Chapter 21: The Gods

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We all sat on the rocky beach, basking in the sun's warm light. Everyone was too spent to move their limbs. Even the troops, the ones who'd survived, from King Theon's royal army sat beside us with their swords struck in between rocks to mark the end of our battle with Typhon and his monsters.

After a long goodbye and a promise to visit soon, Liana had left with Vunos to join her prince in Kingdom Gora. She wished to share the good news with her people.

Mother was leaning her head against my shoulder, watching the sea with me as its waves calmly washed over the rocks on the beach. She had a peaceful smile on her face. That smile faltered when her eyes caught movement in the water, as did mine. 

It looked as if a person -- a very tall man was emerging from the sea. His head emerged first, followed by very broad shoulders. Dolphins splashed with joy behind him, bowing their heads. I saw a group of orcas mimic the same action. Even some seals swam close to the beach to offer their respects to him, not fearing their nearby predators.

"Who is that?" Athena asked beside me curiously. "And why is Pegasus galloping toward him?"

"What? Where?" Medusa said, craning her neck to see.

The sea man walked out of the water and onto the beach, greeting an overjoyed Pegasus who's been waiting for him excitedly, flapping his feathery wings. Then the two of them started walking in our direction. 

Medusa's mouth hung open in disbelief. She blinked and rubbed her eyes, then blinked some more, widening them when the tall man and Pegasus stood before us. "It can't be," she whispered, slowly rising to her feet.

Pegasus whinnied joyfully and wrapped one wing around Medusa's shoulders and another one around the unfamiliar man's broad ones, bringing them closer.  

"Hello, my love," the blue eyed man said in a deep voice. "I've returned."

Medusa shook her head and held her hand up. "Explain yourself, Poseidon. Where were you all these years? And you'll do well to answer me honestly. I see through all your lies."

I widened my eyes and met Athena's equally shocked expression. 'Poseidon?' she mouthed in bewilderment. I nodded. That's what I heard as well. 

"In the sea," Poseidon said simply, but continued when Medusa put one hand on her hip, waiting for him to elaborate further. He sighed, looking away in guilt. "Typhon wanted the island for himself and I let him have it. I couldn't step foot in it without his permission. Even gave up my trident as a token of my promise. It was when I was..." He glanced at Medusa before proceeding to speak. "When I was mourning the loss of Asterin... I wasn't myself back then. I couldn't make fair judgements. Once I came to my senses, I had tried to return to you...but Typhon sensed me as soon as I did."

Pegasus let his wings drop to his sides. He walked away with a shake of his head.

Medusa's green eyes started to glow and the snakes on her head began to rise dangerously. "Are you telling me that we all--" she motioned to us "--nearly died today because of your promise to that monster? Over that human's death? And you didn't even lift a finger to help us when he started wrecking havoc on the island? Were you perhaps afraid of him?" she said lowly, poisonous venom hiding behind her calmness, rising to the surface. 

"Oh this will not end well," mother said, rising to her feet. "I should pull her away."

Just then a bolt of lighting struck the rocks beside Poseidon and a man in a white and gold tunic appeared. I recognized his white hair and beard as soon as I laid my eyes on him. 


He put one hand on Medusa's shoulder and she instantly calmed down, her snakes no longer angry and her eyes no longer glowing with rage. 

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