

We walked over and, from a distance, observed what was going on.

"Who do you think you are!? Just because you have a scholarship? Just because mum and dad favour you, you think you can look at me and talk to me like that?" Emily had pushed Jessica's shoulder to the locker making Jessica groan in pain.

"I was right, jealousy is the cause of it." I said putting my thumb and first fingers up in the tick position and under my chin.

"Nows not the time to say that, let's go help her." Dae said, I was going to go along since it was just Emily there but as I saw a person with blonde hair from a distance I pulled Dae back.

"The fu-" I covered his mouth before he could freely use it to swear at me.

"Watch." I whispered.

The two of us watched as Eric came up behind Emily and pulled her away from Jess.

"Isn't she your sister?"

Taking a moment to realise what happened and who was standing inferring of her, Emily's face turned pale as she started to stutter, "E-E-E-Eric, what are you-"

"I'm here to stop the copycat of Kenze from killing her sister." He says looking down on her

Yikes, harsh much?

"She- she's nothing but a bitch, you can't-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Eric stood closer to her making her blush but also panic.

The friend who watches the loveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora