Lucy and her strays

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"Okay, all done. Armstrong's energy is no longer welcome in this home. But if you feel it coming back, just call me. There's a more intensive treatment I can do." I was smoke treating Johns house to get out all the bad energy from everything that has happened to him.
"Ah, that sounds awesome, but no, actually, this is -- this is good." He looks around and smiles.
"You know what? We should really cleanse the station." I laugh I mean Armstrong was there a lot.
"Oh, trust me, that process is already under way. They've reassigned about a third of our officers to other divisions, bringing in a bunch of new blood." What? How did Nolan know this and not me...
"Word is, my new T.O. is from Valley Bureau." Lopez was recently promoted to detective so West has been bouncing round and round. Until now apparently.
"Man, it sucks that Lopez couldn't finish your training." I liked her, she was good for Jackson.
"Yeah, but I'm psyched for her. I mean, being a detective is all she ever wanted." If only Tim would be excited about what I wanted.
"On the bright side -- even if your new T.O. is a nightmare, you've only got 25 days till you graduate." Don't remind me! I am going to miss being partners with Tim.
"You should be moving up with us. It is not fair that Grey's holding you back. That letter of reprimand was severe enough." I tell John, after all the drama with Armstrong being dirty he got wrote up and can kiss his chances at ever being more than a patrol officer goodbye.
"I screwed up. Actions have consequences. But when you graduate, you have to celebrate. No more Tim Tests? Come on."  Yeah but I still have to deal with him at home.. don't get me wrong he's a great guy... but ever since I told him I want to go undercover he's been being different... great but different.
"He's been quiet lately. Too quiet. He's planning something." I'm nervous... oh no!
"Definitely. Where's the paint?" Jackson asks.
"In the car." I point to outside.
"Uh, your cars not out there..." Jackson says. We go outside and sure enough it's gone.
"Did you lock it?" Nolan asked me.
"Sure blame the victim." I can't believe him...
"It doesn't technically lock okay!"

I call Tim, "I have an issue. Someone stole my car."
"That hunk of junk? Cut your loss and we'll go get you another car when we're off next."
"Fine, when you get in for shift well fine a report. But I think someone did you a favor."
"Did you get Lila dropped off okay?" I ask him. He let me come help Nolan and said he'd take care of Lila this morning and I was super grateful.
"Yeah, see you at work."
"Bye." I hang up and sigh.
"Whose driving me?" I ask.
John holds his keys of and nods his head towards his truck, "let's go."

We are on a call for a drunk guy who won't get out of his Uber.
"Sir, get out of the car."
"Can you please stand on the sidewalk?" Tim asks the woman who is standing over my shoulder.
"Don't hurt the car. It's my only source of income." She pleaded with us.
"What is the goal of this call, Officer Chen?" Tim asks me.
"To get the Mountain's ugly cousin out of the car." I look at him as if it's obvious.
"Wrong. It is to get him out of the car without making things worse. Now, do you think you can get him out without relying on your weapons?"  He asks. I knew it! Tim test time.
"Really? A Tim Test right now?" I ask...
"Our goal as police officers should be to de-escalate whenever possible." He ignores my comment.
"This from the guy who set me up to fight a suspect on day one?" I point out... and remember my take down that amazed Tim fondly.
"Does this mean you're not up to the challenge?" He taunts me. "As a UC you'll have tons of challenges."
"No, sir. I am game for whatever you want to throw at me." I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Great. So, here's the deal. You start with 100 points. Reach for anything on your belt, and you lose points. Baton is 10. Taser equals 15. If you take out your gun, that's 50. Leave this call with 85 points or less, and you lose and I write up a blue page on you. Getting one of those at this stage of your training would be a real problem." Now where can I earn back points?
"Can I earn points?" I raise an eyebrow at him and purse my lips.
"Absolutely. You get him calm, 5 points. He agrees to get out of the car, 10. You get him to apologize to the driver, 20 points. But if you use any of your weapons, game over -- you lose."
"Back up. I got this. Excuse me. Hi. I'm Officer Chen. What's your name?" I push past Tim to the open window across from a very large drunk man .
"I want the pretty girl. Where'd the pretty girl go?" Uh rude.. I'm pretty just ask my partner back there.
"Well, she's right out here. Why don't you come out and see her?"
"You're trying to trick me. They told me all about that in the Marines." Okay this I can play on. Psych 101 find the weak point and play on it.
"You're a Marine?"
"Two tours in country. Oorah."  He belches loudly and I grimace.
"Thank you for your service. Why don't you get on out and let the pretty girl have her car back." I smile at him and point my head in her direction.
"Don't tell me what to do." He gets up quickly and moves me for me. I reach for my tazer in fear. Dammit!
"Ooh! That's 15, Officer Chen. You're already in the loss column." He's enjoying this...
"Let's go out." I help him move a little and close the door.
"Eat a bag of d--" pretty lady says... and I cut her off.
"Not helping." I shake my head no at her.
"I'm not a bad guy." He starts to get emotional.
"Sir, look --" I go to comfort him and he flinched away.
"Back off!" He tells me.
"Okay. Okay. Look, I get it. It's been hard being home, back in your life, where nothing feels normal. But she's just trying to do her job. And I know your mother didn't teach you to disrespect women --" he cuts me off and gets angry.
"Don't talk about my mom. She died when I was over there." Grief is a bitch...
"I'm so sorry. You know she would tell you that you're better than this. You fought for freedom, and that includes this girl's freedom from you harassing her 'cause... 'cause you got drunk and lonely." I play on what his mom would want.
"You're right. I'm sorry." He tells me... time to get 20 points.
"Don't apologize to me." I gesture to the driver with my head.
"I'm sorry." He turns to her.
"Bite me." I give her my best what the hell look. "Fine. Thanks." She looked so annoyed.
"Do you live here, sir?" He nods his head yes at me. "Alright. Head on up, straight to bed. And just take it easy next time you're at the bar."
"Calm, plus leaving, plus an apology. I crushed this test." I do a little yeah! Move. And turn to the lady.
"Nice recovery." He smiles approvingly at me.
"Have a great day, ma'am." He goes to get in the shop.
"Oh! Uh, just wait one second." I pull out my missing car flier and show it to her, "Have you seen this car while you've been driving around?" I ask her hopeful. She does know where it was a little while ago and i take the directions and get Tim to head to the location.

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