Chapter 17

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Viola was walking down the main street. She had been unsuccessful in getting any job. Her last job as a marine plants' researcher did not match very well in Bellfield, a landlocked country. She walked past a few more high-rise buildings and suddenly, her eyes were drawn to a small florist across the street.

A florist! Maybe I can try that! Viola quickly ran to the nearest crossing. As she was about to cross the street, a strong hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her into an embrace.

"Viola." The man murmured in low voice.

Viola recognized the voice immediately. She pushed the man away and a look of disbelief spread across her face. "Walter..."

Suddenly, three men appeared out of nowhere. The man in black suits grabbed Walter by the arms and pushed him down to the ground. "Are you alright, Madam?"

"Let him go!" Viola rushed to save Walter. Three more men came forward to stop Viola from moving forward. "Who... are you people?"

"I hired them." A voice came from behind her.

Viola turned back to see Leon walking towards her.


Leon gave a wave to the guards, asking them to release Walter. Walter pushed the guards away and stood on his feet, his eyes full of anger. "So, it's true... you are now married..." Viola could not avert her eyes from Walter. She still could not believe he was standing in front of her. Her whole body was shaking.

Leon put his arm around her and confronted Walter. "Are you looking for my wife?"

Walter gave out a cold laugh. "I was... but not anymore." He gave Viola a bitter look before turning his back and walked away.

"Wait! Walter... Walter!" Viola tried to separate herself from Leon to go after Walter but Leon did not let go.

"Let me go! Walter is... Walter is leaving!" Viola's teary eyes were begging to Leon.

"This is public space. Behave yourself." He looked away to avoid Viola's begging eyes.


"Think of your position now as my wife." Leon said in cold voice.


"You are coming with me." Leon cut her short and dragged her with him to the building in front of them. Before entering, he gave Tom a signal to ask the guards to follow Walter.

"Where... where are you taking me?" Viola asked. Leon ignored her.

They were now inside the building. Viola looked around. It looked like an entrance to a luxurious hotel. There were a round reception desk stationed in the center and lounge seats on both sides next to the large glass windows. People gave them a light nod as they walked past the reception desk. They continued to walk further down and finally stopped in front of an elevator. When the elevator came, Leon punched the only floor button and stood quietly facing the door. Viola immediately knew they were now inside one of the most powerful buildings in Bellfield city, the Uni Infinitus office. She tried to pull her hand out from Leon's grip but Leon was not letting her hand go − instead, he held it tighter.


The elevator door opened and they walked out. Leon's secretary stood up to greet him. She was surprised to see he had brought a guest with him.

"Don't let anyone in unless I say so." Leon told the confused secretary and closed the door of his private room. The secretary nodded blankly. She had never seen her boss bringing a woman to his office. The Leonard Oliver she knew, separated his personal and professional life completely aside for the Chairman's unpredictable visits.

"Sit." Leon led Viola to the sofa. Viola sat down obediently. Leon went to pour a glass of water and gave it to Viola. He took a seat beside her. The room was silent for a while. Leon looked down to where Viola's bruises used to be on her legs and touched them. Viola spat out water in shock and coughed to clear the choking. Leon's face and suit were slightly dampened by the spat-out water. He used his hand to wipe his face.

"I... I'm sorry!" Viola frantically looked for a handkerchief in her bag. She found one and gave it to Leon. "Please use this!"

Leon pushed it back to Viola. "Wipe it." Leon ordered as he gazed into her eyes.

"Wha... what?" Viola was nervous.

Leon did not look away. His eyes were still fixed on Viola's. Viola's heart beat faster.

"O... okay."

Viola moved closer and began wiping his face.

"Are your legs still hurting?" Leon asked. Viola stopped her hand. She shook her head.

"They are completely healed now." Viola began to dab his suit with her handkerchief.

"It's okay." Leon caught her hand. He then removed his suit and threw it aside.

Suddenly, he felt a pull on his sleeve.

"Just now, why did you stop me? Who were those people?" Viola asked.

Leon scratched his eyebrow. He leaned forward to Viola.

"They were bodyguards I hired to protect you." Leon explained plainly.

Viola was dumbfounded. "Bodyguards? Why?" Her large green eyes were now staring at Leon.

Leon looked away.

"I'll look for Walter. When I find him, I'll let you meet."

Viola knitted her eyebrows "You are not answering my questions."

"Let's talk later." Leon replied. He rested his head on Viola's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"What... wait, what are you..." Viola noticed Leon's slow breathing.

He is asleep??? How can he just sleep in a situation like this??

Viola glanced at Leon's face. He looked tired and he was sleeping so peacefully now Viola did not have the heart to wake him up. Viola took off her winter coat carefully and covered Leon with it. She leaned back her head and closed her eyes. A lot had happened today, she thought. She could never forget how Walter looked at her before he left, angry and betrayed. Did I misunderstand him? What actually happened to Walter? Where was he all this time? Viola's mind was tired. She kept thinking about them until she drifted into sleep.

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