This is me..

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Chapter 1:

"Lila, we got to go baby." I whispered to my little girl, in hopes to not let her dad hear us while he slept on the couch. I peered at him to make sure I didn't wake him. Nope, breathing still slow and steady mouth slightly ajar. Empty beer cans sitting on the stand beside him.

I quickly slipped Lilas jacket on her little arms but not without wincing at the tugging motion. Shit... today is not going to be easy. I hope it's a light day for us. Lila and I slipped out the door without Emmett hearing us.

After dropping Lila off at the daycare down the street in I got in my orange Datsun and drove to the precinct. Going in I rushed off past the others bag in tow slipping into one of the stalls to dress in peace so Lopez or Harper didn't see the aftermath of Emmett's drunken nights. He has a stressful job, he's a firefighter and yesterday the lost someone on a call... I know how hard handling on the job deaths can be, I am a cop after all. But, with Lila around I could never imagine fighting back to stop him... I can't let her see me like that.

"Hey mama, how's Lila today?" Lopez asked while we tied hair up in low buns.
"Adorable as alway." I smiled think of my light. My almost 2 year daughter who keeps me going and going strong. "She just had to wear her purple tutu to daycare today with her princess crown." I smiled thinking of her smiling at me as she did a little twirl, making my way to roll call.

Walking in with on a minute to spare she immediately felt the scrutinizing eyes of Tim... judging her for almost being late, almost willing her to do better. Thinking about it she bumped into a chair, inhaling sharply at the moment of pain she felt. Looking to make sure no one noticed quickly she noticed everyone having conversations. That ended abruptly at the sound of the door closing.

"Chen? Are you waiting for permission to sit? Or are you going to stand there like your special?" That earned a few chuckles.
Lucy took a deep breath and said, "sorry sir." Quickly taking a seat as 2 detectives come in the room. We go through roll and then disperse.
Outside of the room I run into Nolan who informs me that Tims wife was shot and left for dead in a dumpster last night AND that his home was broken into by the guy he shots brother.
"They have me on desk duty again til IA straightens this whole mess out." IA is ran by my best friend/fellow Rookies dad Jackson's dad. He's a reasonable man by tomorrow Nolan will be back on the streets.

I saw Tim in the hallway speaking to one of the secrecies on Isables case and go up to him, "Hey, I'm so sorry about Isabel."
"Yeah, thanks. Go kit up our shop, ask Mike for the Bradford special."
I give him my best confused face and ask, "what's that?"
He gives me a short, "you'll see" and stalks of.

After kitting up I start my pre vehicle inspection. Tim walks out and tells me to shut the trunk. I pause momentarily thinking of how to do it without giving myself some added pain due to the strain. I take a deep breath and squint my eyes hoping he's distracted. And grab the trunk slammming it shut. I can feel his eyes browsing into my skull as I fight back the tears.

"What's the matter, boot?" He comes up to me touching my elbow suddenly causing me to flinch.

"Ah, nothing just got a little carried away at the gym sparring." I quickly dismiss it getting in the shop quickly.

Tim quickly drives to the Bronson Estates. Word has it we got a lead the person responsible for leaving Isabel for dead, Vance, is in there.
"Let's gear up! You got your back up piece?" Tim asks. I nod at him curtly as he hands me silver metal piece.
"What's this?" I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Trauma plate for your vest, little extra protection."
I look at him with knowing eyes, "oh Bradford special, you really think we're going to need this?"
He helps me place as he informs that they call it Bronson Estates because a movie called Death Wish started a Charles Branson and that going to calls here used to mean you had a Death Wish...
I gulped and looked at him. I always worried about getting shot on the job leaving Lila, to fend for herself against Emmetts drunken rages... so far he has spared her but without me there, who knows what he would do. LAs finest, my ass... if only the LAFD or LAPD that wasn't me knew, who he really was.
I cleared my head and looked at Tim as WeT approached me telling me how crazy things have been and that he never expected all this Drama between Nolan and Isabel his Rookie year. I went to reply to him but Tim said, "Let's go." He has a rifle but Lopez says something to him that has him put it away and we enter the building.

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