Chapter 12: White Dragon

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When my initial shock of Rose's betrayal wore off and the numbness I felt subsided a little, I remembered everything that happened at the ball. I sat on the floor of my chambers, hugging my knees and leaning my back against the foot of my bed, replaying King Theon's announcement in my mind. 

He planned to marry me.  

I was raised underneath this castle for that purpose. To become the wife of that old tyrant who locked my pregnant mother in a small prison cell and spied on us all these years through Rose; who had his wife killed in front of his own children for educating those who lacked education; who seemed to know much more about me than I did about myself. 

My Gods, he knew about my mother's escape. Sending Sir Edgar away from Poseidon didn't matter now. If only Rose hadn't --

I felt tears prickle my eyes once again. How could she? I sniffled and wiped off a single tear that ran down my cheek. I've been crying ever since the guards left me alone in my chambers. The quiet shuffling of feet by my door told me that they were standing outside -- keeping me in here. 

I wished I could fight them off. Escape this castle and never step foot in it again. I wished I had the strength to do it. But I barely had any strength to even stand on my own two feet right now. My legs were too weak. I was too weak. I hated it.

I angrily wiped my eyes on the skirt of my ball gown. I didn't care if it got ruined. It could get ripped and soiled by mud for all I cared. 

Pushing off the floor with two hands, I tried to stand up, but a commotion outside my door made me lose my balance, and I dropped back down on the carpet. I heard a loud yelp and clashing of metal, and then -- silence. Something was wrong.

I quietly crawled behind my bed. The moment I laid myself flat on the floor and rolled underneath it to hide, someone kicked open the door and I heard heavy footsteps. Several of them.

"Where is she?" a deep voice asked. 

"I don't see anyone. Lady Ursula, are you certain she was brought here?" another unfamiliar voice said.

"I saw her being thrown inside this very room with my own two eyes. I'm certain. Search the room. She must be hiding somewhere," Lady Ursula ordered.

I tried to make myself small and hoped to Gods that they wouldn't look under the bed. Please don't look under the bed.

First they opened a door that lead to the bathing room. The familiar creaking sound couldn't be mistaken for anything else. "Not here."

Then I heard every closet door open and close. "Not here either."

After that, I heard the transparent glass door of my balcony being opened.

A loud sigh. "You imbeciles. Can't you see through the glass? There's no one there. You still haven't even searched the most obvious place." 

"Apologies m --"

"Forget it. We're not paying you for your brains after all."

My eyes locked with Lady Maria's when she bent down to look under the bed. The satisfied curl of her lips made my skin crawl. They found me. "Here you are! Why don't you come out now, hm?" I shook my head no and crawled away from her, to the opposite side. "Have it your way then."

I screamed when two large hands got a hold of my arms and dragged me out from the other side. A large man in clothing as dark as the night outside put one of his hands over my mouth to muffle my screams of protest. I bit it but it was of no use. His hands were covered by thick gloves. 

"Though understandable, your resistance is useless, child." Lady Ursula approached me. "You are only wasting your energy."

I glared at her.

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