Chapter 3: King Theon

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"How is your mother? Still alive?" The king chuckled. I clenched my jaw in anger, keeping my face down, but did not respond to him. "What, are you mute or something? Answer your king!"

You are not my king, I wanted to say. I couldn't. I didn't want to get my mother in trouble. Instead, I took a deep breath to keep myself from snapping at the king and responded. "I am not mute, Your Majesty. My mother is well, thank you."

I bowed for added effect. Let him think that I was a submissive little girl. Inside, I was raging. I hated King Theon with all my heart. I realized just how deeply my hatred ran as soon as he spoke. Even the sound of his voice made my blood boil. I wanted very badly to look him in the eye and to see the man responsible for my mother's misery but then reminded myself of my promise to her. 

"That's a shame. Can't believe she survived this long," he said, sounding impressed. My anger flared up. "Maybe I should stop feeding her. See what happens."

I wanted to lunge at him. I thanked the Gods for my self-control at that moment. Bastard.

"No matter," he continued. "That's not what I wanted to discuss with you. As much as I enjoy seeing you squirm, I will get to the point." He cleared his throat. "Your mother may have committed treason, but you are innocent...for the most part."

Treason? I almost looked up at that. Almost. What did my mother do?

"I'm clearing out the dungeons. Most of the prisoners have died already. The rest of them can be hung" — my breath hitched at that — "except for your mother, of course. I will not make it that easy for her. As for you," he paused, "I need more servants. You will do anything that is required around the castle. I am hosting a ball next week and everything has to be prepared for it. I've been feeding you for too long. It is time that you earned your meals."

Then I heard him laugh loudly, making me shiver in disgust. "As stupid as she is, my daughter has good ideas from time to time. Here I was, sharing my people's food with prisoners who have done nothing to earn it. When I told Athena about you -- the dungeon child -- she suggested that I make you work in my castle. Very clever, no?"

I didn't answer, and I didn't have to, because at that moment I heard another set of double doors open.

"Ah, Athena! I was just talking about you," King Theon cooed. "Come here, dearest."

I heard Princess Athena's footsteps approach us. "Is this her?" I felt a finger poke the side of my head.

"Yes, this is the dungeon girl."

"Oh my!" I saw her feet in front of me, walking around me. "Can you speak?"

"Yes, I can speak," I gritted my teeth. Did she think I was an imbecile?

"I see that you haven't been taught proper etiquette," I heard the princess say.

"Your Highness," I added begrudgingly. She gasped and clapped in excitement.


"That's enough, Athena. You can play with her later," King Theon said in his raspy voice. "Alexios." From the corner of my vision, I saw the guard beside me bow lowly. It was a little too exaggerated, almost mocking. I found that odd considering he was in the presence of his own king. "Take her to the kitchens. Let someone train her. You may leave."

"Yes, Alexios, do as your king tells you." Princess Athena giggled. Alexios grunted in response. We exited the throne room after I quickly bowed to the king and the princess. I couldn't wait to leave the room.

Once the double doors closed behind us, I exhaled in relief and leaned against one of the walls in the hallway. "That bastard," I muttered.

Alexios stood beside me, waiting for me to finish cursing out his king. Then he tapped my shoulder, surprisingly gently. "I have to take you to the kitchens."

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