Fraud say what?

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I walk out of my room and find West steaming his class As.
"I haven't had a chance to make it." He says.
"So, no coffee?"
Lila then comes out of her room piggy tails lopsided and a stuffed animal in arm.
"Ceweal?" She asks
"Not yet. Sorry."
"So no cereal and no coffee?" I ask
"Nope." West keeps ironing.
"You know, Nolan kept me up all night from this crime scene he was babysitting. Look at this. Look." I show him several selfies Nolan sent to my phone.
"I thought Tim kept you up."
"Shut it." I look at Lila she didn't hear that.
"Yeah, he was texting me, too. We'll get stuck on one soon enough." He told me.
I look down at his uniform, "Class A's?" I ask.
"Yeah. Tim and I get our commendation today." He says proudly. 
"Oh, right, for helping that family a few weeks ago." I say.
"Mm-hmm. You know, it's it's crazy. Like, a few weeks ago, I thought I was gonna get bounced from the program, and now I'm getting an award from the Deputy Chief."
"It's pretty cool how quickly things can change. I'm really happy for you, man." 
"Aww. Thanks. Plus, Tim is gonna be in a really good mood today."
"I know. I'm really happy for me, too."
I reach for a carton of milk and finds it empty, gives WEST a "Really?" look.
"Let's go get dressed baby then we'll get donuts on the way to daddy's."
Dropping Lila off was pretty uneventful considering Emmett was half asleep. He mumbled a see you Sunday. And slammed the door in my face.

The last visit drop off was very similar and I'm actually glad he's leaving me alone. I took a pregnancy test a few weeks ago and am pregnant ... with Tim's baby. I'm not ready to tell him though. If I am it's only a few weeks. I'm not ready to tell anyone. Not even Nyla who tipped my clueless ass off.

"It is a big deal. "Light of the City" award? I thought you'd be happier. I planned my emotional day around it."
"I don't do this for the medals and plaques, Boot."
"Yes, only lesser cops enjoy recognition. But, I for one am proud of you."
"Exactly." He ignored my last comment.
"Well, if it doesn't matter, turn it down." I told him. Making another cup of coffee.
"It doesn't matter to me, but it does matter to the higher-ups. Look, a good score on the sergeant's exam, this award could help me rise through the list of candidates." He told me... oh yeah he's going to be leaving me... at work that is. We have fallen into a partner relationship instead of TO and trainee unless I really need it.
"Fair enough." I nod.
"Jackson's dedicated an entire shelf to his award?" He laughed.
"He's building a cabinet from scratch." I give him a scared look.
"He knows how to do that?" Tim is now laughing pretty hard I'm guessing imagining pretty boy Jackson doing that.
"Nolan's helping him."
"Makes sense... but the thought was hilarious."
"Oh, hey, 3:00. Skateboarder's about to grab that woman's bag." I say pointing.
The skateboarder rides innocently past the woman.
"Swing and a miss." Tim chuckles and looks at the skateboarder. I look forward and we are about to hit a vehicle.
"Tim!" But he was too late we hit the back of the car.
"Woah, your bleeding." I reach up to touch it.
"I'll be fine. Are you okay." He looks me over pretty well.
"Yeah." I nod.
"Get the flares out. Seal off the whole street." He told me.
I went and blocked the street off.

Soon the streets where filled with cop cars.

"Yeah, we're handling it, Sarge. It was Bradford/Chen." A supervisor radioed in.
"Man. That's a lot of cops for a fender bender." I told him.
"Officer-involved accidents are very serious." He told me. He looked disappointed. I felt it too if I hadn't pointed out the skateboarder he never would have looked away from the road.

"Someone's getting a day at the beach." The supervisor took Tim's ID and walked off.
"Day at the beach?"That sounds nice.
"Suspension without pay. One of the many possible discipline options. I could be demoted, kicked out of field training. No point in taking the sergeant's exam." Okay not fun... and damn. Oh my gosh!
"Tim what if they think I was the distraction and not in a work way."
"Dash cam. Thank god I haven't been turning it off. You'll be okay.
"You will too. I'm sure of it." I smile and nod.
I more Grey and Harper pulling in, "And things just keep getting better." Tim looked less than thrilled.
"You two okay?" Grey asks us.
"Yeah fine." He said reassuringly.
"Shops not." Harper pointed out, man she was enjoying this.
"What happened?" Grey asked looking between us.
Tim recollects what happened to Grey and Harper. Harper tells him to get looked at clear up that he wasn't impaired and to cover himself.
"Follow our shop back to the garage. Transfer our gear to a new one, pick me up at the hospital."
"Yeah I'll do that." I nod and do as he asks.

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