Chapter 22

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The room fell silent for a moment.

"What did you..." Viola was puzzled. She soon realized what Leon meant.

"Do you... think I choose to work there because I want to meet Walter?"

Leon did not reply.

"I can tell you I did not..." Her voice trailed off.

Leon noticed Viola's trembling hands. Her face looked hurt. Seeing that, Leon felt a sharp pang of guilt. He did not know what to say. He just wanted to hold her.

He saw the flowers on the side table.

"You... like the Pale Bloom?" Leon asked, trying to change the subject.

"Pale Bloom?" Viola looked at Leon, confused.

Leon pointed to the vase brought by Aria.

"It's Winter Luna." Viola corrected.

"But it was written..." Leon stopped abruptly.

Viola's eyes widened.

Leon scratched his eyebrow. "It was specified as Pale Bloom when I saw it this morning. The florist must have mixed up the tags."

"It's from YOU?!" Viola could not imagine Leon buying her flowers.

"Do you think my assistant would brazenly send his boss' wife flowers?"

"...umm... well... no..." Viola's cheek flushed.

"So you like it?" Leon asked again. Viola shyly nodded and mumbled. "Thank you..."

"Why are you giving me flowers? It's not even my birthday." Viola inquired. Leon did not answer. His mind went back to this morning.


Leon was sitting absentmindedly in his office. He turned his chair facing the big window. Looking down, he could see cars passing by and people walking and running on the sidewalk below him. His eyes caught a figure who moved in an out from a shop from the building across him. The person looked like he was carrying potted plants. An idea crossed his mind. He dialed his assistant's desk number and told him he was going out for a walk.

"May I help you, Sir?" Rana asked. Leon was standing in front of her shop, staring seriously at the sea of flowers in front of him.

"We are not opened yet, but I can take your order now and send it to you later, Mr. Oliver." She winked at him.

"I... don't know much about flowers." Leon admitted.

"Leave that to us. That's what we are for." Rana reached into her apron pocket, trying to find a paper to write on. "Who are you giving this too? On what occasion if I may ask?"

"It's for... my wife." Leon answered.

"I see." Rana smiled. "Do you know her favorite flowers?"

Leon shook his head. "I'll take this one." Leon pointed at a metal pot with white flowers. The petals were half opened as if they were shy of the daylight.

"Good choice, Sir. It's only available today. I'm sure your wife will like it." Rana took notes.

How the florist could assume Viola would like the flower he chose, Leon had no idea. His eyes were still on the flowers, or more precisely, on the tag that was hammered to the metal pot.

[Pale Bloom]

A small note, written in a playful handwriting, was added below the name.

[Perfect choice to say "I'm sorry"!]

Leon paid for the flowers and went back to his office after making arrangement with the delivery.

Rana watched Leon left her shop, amused. "Who knew the cold Leonard Oliver has a romantic side in him?"

Back in the present, Viola was admiring the flowers. Winter Luna. A flower that only bloomed on a full moon night during winter. Due to its extremely short blooming period, many fans had taken the time to enjoy watching the flower opening its petals for a night before it withered away the next day. Its mysterious nature had gained popularity among couples. "It means 'You are the only one I see'". Rana had told Viola with a warm smile this morning. Viola blushed again.

"Achoo!" She sneezed. The night was getting colder and the heater did not help much.

Viola picked up the vase like a baby, ready to leave the room. "It's late. Umm... good night."

Leon grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him.

"Hold on! The flowers...!" The Winter Luna was almost crushed between them.

Leon removed the vase from her hands and returned it back to the table behind her.

Viola was locked inside Leon's arms. "What are you doing?"

"You looked like you are freezing." Leon made up an excuse to hold her.

"I'm not."

"You are."

"Whatever." Viola gave up and let Leon hugged her. She could use his body heat to warm herself, she thought.

"I'm sorry..." Leon spoke softly, his lips touching her forehead.

"Wha... Why are you apologizing suddenly?" Viola could feel her forehead tingling.

"Sorry for hurting you with my words, today... and the day before..."

Viola turned her face to Leon. She could tell his apology was sincere.

Viola put her arms around Leon's back and leaned her head on his chest. "Thank you."


"I've never told you and your father properly, but.... thank you. Thank you for what you've done for my family." Viola looked down. She was too embarrassed to face Leon now.

Leon smiled tenderly and hugged her tighter.

"Achoo!" Viola sneezed again. "Oh... I'm sorry." She rubbed her nose.

Leon sighed. He released Viola from his embrace and pulled her into the dressing room.

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