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"My babies your home"Ma yelled while embracing us, she smelled like cookies—she probably spent the whole morning in the kitchen making us food , god i love that woman. "my princessa , and my youngest boys come here" Pa said gesturing us to come and hug him so we did, god how i missed his hugs, Atlas and Ares pulled out while i stayed a while longer, her hugged me tighter as buried my head in his chest, smelling the intoxicating scent of cigar and whisky "my baby girl is finally back home" he murmured than kissed my head not wanting to let go, but eventually he had to when Zeke approached me smiling, he opened his arm for me and i didn't waste a second before jumping in his hold "I missed you, baby sis" he said placing a soft kiss on my nose "i missed you more, angry bear" i smiled fondly at him, he rolled his eyes at the nickname that i have been giving him since we were kids—i mean can you blame me, it fits him perfectly. The kid has got some serious anger issues but at the same time he is a big soft teddy bear

As soon as I pulled out of his embrace, two heavy bodies jumped on me "our favorite sibling is here" Elias and Mattias yelled in unison, each kissing a side of my cheeks while Ma was snapping pictures of us and the others were laughing "I know I am amazing and I obviously am the favorite but will you get off of me for fuck sake I can't breathe "I expressed trying to push them off but they just ignored me "get off of her, now" a voice ordered sternly, I looked up and found my eldest brother, Alejandro, glaring harshly at the two boys on top of me who gulped and immediately got off of me

I smiled widely at the sight of him and instantly ran to him pulling him in a hug, he chuckled, a sound only a handful of people had the pleasure of hearing " te extrañé, mi pequeña diosa " he muttered holding me protectively in his arms(i missed you, my little goddess) "yo también te extraño, grandullón " I whispered kissing his cheek making him grin (i miss you too, big guy)

"well we obviously know who is the favorite sibling " Atlas teased, I smirked at my brothers "ok kids, enough of that let go eat and then discuss a few things" Pa announced, we all made our way to the diner room, where a hundred of different choice of food were present on the table. God, I am grateful for this food

we all sat down at the table and prayed before starting to devour the delicious food. And yes we do pray even though we are in the mafia and will probably go to hell, Ma insists on praying and thanking God for everything he gave us . "so y'all didn't go to the bastard funeral right " Pa asked, his voice hardened at the mention of our foster father "of course not, why would we got to the fucker's funeral, I hope he burns in hell" I replied, my mouth full of food "don't talk while eating " Ma scolded me, I apologized sheepishly "there is still the bitch's trial, but Vince is trying to get us out of the situation, when told him we don't feel comfortable going " Ares added "that's good, I will also try to do something, I really don't want you to go there " Alejandro spoke and Pa nodded in agreement

After eating, we all went to the living room to chat and catch up, I have noticed that my brothers and parents were acting weird and a bit distant "ok enough, what is going on" I asked looking at them expecting an answer when no one replied "she is right, why are you being so awkward " Atlas agreed with me while Ares was trying to study them. All of their gazes found the ground, and the stubborn selves that my twins and I are didn't let go of the subject, we needed to know what was going on. After a few minutes of silence passed while we were waiting for them impatiently, Matias sighed "we are just scared "

"terrified " Elias corrected him, Ares, Atlas, and I still looked at them confused waiting for them to elaborate "well now that you found your biological family, we are scared that you will forget us" Ezekiel explained, his eyes held pain and helplessness, the same goes for my other brothers and I didn't miss the hint of jealousy in them either. My parents, my sweet loving parents, looked so broken, so powerless, probably thinking that their youngest children were leaving them or replacing them.

It broke me seeing my family like this

I got up and hugged my parents, Ares and Atlas soon joining "Ma, Pa listens to me very carefully, you two may not be our blood but you are still our parents and nothing can ever change that, not even the fact that we are back with our biological family. You two raised us and made us into the person we are today, you were there for us when no one was, you took us in, loved, and cared for us like parents would for their children "I started, i single tear falling out of my eyes, I licked the saltiness as soon as it reached my lips, not being able to forme more words, Ares continued

"you saw us grow up, you held us when we cried, you supported us no matter what, you loved us with your whole heart, Ma you taught the boys and me how to respect and treat women, you taught us how to cook because it is apparently a necessary skill and you taught Astraea how to wear a crown and never let anyone walk all over her or disrespect her, you taught her how to make people love, fear and respect her at the same time. Pa you taught us how to love just like how you love mom, you told us how to never give up, you taught us that family always come first" By the end of Ares speech, all of us were crying even Pa, Andro and Zeke

"And most importantly you both taught us that family isn't always defined by blood. We love you so fucking much, blood or not you are our family, our first family, the first place we felt safe, we could never thank you enough for what you have done for us, we own you everything, we would have never been the same person that we are now if you haven't raised us, don't ever assume that we would treat you any less than a mom and a dad just because we found our biological parents, you were there when they weren't " Atlas spoke his voice filled with emotion, the playfully Atlas now was gone

I then turned to my brothers "and you guys, are y'all fucking serious, you will always be my big brothers no matter what, you were there for me when I needed a brother, you loved me at my darkest and you never ran when you saw our ugly sides, you never gave up on us, you stayed. When I used to have nightmares, Alejandro would sleep next to me all night singing me the lullaby, when my anger got out of control Ezekiel would take me to a shooting range or a fighting club, when I want to rant about my bad days Matias would always be the one to listen and then cheer me up, when I want to discuss books I would go to Elias because he is the only other person I know that enjoy reading. And even though I can do it myself you always beat up the creepy guys that grab my ass or try to hit on me, I also remember when I was 10 and I had this huge crush on this boy in my class and when he broke my heart you all threatened him the next day. you want me to be honest, then I will be: I wouldn't be here if it weren't for all of you, you all were the ones that held me back from ending my own life, never question my love for you because you are my bigs brothers, my protectors, my saviors and you all have a special spot in my heart that can't be replaced by anyone else" I finished wiping the multiple tears that have now escaped my eyes

they immediately hugged me, getting rid of their own pool of tears "you are our little sister, our keeper, our hope" Alejandro whispered, I never hear his voice so much vulnerable "besides who would I take advice from when I want to hit on a girl, " Ares said trying t light up the mood witch he succeeded "and who would tease me about my random hookup or help us beat Nic when he does something stupid that makes Raea sad " Atlas started, smiling "and who would annoy you all day "he quickly added, making us all burst out laughing

"no but seriously, even though someday we might learn how to treat the Regio's like a real family, you are irreplaceable and unforgettable, we belong here with all of you"


this chapter was emotional!

I love their bond!

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