9| Midnight talk

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The extended family has already left, they were pretty cool and friendly I am glad the dinner turned out okay

It was midnight and I can't fucking sleep, everything is hunting me, I remember how helpless I felt when I watched them hurt my brothers, I remember how their filthy hands felt on my body,I remember my brothers pleading and screaming for them to stop

but they didn't

They found joy and satisfaction in our misery, when we ran away we were just a bunch of kids with broken souls, we still are but we learned to accept it and we're healing

But slowly at our own pace

I don't know where we would be without The Rodriguez, they saved us

he saved me when I couldn't save myself

it took me years to learn how to trust people, or how to calm myself when I am having a panic attack or how to handle the nightmares that keep me up at night

I honestly don't remember the last time I had a good night sleep

Every time I close my eyes, memories come back, the memories that I want to forget

After waking up from yet another nightmare, I couldn't go back to sleep so I went downstairs, searching for a midnight snack

"Why aren't you asleep," a deep voice asked from behind me, without even turning I answered already knowing who the voice belongs to "what are you still doing here awake, Antonio "

I turned to face him, his eyes were flashing with amusement " I asked you first " he replied "whatever, couldn't sleep, you ?" I rolled my eyes

"Just finishing up some papers for work "he informed me and I nodded in understanding, sometimes I spend my night working on papers for my legal business

I mean it is better than dreaming about your foster parents abusing you and your brothers

oops—I think that was a bit dark


"you can sit if you want I don't mind the company " he suggested "well of course you don't mind in fact you should be honored that I graced you with my presence " I teased "cocky much" he smirked

"will you hand me the bottle of whisky" I casually asked while eyeing the bottle of Jack Daniel's on the table and the glass filled with alcohol that he has been sipping from

His head snapped toward me so quickly that I swear i heard a crack, he looked at me in disbelief probably wondering if he heard me right "stop looking at me like that, you can't just put a bottle of alcohol in front of me and expect me not to be tempted "I explained rolling my eyes, annoyed

"you aren't drinking whisky or any alcohol for that matter "

"what why Vince said that I could "I defended "yeah well when you see him ask him to give you alcohol because I am not giving my baby sister a bottle of Jack Daniel's for her to drink from while we chat " he challenged "fine" I muttered rolling my eyes frustrated, he treats me like a child for fuck sake I will be 18 in a few months, plus I have been drinking alcohol since I was 14

"so any girlfriends," I asked he looked at me raising an eyebrow, and then shook his head "of course not, I don't know who could possibly stand you for the rest of their life " I teased playfully "oh Sorella, there is a lot of ladies that would beg me to make them experience an unforgettable night with me " he smirked cockily

"eww, I asked about your love life, not your sex life, you asshole " I whisper-shouted with disgust evidence in my tone, he chuckled clearly amused than asked "what about you "

And when I tell you I choked on air, I am not kidding cause I really did. He looked confused then realization hit him "shit, god no, I didn't mean it like that, I mean what about that boy you talked about not your sex life—that better be nonexistent " he elaborated looking a bit uncomfortable

that was fun to watch

"you mean my boyfriend " I smirked "yeah yeah whatever you wanna call him, so how did you meet your boyfriend," he said, his voice hardening at the word 'boyfriend'

"his family are business partner's with Pa, we met when we were 11 at a business dinner, we hated each other but we had to tolerate one another because our families were also friends and I am best friend with his sister, our 'hatred' lasted for about two years then we started becoming friends before dating, "I told him subconsciously smiling at the memories, I still can't believe that I experienced that enemies to lovers bullshit

"I still don't like him "

"trust me when my brothers learned about it and father, they fucking went crazy it took them a lot to accept it, they still threaten him every time they see him putting his hands on me but they know he is good for me," I said

he looked at me still hesitant but before he could say anything, my gaze dropped to the paper that he is working on, I analyzed it before noticing something "how haven't you realized this before " I voiced my thoughts "what " Antonio asked confused, I pointed to the paper "look, they are giving you a bad and cheap quality of gas, the one that is used quickly so you would have to buy more, they are literally stealing and playing you " I explained

"shit, how did I not see this before," he said his voice filled with anger, his jaw clenched and his fist turned white  "thank you Sorella, I will take care of it tomorrow, that bastard will regret messing with me " he thanked me, kissing my temple softly "oh I don't doubt it "I smirked

"We should go to sleep now, do you want to sleep in my room " he suggested, looking at me hopefully, I hesitantly nodded, I need to sleep and I can't do it alone in my room and don't want to bother my twins either

what the worst that could happen right?

When we reached his room I wasn't surprised by the interior design it was Antonio's style, his room was big and dark, he has large windows that let you admire New York's beauty, don't get me started on his bed it was a king-sized bed and it looked so comfy, I immediately jumped on it making a deep-throated chuckle to erupt from his mouth

We got under the blankets and just like I had predicted the bed is so cozy and soft, Antonio wrapped his hands about my waist protectively and I feel a warm feeling that I get are around my brothers, I feel safe in his arms, I put my head on his hard chest while he played with my hair, Antonio softly kissed my temple "Goodnight Sorella" he said "Goodnight Antonio " I whispered

Black dots start to invade my vision but before sleep consume me I heard him muttered "I am glad your back Farfalla, I love more than I could ever express " with that I welcomed the darkness with open arms

I could get used to this, maybe they aren't bad after all, maybe I could try

Antonio and Astraea bonding time!

Astraea is the main character in this book, so I will only put in detail how she bonds with her new family, I won't go into details about Ares and Atlas

but if you want some chapters about them or about them bonding with someone specific, just ask and I will gladly do it

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